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Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:48 am
by Lestradae
Thargoid wrote:
It's an age-old discussion and one that won't ever stop, and nor should it.
What should stop, on the other side, is people preaching their personal opinion on this as gospel of absolute truth from some imagined pulpit :wink:

Both sides.

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:41 am
by Rese249er
Lestradae wrote:
What should stop, on the other side, is people preaching their personal opinion on this as gospel of absolute truth from some imagined pulpit :wink:

Both sides.
Amen. OXP's are OXP's for this very reason. If you like it, fine. If not, fine.

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:10 pm
by Shipbuilder
The best thing about Oolite is that it totally customisable so you can include/exclude whatever suits you and fly whatever you like.

I tend to fly the ships that I am developing so that I can get a feel for how they work and feel (And hopefully spot any problems with them before I release them).

I previously tested a scaled down version of the USS Enterprise which is very much an uber ship and found what many have discussed i.e. that the ability to kill just about anything without much chance of being killed yourself does detract from the gameplay for me however this will be what appeals to others.

That said everyone has their own preferences and style of play therefore I would suggest fly whatever makes you happy. If you fancy a change of ship do so or perhaps play using a number of commanders for variety.

The important factor here is just enjoy the game as you see fit. :D

Or alternatively joint the dark side, start producing oxps and then find that you have very little time playing the game :lol:

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:31 pm
by Cody
Shipbuilder wrote:
Or alternatively joint the dark side, start producing oxps and then find that you have very little time playing the game
<chortles merrily> I once dabbled briefly on the dark side - and resisted the temptation! I'm a player, through and through!

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:14 am
by onno256
Hehe, I am currently flying an Ubership, but I worked my way up to it by flying a series of non-uberships, so I don't feel guilty ;)


Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:01 pm
by pagroove
onno256 wrote:
Hehe, I am currently flying an Ubership, but I worked my way up to it by flying a series of non-uberships, so I don't feel guilty ;)

Yep, thats also the approach I want to take. Not nearly there anyway. Now flying a Chameleon from my Oldships 2010 OXP. Af fine ship. :D

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:57 am
by Solonar
The only ship worth flying, IMHO, is the Fer-de-Lance 3G+, not the (t) model because turrets make it just too easy and unsporting.

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:54 am
by onno256
Even with the Caduceus you sometimes have to inject away to replenish shields.
Unless offcourse some a-hole injects after you....

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:45 pm
by UK_Eliter
Solonar wrote:
The only ship worth flying, IMHO, is the Fer-de-Lance 3G+, not the (t) model because turrets make it just too easy and unsporting.
Wow! :oops: <Flattered>

PS: If you think the 't' model is unsporting, you'll think that the military interstellar version of that ship is outrageous (although admittedly that version is not player-buyable).

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:48 pm
by Jake
Smivs wrote:
I don't think it really has anything to do with experience as such, but I do believe that the best way to learn and develop skills is by getting your hands dirty. I started with a Mk 1 Cobra - I sold the Mk III straight away and bought a Mk I and a bit of kit with the cash freed up, and slugged it out in that until I could 'upgrade' to a Python. It wasn't an easy course, but I did quickly learn how to survive out there, and that's a skillset which has served me very well ever since.
I did the same, only I'm not planning on upgrading any time soon because a) the sheer amount of kit I've bought for her -including some OXP stuff- would take ages to save up for in another ship and b) Pythons are alarmingly easy to kill even in a Cobbie Mk1.

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:24 pm
by Smivs
Jake wrote:
Pythons are alarmingly easy to kill even in a Cobbie Mk1.
Ha! That depends on who's piloting the Python :wink: I named mine the Fatal Attraction because those poor pirates just couldn't resist a nice juicy Python, and like moths to a flame they just kept lining up to be slaughtered. Mk I Cobbies were amongst the easier kills, I have to tell you. Shame, really, as it is a fine ship and I still remember mine fondly.

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:30 pm
by Cody
Jake wrote:
Pythons are alarmingly easy to kill even in a Cobbie Mk1.
Maybe you should install [EliteWiki] NPC Shields - that makes life a little more 'interesting'!

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:19 am
by Jake
Smivs wrote:
Ha! That depends on who's piloting the Python :wink: I named mine the Fatal Attraction because those poor pirates just couldn't resist a nice juicy Python, and like moths to a flame they just kept lining up to be slaughtered. Mk I Cobbies were amongst the easier kills, I have to tell you. Shame, really, as it is a fine ship and I still remember mine fondly.
Indeed, but the only time an NPC Python ever puts me to much trouble is if it has a rear gun, or lets off an ECM-hardened missile when I'm too close or don't have enough witchfuel left for the Missile Spoof to work. (That thing's easily my favourite OXP, incidentally.)

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:52 am
by Smivs
Have you tried my ToughGuys OXP? The first level brings the baddies up to a similar spec to a fairly well-equipped player ship, some more than others, and certainly helps to balance the game for Commanders who have some experience and are starting to find the 'basic' NPCs a bit easy.

Re: Iron Asses: Caduceus Vs Vortex

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:53 pm
by Jake
Thanks. I'll put it on my list of things to try once I've got a little more practice in; I can usually handle one or two fighters and a transport but I'm still a lousy shot with the rear gun.