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Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:24 am
by JazHaz
Cody wrote:
<chortles> My gnashers are going fast, but I've still got a full head of hair - I'm a lean, mean, fighting machine!
Lucky! My teeth are on the way out too, but my hair (what hair?) disappeared a long time ago, 27 years ago (in my teens). Now my beard is slowly going grey.

The grumpiness is the worst thing. I used to be so laid back, but recently got snappy. I dunno what's going on!

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:30 am
by Smivs
JazHaz wrote:
I dunno what's going on!
I think most people go through this - it's a lifetime of being annoyed by other people I think. Eventually you've just had enough of it! :P

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:34 am
by JazHaz
Smivs wrote:
JazHaz wrote:
I dunno what's going on!
I think most people go through this - it's a lifetime of being annoyed by other people I think. Eventually you've just had enough of it! :P
Could well be. I've even been snappy with my family too. Caused a couple of rows. I'll try to chill...

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:50 am
by Smivs
Yeah, family members often take the brunt of this - I'm guilty of that I know :(
I suppose because they are there they are 'available' when you're in a bad mood, and often they are the cause of your discontent. People are all different and sometimes those differences can be stressfull. The people who should know you best often get it wrong I think because of the familiarity. Perhaps people who know each other well don't worry so much about upsetting each other - it's down to a bit of complacency, and of course you are more relaxed in close company which means that sometimes you can get a bit careless.

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:25 am
by Cody
Yah-Ta-Hey wrote:
I humbly suggest an "old Geezers" squadron in the Free Mexican Air Force.
The Curmudgeonly Contrabandistas, eh? Here... have a decal, my sky brother!


Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:03 pm
by Thargoid
We're not free, just open sourced ;)

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:54 pm
by Cody
JazHaz wrote:
The grumpiness is the worst thing. I used to be so laid back, but recently got snappy. I dunno what's going on!
Mid-life crisis, JH - you need a hog!

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:32 pm
by JazHaz
Cody wrote:
JazHaz wrote:
The grumpiness is the worst thing. I used to be so laid back, but recently got snappy. I dunno what's going on!
Mid-life crisis, JH - you need a hog!
A hog? I tried a bacon sandwich but I don't think that worked.

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:26 pm
by darklyte
Thank god it ain't just me. Bacon sandwich didn't work? need brown sauce on it too.

A hog might help - but I went for summin far more dangerous. An ex-racehorse :? He soon taught me not to be grumpy :D and Tescos aren't ever going to make him into a butty.

Sounds dreadful but I feel sooo much better knowing I'm not surrounded by loads of teenagers in here :lol:

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:16 pm
by Commander McLane
JazHaz wrote:
The grumpiness is the worst thing. I used to be so laid back, but recently got snappy. I dunno what's going on!
Hormons? Men go though a climacteric period, too.

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:35 pm
by Cody
darklyte wrote:
Sounds dreadful but I feel sooo much better knowing I'm not surrounded by loads of teenagers in here
There are quite a few old codgers around here - and plenty of young'uns in their forties!

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:31 pm
by Capt. Reynolds
Bound to be a fair few fortysomethings - our childhoods coincided with the time of Spectrums (Spectra?) and BBCs.

Remember: you don't stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing. Let that be a warning to those of you spending too much time on the Dark Side - just play-testing your creations isn't enough. Get in there and play the thing! :D

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:34 am
by spara
Capt. Reynolds wrote:
Let that be a warning to those of you spending too much time on the Dark Side - just play-testing your creations isn't enough. Get in there and play the thing! :D
Touché. It's way over a month since I have actually played the game. Tinkering is just too tempting. I promise, I'll get back to playing _after_ I have finished what I'm doing. Unless, of course, something else comes along and requires tinkering ...

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:44 am
by darklyte
Oooh I'm a young 'un. Flippin 'eck :) I haven't started to learn how to tinker yet - I enjoy playing too much. Should I stay away from the dark side then?

Re: I'm getting old and grumpy!

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:42 am
by JazHaz
darklyte wrote:
I haven't started to learn how to tinker yet - I enjoy playing too much. Should I stay away from the dark side then?
The thing with tinkering, is that it leads to more tinkering! <cough> :lol:

It starts with wanting to make the Ooniverse your way, such as increasing the number of stars so that it looks like Star Wars or whatever...