zevans wrote:FFE presumably is set between 3125 and 3140 then, whilst Earth is still connected?
No, it starts 3200 (explicitly, therefore canon). Which gave Selezen the reason in the first place to make the timeline. Because you somehow have to explain why there are eight "galaxies" in 3125ff, and a very powerful GalCop, but only one "galaxy" containing much fewer worlds is left in 3200, and GalCop has vanished without a trace, and instead we have a Federation and an Empire, and Earth is "back" on the map.
Selezen's whole effort is to find a theory to explain the obvious contradictions between Elite and Frontier (which in RealLife were produced, because Braben just didn't care), by still placing them in the same universe and understanding Frontier as a continuation of Elite.
Oolite only gets placed in the middle, because stations, ships, etc. in it seem more developed than in Elite. The 16 years between Elite and Oolite however are completely arbitrary. Selezen explains somewhere why he coose 16 years, I think it reflects the time between the release of Elite (1984) and something that happened in 2000 (release of Elite: TNK?!?).
However, by serving this purpose he came up with a very convincing timeline (on his website he makes very precise distinctions between canonical and semi-canonical material and his own conjunctions), which I for myself have declared canonic wholesale, and am trying to keep faithful to. But of course nobody needs to follow me here. Still, the canonical elements of the timeline (taken from manuals and official novella) should be taken as canonical.
@ Selezen: by the way, since you re-organised your website the link in your signature doesn't work anymore. Could you refresh it? Thanks!