I try to do what you say via the
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Any ship Commander with a cargo space of 600+ tons can buy a transfer shuttle, that includes the core Anaconda ie. etc. For any ships with less cargo capacity that entry shouldn't appear. So no Krait pilot will ever be able to buy one, except there are Kraits out there with monster subspace cargo bays It does already function like that - on my system at least.
The really big carriers that can't sensibly launch without one have the shuttle predefined in their shipyard standard equipment list now, they will come with one inbuilt.
It makes sense to have the transfer shuttle for the high-end cargo ships for another reason, too: In OSE there are the OoBay Auction stations, so that enormous cargo bays can be filled also if there are no big contracts available. So for the first time, cargo capacities beyond 150 tons start to really make sense in play. The transfer shuttle makes filling the cargo bay of such a big trader or ship a less tedious task for the player, that's why I generally allow it to be bought from a size of 600 tons upwards.
At least that's my reasoning behing doing it like this.