My thanking is my playing, so to speak, as is my actual thanking...
Having modded some games in the past for personal use, I'm anxious to avoid going down that time-consuming path too soon. Besides, I want to get a good vibe for game play and for what OXPs are already availible. As I've related elsewhere (hah!, as this is my third post, elsewhere would be my second

), I've gone pretty basic on initial OXPs, planning to add more, especially missions, after I "do the eight", although the tedium of my cargo contracts runs might break me sooner than that --- I kill clean traders that inhibit my jump drive; it's terrible, don't even want their cargo, but once it's there I have to scoop it up too. (Sobs! Ebeneezer Scrooge in a Boa 2! Sobs!)
Thanks for the greet and advice Cmd. Learner; you can help assuage any of my future pestering until I go silent after I find the right OXP mix.

I just noticed I misquoted the line in my signature.

Now I have to go figure out how to fix it. See, I'm at least some distance from building ships at the moment.