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Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 1:30 am
by Diziet Sma
milinks wrote:
I'm also putting together a How-to for the Pandora Oolite, and wish to incorporate things on from the wiki, and also the oolite boards, should I ask for permission for individual works, as I don't want to annoy anyone with any plagiarism , obviously I was respect the respective owners works etc.
If it's on the Wiki, it's fair game.. as for info posted on the boards, I wouldn't expect any problems.. we all love having our work promoted, as well as anything that creates new addicts.. err, I mean, new fans of Oolite..

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 12:56 pm
by another_commander
@milinks: I would recommend that whoever is involved with the port to the Open Pandora take a look at the development version (currently 1.79) as well. The reason is that we are close to a new release of Oolite, which is leaps and bounds ahead from 1.77.1 and uses new libraries like OpenAL for sound etc. It would be good to have a port of the new version ready to go once we officially launch.The latest development code is available from github from this link:

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 1:28 pm
by Diziet Sma
another_commander wrote:
The reason is that we are close to a new release of Oolite, which is leaps and bounds ahead from 1.77.1 and uses new libraries like OpenAL for sound etc.
Does this mean the plan is to leap right past 1.80?

And how close is "close"?

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 1:56 pm
by another_commander
Diziet Sma wrote:
Does this mean the plan is to leap right past 1.80?
The plan is that next release will be tagged as 1.80.
And how close is "close"?
About this much exactly. :-P

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 2:07 pm
by Diziet Sma
another_commander wrote:
Diziet Sma wrote:
Does this mean the plan is to leap right past 1.80?
The plan is that next release will be tagged as 1.80.
Sorry.. I had a brain-fart.. I meant 1.78, of course. Will that see the light of day, or be skipped?

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 2:19 pm
by another_commander
Diziet Sma wrote:
Sorry.. I had a brain-fart.. I meant 1.78, of course. Will that see the light of day, or be skipped?
Well, with the 1.78 codebase being just minor bug fixes to 1.77.1 at the moment, and with 1.79 already out in the wild in the form of nightly builds and with development heavily concentrated on it, I think nobody will really care if we just skip the 1.78 version number.

If there are more questions about versions and upcoming releases, I would suggest starting a new topic in Discussion, so that we keep this Pandora port thread clean from external noise.

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 4:39 pm
by Cody
another_commander wrote:
I think nobody will really care if we just skip the 1.78 version number.
<sheds a solitary tear for 1.78>

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:09 pm
by Commander McLane
Cody wrote:
<sheds a solitary tear for 1.78>
<adds another tear for 1.66, just for completeness' sake> :wink:

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 12:55 pm
by Digital86
I understood everything, thanks.

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:23 pm
by milinks
There are a growing number of oolite enthusiasts due to the recent port to the Pandora, and hopefully there will be a few new members to this amazing forum :) I made a write-up / review of oolite, call it what you will, for the Pandora which you can find HERE

I thought I would put the review here for your general information, I would REALLY appreciate it if you could / would give your honest critique, so that new users to oolite could read this and be able to have an idea as to the good, bad and the ugly! I'm asking for severe critisicm so that i can make it as good as possible and give readers the best possible information. I've not been around the oolite community for about 6 years (which says i'm still enthusiastic after all this time). I want to be able to pass on the most conscise and relevant info to the Pandora community, so please, feel free to rip this pdf apart, give me the wrongs, the rights, and anything that can be mentioned, as i can give Pandora users the best info and opinions available (heres me hiding behind the walls of critisicm, but wanting to use this pdf to promote ALL you guys have done for oolite), so please read this and let me know what you think, I'm a mushroom fed on **** and want to be enlightened :)
many thanks :)
(thanQ to Dizzi - Diziet Sma - for their help and advice in making the Pandora port of oolite more real) - If there is anything ANYONE feels should be mentioned please tell me, i will gladly add, or retract anything to make this document beneficial , thanks for all the help you guys have gien already :)

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:48 pm
by Norby
milinks wrote:
I made a write-up / review of oolite, call it what you will, for the Pandora which you can find HERE
Very nice work! Contain detailed reviews of many OXPs, especially from a player's viewpoint. It is an interesting and useful document not only for Pandora users but all players, worth to link into the wiki when you think it is ready.

My notes:
-Oolite is the common name and not oOlite.
- There are many pictures in low resolution, I think worth to use better ones even if the size of the pdf will be more times larger.
- An additional html or other version with sharp images can be good also.
- The simple Towbar is not expensive, only the additions.
- The first pic in the has too much height imho.

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:55 pm
by milinks
The Pandora port has been updated to the v1.79 yesterday after the freeze, and it is an amazing upgrade, many thanks to all who have made it as brilliant as it is. Just currently trying to iron out a few graphical issues amongst others. One question i would like to ask is with regards to the flight screen with the information window
Is this part of an upgradable equipment, as running oolite without oxps as a new pilot doesnt show it, so was just wondering if it was an OXp thing or an oolite upgrade etc. Also, as its not currently showing on the Pandora, trying to figure out what issue could be causing this... many thanks

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:06 pm
by cim
That's an OXP (I can't remember which one, though).

The panels are used in the core game too, but only in the tutorial.

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:16 pm
by milinks
Brilliant! thankyou cim :)

Re: Open Pandora Oolite

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:36 pm
by Diziet Sma
IIRC, that's from the Gallery OXP/Z.