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Re: Coyote's Run tractor beam?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:40 pm
by Cody
Cool... be wary of cornered Katiks though, they're tricky! Such a nice toy, is the tractor beam!

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:37 pm
by Cody
Hi Utz and welcome... sorry you've had no reply, but Okti is caught-up in RL atm. I'll email him today.

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:58 pm
by paulh

I had the same problem as some others - I dock at Leteisan/Leitesan but Zorra and Loba don't show. This was reported as a bug, and occurs if you dock at Cecear.

Is there a solution to this, other than restarting the mission and not docking at Cecear? Is there a debugged version of CR?


Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:13 am
by Cody
Hi Paul - as mentioned, Okti is still incommunicado at present, it seems.

However, if you read from here, there is a possible dumb pilot's solution that worked for slomoe. Just be sure to make a back-up copy of your save-game and put it somewhere safe first, and the usual caveat applies if you're a Windows user - don't edit anything in Notepad (Wordpad will do, Notepad++ is preferable).

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:32 am
by paulh
Ah! Many thanks, [El Viejo], I'll give that a go.


Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:52 am
by Utz
Thanks for getting back to me, I got busy in RL too and couldn't check in. I was thinking to edit the save file in some way, but instead jumped all the way back to Laquused to see it the mission would restart. It didn't of course, so now i'm stuck away across the the galaxy. Maybe I could delete some lines and just start again, I got to get back over there anyhow, I may as well play my way over! That will teach me to make more unique save files ;-) Love the story by the way, I'm reading it as I play to try to avoid too many spoilers.

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:48 am
by Cody
Okti isn't responding to email, so there's no help coming from him, it seems.

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:16 am
by Smivs
I have tested this mission for Okti, and although I don't really know much about the workings of it I have had a look 'inside'.

Save everything first! then try going back to Zaenza where I think you get a message transmitted by the witchpoint buoy telling you to "Jump to Lazaso and atomise the Clan Katik Anaconda.". Before you go to Lazaso, dock and save. Open your save file and look for

Code: Select all

I'm not sure what number the *** will show, but change it to

Code: Select all

then go to Lasazo and see if you can pick up the mission from that point where you have to find the Katic Anaconda.
Absolutely no promises that this will work, but it might be worth a try.
Good luck!

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:29 am
by Cody
That would be all I could suggest too. If STAGE_120 doesn't work, try STAGE_110... that worked for slomoe.

Re: [UPDATED RELEASE] Coyote's Run Mission

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:39 pm
by Utz
Thanks so much for all your help, I'll get back over that side of the galaxy and try the save file mods

Re: Coyote's Run tractor beam?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:03 pm
by paulh
Well, I think I've broken it again. I've fried the Katik asteroid base and followed orders thereafter. Now I'm at Biarra and the only instructions I have read "Approach the sun and go sunskimming". I've done that a bunch of times now, filling up the fuel tanks each time, but nothing happens...

Any advice appreciated!

Re: Coyote's Run tractor beam?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:18 pm
by Cody
Hmm... I'm struggling to remember, but did you get into a firefight when you emerged at Biarra? You should have, with two ships helping you.
The sunskimming should happen after that, then you must follow Greer's wormhole.

Re: Coyote's Run tractor beam?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:59 pm
by paulh
I did get into a firefight, but I think I missed the wormhole :-( Sadly I didn't save individual steps along the way. . . Is it quite common for OXPs to fizzle out if you go off the scripted path?


Re: Coyote's Run tractor beam?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:57 pm
by Cody
paulh wrote:
Is it quite common for OXPs to fizzle out if you go off the scripted path?
It can happen with some mission OXPs, yes. This OXP probably needs an update too, I think - but Okti is MIA.

Re: Coyote's Run tractor beam?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:46 am
by Smivs
<Smivs pokes around in the innards of Coyote's Run...>
Hi paulh, I'm not too familiar with this OXP but was involved in it's making a bit, so I'll try to re-set you just before this section - no promises this will work though!
Can you go back to Biceri, dock at the main station and save there. Open your save file in a text editor (DON'T use Notepad though as it breaks things) and look for the part where missionVariables are stored, usually about half way down. You should find an entry that says something like

Code: Select all

where XXX is a number. Change this number to 300, then launch and re-dock immediately. Save again. Check the new save file and the number should have changed to 310.
This (I hope) will put you back on track - on the F5/F5 mission instructions screen you should see
"COYOTE's RUN: Jump to Biarra and be ready for a firefight."
Hopefully from there you will be OK. Good luck :)