For these noobish eyes, it was good to see your reply. It confirms what my inexperienced brain was thinking.
He, yes. But the other side is that OXPConfig is pretty fast, compared to the amount of work it has to do. I'm currently running it with 103 worldScripts, 18 of them with declaration (mixture between included in database and test-OXPs, 3 of them with 6-level deep dependency chains (not included in database). The measured times are not exact values (quantised in heeps of 15...16 ms).
logEarly - 0...15 ms - dependency chains are not called by OXPConfig here.
displayAll + logEarly - 62...160 ms. 2 of the dependency chains called by OXPConfig at the lowest level = full chain.
displayAll + logEarly, but without dependency chains - 0...16 ms.
So I'd say it's fast enough for the next time, but for dependency chains only top-level scripts should use settings for OXPConfig.
As of right now, I am only running 7 OXPs, and I am basically satisfied. I need to modify 3 of the ones that I am running ((1) finishing touches on an ambience package, which is driving me crazy (2) adding emission maps to DeepSpace Ships; he appears to be on hiatus since october; I think I am up to it, but I need to make the time (3) Finishing touch on my HUD).
I intend to run modified versions of 1 (Your Ad Here) or possibly 2 more (Random Hits... probably NEVER... more like I will re-implement the general idea from scratch) in the near (he! define "NEAR"!) future, when I get around to making those modifications.
And I want to run a retextured-planet OXP when more work has been done on them (I do not consider myself experienced or "good enough" to reliably accomplish what I want... simply making the F7 System Info screen always match the retextured main planet) (I gather that there has been a development in "trunk" since 1.74.2 that will make this easier for OXP'ers).
BGS1.3.3 + Pagrooves alternative soundpack is online.
- Sound preloading.
- Pagroove has created new sounds for [warning] and [weapon-overheat].
- New sounds for chatter.
- Chatter disabled on condition red.
- Tweaked some background images.
- New property - this.bgsDisableChatter.
- New property - this.bgsCountMode.
- New keys - “BGS-CHATTER_1” ... “BGS-CHATTER_5”.
- Documentation.
- Updated Test OXP.
The patches for Captain Berf Pilot, Customsounds, Halsis and Hawksound are still functional .-)
This was the first new oxp I installed after my break. I have to say... fantastic stuff. Thanks so much for all the hard work to get this working. To me this is exactly what the game was missing... a little more atmosphere. I love all the chatter and noises. And mixed with the Random Docking oxp it sounds great when you dock. I tend to use atmospheric instrumentals and I almost cant wait to dock at the moment!
v1.3.4 is online (BGS-A, BGS.C, BGS-I, BGS-M and BGS-Soundset_Pagroove).
- Distribution for chatter changed (random pause).
- Chatter expandable via missiontext.plist key.
- Jump effect (shader) and sound added.
- Switch for the jump effect added.
- WIKI Doc updated.
A special thanks here to Ironfist. Thanks a lot for testing the new stuff on his machine - Kudos!
without a doubt this is one of the best oxp's over the ooneverse
Pirate Commander: I would taken over Anleis and maked the first pirate system on this Ooniverse and become the monarch of all that empire if This stupid boy and his ship would'nt interfeer
I just saw the new hyperspace effect. Jaw, meet floor. Floor, meet jaw.
Actually, the effect is so well done, that the default tunnel effect that follows it looks more Looney Toonsey than ever. I just had to edit the vanilla planetinfo.plist and change both hyperspace tunnel colors to black, so that it doesn't interfere with the amazingness of Svengali's creation. Well done, sir.
I just had to edit the vanilla planetinfo.plist and change both hyperspace tunnel colors to black, so that it doesn't interfere with the amazingness of Svengali's creation. Well done, sir.
Ach! Why do you people torment me so!? I end up having to use a borrowed computer, which is slow and has no shaders, and now you release something nice like this!? Disgraceful behaviour!
From the sound of it 'tis something well worth waiting for. So congratulations in advance! Hopefully I'll see it soon...
Ach! Why do you people torment me so!? I end up having to use a borrowed computer, which is slow and has no shaders, and now you release something nice like this!? Disgraceful behaviour!
From the sound of it 'tis something well worth waiting for. So congratulations in advance! Hopefully I'll see it soon...
What he said....
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.