Wiki Galaxy Guide

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Post by DaddyHoggy »

zevans wrote:
Wow. :!: 8)
Wot he said!!! 8)
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by Kaks »

Impressive stuff! :)

And once you're done with this, you might want to have a look at the way the OXPs are classified too... ;)
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Post by pagroove »

Really great work and well presented. I didn't expect that. :D
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Status Page in the Wiki

Post by treczoks »

I set up a project page on the EliteWiki: Autogenerated Galaxy Guide
For discussions use this tread or PM me.

Yours, Christian Treczoks
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Post by pagroove »

Please mind the descriptions in the rough guide section and the planet guide section of famous planets. Maybe you could do a vanilla and a fp entry for those planets. also download my oxp and look in the .pdf files. Otherwise I find your guide very good.
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Post by treczoks »

pagroove wrote:
Please mind the descriptions in the rough guide section and the planet guide section of famous planets. Maybe you could do a vanilla and a fp entry for those planets. also download my oxp and look in the .pdf files. Otherwise I find your guide very good.
I found the planetinfo.plist in your OXP and converted it inty my own (internal) format for inclusion in the guide.

The wiki system in general allows to handle the special case of "Ascension" relatively easily.

I have made some progress with other areas of the guide and will update the entries I made so far ASAP. As Aronar is among my test tworlds you will see how I thought to handle this and other OXPs without touching the canonical core.

Yours, Christian Treczoks
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Re: Wiki Galaxy Guide

Post by ClymAngus »

treczoks wrote:
e) Are G. Presti and C. Angus still around? OK, found the vector map thread - absolute great job! How did they generate the icons for the systems in that gargantuan PDF, and could they do this for all systems as standalone images? Are the graphical templates for the gouvernment type they used avaliable from somewhere?

Yours, Christian Treczoks
OK I have access to a decent compy now, what format would be best for you? Vector? Flash vector?
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Re: Wiki Galaxy Guide

Post by treczoks »

ClymAngus wrote:
OK I have access to a decent compy now, what format would be best for you? Vector? Flash vector?
Thanks, ClymAngus, but I already solved the icon problem. Have a look at the project page on the Elite Wiki. I ripped the icons more or less with my bare hands from a PNG I found in the game sources. :lol:

Yours, Christian

PS: Thanks for the great maps you made!
PPS: The System in the Sector Map 1 at 0,228 is called "ANLE", not "ANIE".
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Re: Wiki Galaxy Guide

Post by zevans »

re-wow. :)

Regarding your question on the abandoned Zaonce page - looking at some older versions I suspect "Jongware" was an Elite/Frontier fan rather than looking at it from an Oolite perspective. There's another reason to make sure we mark what's canon and what is OXP, because there might be people out there playing the Beeb version on an emulator but using the wiki as a gazeteer. (all part of the same Wiki...)

Anyway, I'm going to go away and mutter "wow" a few more times now...
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Re: Wiki Galaxy Guide

Post by treczoks »

zevans wrote:
Anyway, I'm going to go away and mutter "wow" a few more times now...
Thanks for that :D (Looks like I got me a fan!)

Sadly, the one big mega-wow feature I was working on at home (a dynamically generated local area map as part of the Witchspace destination list) does not work in this (ancient) wiki engine, and some of the other features only work with crude workarounds.

I'll leave the calls for the map templates in the documents and just don't render it at the moment.

And if you have any criticism or ideas what could be included or should be changed, please let me know.

Yours, Christian Treczoks
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Post by pagroove »

Very neatly done. I saw the example of the Aronar Page. Very good inclusion of my OXP . You also should make a vanilla (1.73/1.74 of course) screenshot of the planets for the people that don't download my OXP. But very very neat indeed!. Greetings from fan no 2. :D :D
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Post by Lestradae »

Here come the special OSE systems, for inclusion at your leasure:
<key>0 66</key>



<string>After five hundred years of enhancing the human condition by genetic, cybernetic and experiental culture methods, a small colony of augmented humans founded their own colony, Ascension, on the farthest edge of Galactic Sector 1. Six hundred years later their descendants, nearly unrecognisable as humans any more, have populated the whole system and, it is rumoured, some adjacent systems reaching beyond the 7 lightyears that represent the ultimate limit for GalCop`s Class 1 and 2 Hyperdrives.</string>


<string>Transhuman Colonials</string>







<key>1 225</key>


<string>Node Zero</string>

<string>After breaking through the technological singularity hundreds of years ago on earth, the artificial intelligence that names itself Node Zero has settled on the far reaches of known space to escape the many conspiracy theories which surround its achievement and, even more importantly, its motivations towards humanity. Node Zero rules its exile, literally, with an iron fist; all other beings on its world are guests - at best.</string>


<string>Artificial Intelligence</string>







<key>2 53</key>


<string>Achenar Secundus</string>

<string>After being thrown out of the GalCop-shunned Duval empire by his own peers, and a brief but unforgettable period as a test pilot for the Benulobiweed, Inc. shipbuilders corporation, the mysterious shipyards magnate Lestradae Duval fled to this world in the far reaches of galactic sector 3, where no one would bother his dangerous research into a supposedly psychic force named "The Farce". Very few beings have seen Lestradae Duval in person and lived, as most public business is conducted by his right hand, an apprentice of the Farce only known as "Darth Neblin". Even wilder rumours claim that Lestradae`s personality change happened after having his brain`s fear glands removed in a thargoid-style surgery.</string>


<string>Human Colonials from Achenar</string>







<key>3 61</key>



<string>This system has been colonised by the secretive and enigmatic alien race only known as "the mazebuilders" to GalCop. Uniquely, all their technology is grown from plants. Their system seems once to have been housed inside a Dyson Sphere, which was apparently destroyed in an ancient, cataclysmic war and which`s remnants can still be seen drifting in space about half a lightyear from its sun. The mazebuilders are so paranoid of being found again and hunted down by their ancient and so far undescribed enemy, that they have dug into the residual planet of their system, build mazes so as not to be found by the enemy, and have forbidden GalCop to name their system, hence the Enemy might awaken again.</string>


<string>The Mazebuilders</string>







<key>4 4</key>



<string>The homeworld of an ancient, advanced hive mind species that is supposed to have already been here for millions of years before the human colonists and other alien races of Galactic Sector 5 developed the capacity of interstellar travel. They are capable of brilliant feats of technology, though their culture seems to have stagnated in the last few thousand years.</string>


<string>Violet Bony Slugs</string>







<key>5 214</key>


<string>Beyonder Alliance Trading Outpost</string>

<string>Occasional lone traders or small family groups from amongst the Beyonders will sometimes be found making the long journey from the otherwise inaccessible Beyonder Zone into GalCop space. This world is their only known permanent outpost in all eight galactic sectors.</string>


<string>Beyonder Colony</string>







<key>6 224</key>



<string>Former human colonials who searched for a quiet spot beyond known GalCop space to transform themselves to a mythical "next level" via supposedly psychic powers and indisputable technological prowess, both processes driven forward recklessly. They share some characteristics with the inhabitants of Ascension in galactic sector 1.</string>









<key>7 162</key>



<string>The only way to reach this world is by a galactic witchspace jump from the Rainza system in Galactic Sector Seven. It has been suspected to be somehow connected to the legendary INRA Headquarters in the mythic Raxxla system. Persistent, but notoriously unsubstantiated rumours speak of a hidden intergalactic gateway route which is supposed to lead into a ninth and even further galactic sectors from there. GalCop has always denied such allegations - including any military presence in the Oresrati system - as a conspiracy theory. Strange, then, that your planetinfo computer has the above data about the system. Perhaps it's a glitch.</string>








Three other oxps I believe not to have seen here that change systems are Ionics, Aquatics and Assassins.

Cheers & hope it helps 8)

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Post by LittleBear »

Systems changed by Assassins are (G7) :-

Code: Select all

setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=73=description=Orramaor is noted for its companion world Apollodorus and is reasonably well known as the corporate headquarters of Soin Classic Shipyards Ltd. In recent years, Soin Classic Shipyards have specialised in the development of greatly improved versions of Serpent Class ships.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=73=techlevel=14",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=73=government=6",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=73=economy=0",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=73=inhabitants=Fierce Rodent Scientists",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=73=productivity=53489",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=107=description=Esrire is famous for its large gas giant, Cerberus. The system is however plagued by high levels of criminal activity, even by the standards of an anarchy system. GalCop Special Branch suspects that many criminal organizations make their home in this system, but have thus far found no living witnesses to corroborate their theories.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=107=productivity=97252",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=107=inhabitants=Sinister yellow frogs",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=194=description=Tiared is well known for its large volcanic companion, Diomedes. The inhabitants have a passion for the sport of Zero-G Hockey, hosting the last five Galactic Cup competitions. The Galactic Zero-G Hockey Association have their headquarters on the northern continent of the planet.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=194=inhabitants=Hockey-obsessed lizards",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=203=description=Beatle is well known for its moon, Augeas. The Augeaian Orbital Repair Facility is famous for the affordable servicing facilities provided by its industrious work crews. The Augeaian Security Force maintains a strong presence of both Mega and Interceptor Kraits in the vicinity. Customers can rest assured that their powered down craft will remain secure whilst undergoing servicing.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=203=inhabitants=Feline Engineers",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=203=techlevel=14",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=203=economy=0",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=203=productivity=39902",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=203=government=7",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=39=description=The Ateslete System is reasonably noted for the ice-world, Stymphal. The well known robotics company, Griff Research Ltd, operates factories over most of the planet and maintains an orbital research station near Stymphal.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=39=techlevel=14",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=39=government=7",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=39=productivity=78824",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=39=economy=0",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=39=inhabitants=Humans and Robots",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=53=description=Quandixe is well known for its tropical moon Hesperides, the climate of which is perfectly suited to the cultivation of Megaweed. Dark rumors circulate that the Quandixeian Corporation is in reality a front for a Mafia narcotics syndicate.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=53=inhabitants=Legitimate businessmen",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=53=economy=5",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=18=description=Geteve is reasonably well known for its large moon, Hercules. GalCop Special Branch maintains a well armed base in orbit around Hercules. The main offices of the Galactic Prosecution Service are based on the moon's surface.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=18=economy=0",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=18=government=6",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=18=inhabitants=Law abiding humans",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=184=description=This planet is notable for its great tropical forests, but is famous for its inhabitants passion for the sport of Zero-G Hockey.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=184=inhabitants=Hockey-obsessed humans",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=81=description=Ataneris is famous for its forest covered companion, Hippolyte, but has a sinister reputation as traditional place of bloodshed. In dark corners of disreputable space bars it is whispered that, from time to time, duels between pilots of great skill take place by the Witchspace Beacon. Two ships enter the circle. One ship leaves.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=100=description=Formally a GalCop penal colony, a successful rebellion by the prisoners placed the system in the hands of felons. At present the system is run by the Yankisona Triad gang. In criminal circles, it is well known that relations with the Quandixeian Mafia are less than cordial. Many fear that all out gang warfare is imminent.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=100=inhabitants=Criminals of many species",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=100=productivity=29127",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=118=description=The planet Orreedon is famous for its strange mountains, but cursed by deadly goats. In criminal circles, it is said that an illegal trade in the export of Orreedonian deadly goats flourishes on the northern continent. Once domesticated, the deadly goat can be trained as a vicious attack beast.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=82=description=Estiri is noted for its large ocean covered moon, Nemean, and famous as the location of the Galactic Supreme Court. The Galactic Navy operates from a well armed base orbiting the moon.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=82=productivity=27654",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=82=govenment=6",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=19=description=Sobeer is famous for the delicious nature of its native marine life, particularly the exquisite Sobeerian spotted cod. Beings of a more sensitive nature decline however to partake in this delicacy, knowing its use in certain sinister Mafia rituals.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=13=description=Eszausve is famous for its rocky moon and the twin gas giants Hades and Lernean, but cursed by one of the most oppressive governments in the Galaxy. Although the People's Popular Front bravely resists the oppressive regime of Governor Tarkin, thus far they have made little progress in restoring freedom to the planet.",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=13=productivity=98764",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=13=techlevel=14",
								"setSpecificPlanetInfo: 6=13=inhabitants=Oppressed harmless fat birds",
This is how the systems stand when Assassins is installed, but if the missions are played then the actions of the player and NPCs change the systems further.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by treczoks »

pagroove wrote:
You also should make a vanilla (1.73/1.74 of course) screenshot of the planets for the people that don't download my OXP. But very very neat indeed!
Yep. I thought of asking the community for help on this - once the pages have been installed, we could collect screenshots from various planets or systems for inclusion into the guide. Neither you nor I can be everywhere, but if a lot of people help, we'll soon have some nice pictures of the majority of systems in the wiki.

Yours, Christian
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Post by treczoks »

Thanks. LittleBear and Lestrade!

Looks like I have to find a way to create a special "System" box for inclusion in the OXP subsection, eventually pointing out the differences to the original system stats, or at least which stats are different.

That box will propably wider that the original system box and will not include the map again.

You'll get a PM from me with my email address.

Yours, Christian
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