Oolite Game Manual - W.I.P

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Oolite Game Manual - W.I.P

Post by KZ9999 »

Ring out the bells, fire the guns and roll out the barrels (preferably full of lit napalm to get that annoying Italian plumber <grrr.>)

It's finished. The first draft of the Oolite Game Manual is finshed. :D <Sticks his hands in the air and waves like he just doesn't cares.>

It's in HTML so everyone can easily read it but there is are few things you should know before you make comments on the work.

The contents are incomplete by intention. I am distributing it for peer-review to check that I have not missed any areas of the game that the newcomer needs to know. The diagrams and images are missing as to keep the file size down. Likewise the tables and charts are in a rough format, they will be recreated in high quality for the final version.

I am primarily interested in that I have covered the game concepts. I have no interest in any spelling and grammatical errors that can be found as it will be dealt with in the second draft. Post replies or PM me only on the errors in the concepts and how they were executed, not the fine details.

I don't like using big type, but I really want to get that point across.

The manual is part of a multi-document project to both make it easier for new comer to get into the game and highlight the depth of the universe behind it. There is a step-by-step Your First Flight document that serves as a trainer for novice commanders. Inspired by the pages found on Oolite.org website, this will be a separate document since it will be so image heavy. The more advanced game information, as `Uncle Blixs’ Upgrade Guide,' will be found in Macrocosmic, a glossy magazine style document that more about the universe than which buttons to push. The work on both manuals will be fed back in to the Oolite Reference Sheets to improve the compactness and quality of it.

The following is the road map for the Oolite Documentation Project to track where I am.

Code: Select all

+-->  Oolite Document Templates (Layout Masters)
|     +-> Standard A4 layout short run documents                  > 80%
|     +-> Standard A4 layout long run documents                   > 20%
|     +-> Standardisation of text formatting for import           > 20%
|     +-> Standardisation of graphics formatting                  > pending
|     +-> Designing standard layout bells-&-whistles              > pending
|     +-> Creation of template pack for upload to berilOS         > pending
+-->  OoliteRS (Oolite Reference Sheet)
|     +-> 1.72                                                    > done
|     +-> 1.73                                                    > pending
|         +-> Draft version                                       > pending
|         +-> Implement of standard design to match game manual   > pending
|         +-> improved source documents for ease of translation   > pending
+-->  Advice for New Commanders (PDF of Disemboied's excellent text.)    
|     +-> Current version                                         > done
|     +-> revamp to format of manual                              > done
|     +-> improved source documents                               > pending
+-->  Oolite Your First Flight (Step By Step Guide)    
|     +-> Draft Version a   	                                > done
|     |   +-> Review concepts covered                             > pending
|     +-> Draft Version b                                         > pending
|     |   +-> Review grammar and spelling                         > pending
|     +-> Pre-press version                                       > pending
|     +-> Finalised print versions                                > pending
|     |   +-> Compact Gray Scale Version                          > pending
|     |   +-> High resolution Full Colour Version                 > pending
|     +-> Complete source document sets                           > pending
|     +-> Conversion to wiki format for upload                    > pending
+-->  Oolite Game Manual (Basic Game Information)    
|     +-> Draft Version a                                         > done
|     |   +-> Review concepts covered                             > pending
|     +-> Draft Version b                                         > pending
|     |   +-> Review grammar and spelling                         > pending
|     |   +-> Request for illustration and adverts for ‘colour’   > pending
|     +-> Pre-press version                                       > pending
|     +-> Finalised print versions                                > pending
|     |   +-> Compact Gray Scale Version                          > pending
|     |   +-> High resolution Full Colour Version                 > pending
|     +-> Complete source document sets                           > pending
|     +-> Conversion to wiki format for upload                    > pending
|     +-> Create blank templates for use in other materials       > pending
+-->  Macrocosmic (The advanced game manual)
|     +-> Draft Version a                                         > 20%
|     |   +-> Review concepts covered                             > pending
|     +-> Draft Version b                                         > pending
|     |   +-> Review grammar and spelling                         > pending
|     |   +-> Request for illustrations and adverts for magazine  > pending
|     +-> Pre-press version                                       > pending
|     +-> Finalised print versions                                > pending
|     |   +-> Compact Gray Scale Version                          > pending
|     |   +-> High resolution Full Colour Version                 > pending
|     +-> Complete source document sets                           > pending
|     +-> Conversion to wiki format for upload                    > pending
+-->  Uncle Blixs’ Shipyards Catalogue (ship and equipment guide standard & oxp)
|     (May be deprecated or be altered due to the OSE work of Lestrad.)
|     +-> Draft Version a                                         > pending
|     |   +-> Review concepts covered                             > pending
|     +-> Draft Version b                                         > pending
|     |   +-> Review grammar and spelling                         > pending
|     |   +-> Request for illustrations and adverts for catalogue > pending
|     +-> Pre-press version                                       > pending
|     +-> Finalised print versions                                > pending
|     |   +-> Compact Gray Scale Version                          > pending
|     |   +-> High resolution Full Colour Version                 > pending
|     +-> Complete source document sets                           > pending
|     +-> Conversion to wiki format for upload                    > pending
+-->  Creation of support documentation for other Oolite materials
|         Will be discussed at a later date.
+-->  Project Wordstar (TBA)
You will notice that I'll be wanting some artwork to provide colour for the manual. Screen shots are all well and good, but they do get boring. Some nice digital art, as seen in the original acorn manual would really perk it up. So you artistic types out there have a think about what you would like to do as you read the current version, and I'll ask for submission on the release of draft b as I'll have an idea of the space available in the final document.

Anyhow, enjoy and give me that feedback.
KZ999's Oolite documents, including the new draft Oolite Game Manual, can be found at www.box.net
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Post by Greyman »

Hello KZ9999.

I've read through your WiP and think it will be awesome. Here are two points I think you might want to add:

(1) chapter 3.6 docking
you could mention that the speed bar will remain green if you're slow enough to dock. I think a new player will be rather confused by reading that his speed should be about 5-15%

(2) chapter 12.6 keyboard config
Even though it might be interpreted as shameless self advertising: there is an updated version of the Oolite Keymapper for Mac out there now. This could be mentioned as it is easier for new players of Oolite. If we could find someone with RealBASIC on Linux and Windows they might even compile a binary for those OS.

Well, I can't wait to see the next version of your manual. Keep the good work up.
Get the Oolite Keymapper for Mac here!
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Post by KZ9999 »

Just a quick update on the manual.
Thanks to both grayman and (always detailed and informative) Commander_McLane I've received some very important corrections. I'll work my way through them and post version a.oa for second round concept checking ETA of Sunday 20 September. In the mean time post any ideas that you think I'm missing in the current version.

Edit - Real Life has pushed back the ETA till unannounced. New version will be announced a fresh posting.
KZ999's Oolite documents, including the new draft Oolite Game Manual, can be found at www.box.net
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