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Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:02 pm
by Cody
Diziet Sma wrote:
As Cody would be the first to tell you, an Iron-assed Adder is actually a sweet little combat ship, particularly for close-quarters dogfighting.. (the only worthwhile kind of combat, IMO) .
<nods> Yes... and yes!

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 4:01 pm
by mossfoot
spara wrote:
I've actually flown Adder more than Cobra3 and it's a fine ship for dogfighting once you've got it geared up. It's very agile and it's small size makes is a hard target. I remember flying without injectors from witchspace buyo to the main station while being chased by a pirate. Made it through alive just by dodging.
I'm guessing using an ECM just isn't an option since it cuts your single energy bar in half? ;)

It is nimble, for sure, but slow. Still, if you have fuel and an injector, I can see how you'd make good use of it. But damn you'd have to be confident of your skills.

Oh, I love how well my Thrustmaster joystick/throttle set works with this game. Mapped all the keys just the way I like. and the yaw lever on the throttle was just made for rolling. Sweeeet.

Oh, got in a bit of a scrap with the Adder and saw my energy go down even though my shields were up (did not use ECM), and it took forever to recharge (didn't move an inch for over a minute!). Just wondering if it's just a hint that my ship needs a tune up, or it it some weapon effect I'm not aware of.

Also, is your fuel injected speed based on your base speed? Because the a-hole that attacked me got away before I could take him down, despite fuel injection.

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:15 am
by The Griffin GT
mossfoot wrote:
Oh, got in a bit of a scrap with the Adder and saw my energy go down even though my shields were up (did not use ECM)
Using your lasers drains energy, probably more noticeable on an Adder :)
mossfoot wrote:
it took forever to recharge (didn't move an inch for over a minute!).
The energy recharge rate on an Adder is poor, Extra energy and Naval energy units are your friend (they boost the recharge rate).
mossfoot wrote:
Also, is your fuel injected speed based on your base speed? Because the a-hole that attacked me got away before I could take him down, despite fuel injection.
It is indeed :)

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:31 am
by mossfoot
The Griffin GT wrote:
mossfoot wrote:
it took forever to recharge (didn't move an inch for over a minute!).
The energy recharge rate on an Adder is poor, Extra energy and Naval energy units are your friend (they boost the recharge rate).
But as soon as I stopped combat shouldn't it have started recharging? I'm not kidding when I said it took a minute before it started recharging. Does hyperspace use energy? Burning fuel?

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:57 am
by demon59
Could be your shields have to recharge fully before you have any extra to go to the energy bars...or bar, in your case?
Haven't been playing long myself, and until I can scrounge up a joystick, I'm avoiding combat, whenever possible. :)

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:09 am
by mossfoot
I can highly recommend a Thrustmaster type joystick with throttle if you can get it. Love mine to death. Like it was made for Oolite!

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:12 am
by Diziet Sma
mossfoot wrote:
Does hyperspace use energy? Burning fuel?
Hyperspace only uses fuel, not energy.
demon59 wrote:
Could be your shields have to recharge fully before you have any extra to go to the energy bars...or bar, in your case?
Correct.. the energy banks won't begin charging until your shields are back at full strength.. it's all about priorities.

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:48 pm
by mossfoot
Diziet Sma wrote:
Hyperspace only uses fuel, not energy.
Sorry I meant the Torrus Drive within system ;)
demon59 wrote:
Could be your shields have to recharge fully before you have any extra to go to the energy bars...or bar, in your case?
Correct.. the energy banks won't begin charging until your shields are back at full strength.. it's all about priorities.
Ahhh, that's probably it. Thanks!

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:39 am
by Diziet Sma
mossfoot wrote:
Diziet Sma wrote:
Hyperspace only uses fuel, not energy.
Sorry I meant the Torrus Drive within system ;)
So far as I recall, the Torus Drive doesn't use energy either.

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:51 am
by mossfoot
Yeah, I was just being clear on what I meant in the first place. It was probably the shield recharge that was the primary factor :)

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:54 am
by mossfoot
I have to admit, nothing increases survival quite like an auto-eject system. I may have bailed from a firefight I might have otherwise won, but it's a small price to pay to avoid death in an Adder.

Got a military laser, but with the drain on that sucker (even with an extra energy cell) makes me think I'm better off with pulse and avoiding combat instead (I mean, that and an ECM and you might as well just eject straight away ;) )

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:50 am
by mossfoot
The only thing harder than a hardcore game start? A hardcore game start where you go back to keyboard after getting used to a perfectly set up Thrustmaster throttle/joystick arrangment.

Thought I was doing okay. Asteroids to get fuel and food. Fly to corporate industrial. Shoot more asteroids. Get ready to trade. Wait patiently for docking instructions...

...accidentally shoot the space station instead of throttling down...

As I recall I did that a fair bit in the C64 version, too. Who puts the pew-pew-pew next to the brakes? That's just asking for trouble!

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 11:14 am
by Diziet Sma
mossfoot wrote:
Who puts the pew-pew-pew next to the brakes? That's just asking for trouble!
I've asked the same question myself.. :lol:

(There is, of course, always the Weapons Lockdown toggle - the underscore key.. getting into the habit of using it can be a lifesaver. Naturally, I never take my own advice.. :mrgreen: )

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:02 pm
by The Griffin GT
I have done exactly the same, and thought the same thing too :)
Now I pretty much always have my weapons offline and only turn them on if theres trouble, which I suppose is quite often really as I usually go looking for it ;) and in that situation it doesn't matter so much. Turning the weapons off when nearing the station has just become habit for me now though.

I thought about binding fire to space but didn't know if or how I could do it at the time, don't need to now though.
The only changes I do make to my key bindings are changing dump cargo to D rather than d (which is now standard in 1.79) and I've mapped injectors to q which I find makes it easier when dog fighting as I don't have to look down to find the i on the keyboard (I'm using a mouse at the mo, so only have my left hand on the keyboard).

Time for me to stop procrastinating and get on with some work.

Re: Adder start: No kidding it's hard!

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:36 pm
by StathisR
Diziet Sma wrote:
....Naturally, I never take my own advice.. :mrgreen: )

I would have avoided alot of trouble if i had taken my own advices :oops: