That's what I was trying to do but you may have given me an idea - I don't think I was turning off the earlier layers as I moved through the layer stack!Cmd. Cheyd wrote:I *BELIEVE* that you would have to flip each layer to visible / non-visible one at a time.
The easiest way to do this may be to stack them so the first frame is topmost, set all to visible, then walk down the layers turning each off one at a time. Also, look into downloading GAP - Gimp Animation Package. It might have what you need.
I really am NOT a GIMP user. I've just recently started to play with it. So, take what I say with a horse-sized salt lick.
I can't use GAP here where I'm working now because I'm running W98SE on this old laptop and therefore only GIMP-2.0, I've got 2.4 on my Linux/Oolite box - just not able to use it at the moment - away on a course. Will investigate further when I get back on the machine.
Cheers - fellow "GIMPers"!