Griff do you know what you did!!! You have also corrected the glowad sets of Pangloss and Disembodied!!! I explicitly told you to correct only the model That means that now I cannot force Pangloss and Disembodied to correct all the sets because you did it for them. Where is the fun in that? (I have to live up to my reputation as a pussy manager you know)
Oh!! With all this excitement I almost forgot this:
Are any objections for the colors? According to the color wheel I chose a dark blue and yellow but it turned up to be more than purple (but I like it so if it is ok with you I am going to stay with that colors)
Also I want to testify that DaddyHoggy’s and Disembodies adrings are equally beautiful. There a only 2 reasons why I have finally chosen the one provided be DH
1.He submitted it first
2.I have already reject his previous adring due to the reverse rotation effect of the station – adring
As usual that link will be functional for only 15 days. I hope that this will be the last beta before I send the new version of youradhere to the Doc with the new version of oohaul
Changes from the previous beta: 1.Now all the ads in the glowad sets are visible in the constores
2.A small change to the script in order to protect the native nova mission
3.Some additional artwork made by DaddyHoggy in the alternative Star constore in set F.
As you can understand I want from all of you to mainly test the new glowads in the constores just in case.
Griff do you know what you did!!! You have also corrected the glowad sets of Pangloss and Disembodied!!! I explicitly told you to correct only the model That means that now I cannot force Pangloss and Disembodied to correct all the sets because you did it for them. Where is the fun in that? (I have to live up to my reputation as a pussy manager you know)
Oh!! With all this excitement I almost forgot this:
Are any objections for the colors? According to the color wheel I chose a dark blue and yellow but it turned up to be more than purple (but I like it so if it is ok with you I am going to stay with that colors)
Also I want to testify that DaddyHoggy’s and Disembodies adrings are equally beautiful. There a only 2 reasons why I have finally chosen the one provided be DH
1.He submitted it first
2.I have already reject his previous adring due to the reverse rotation effect of the station – adring
Oh, I need to get back on my Oolite capable PC! Looks good Ark - thanks for using my Ad-ring Colours also look good - even if it came out not quite as intended!
Is it me or is only the top glow ad actually glowing - all the rest are definitely dark...
Do we need anything else I can't remember - roof billboard I guess? Definitely not my forte!
now you've pointed it out, the glow ad billboards don't seem to be glowing as they should, they should be much brighter like this:
I've no idea why that top one in Arks post looks like it's illuminated - maybe it just the sunlight hitting it full on that's making it look lit up?
I'll download the beta tomorrow in work (it's too big for my home internet connection) - it's probably a cut and paste error in the shipdata.plist for the billboards or the first texture in the shaders list is not the same as the one in the .dat file - this catches me out all the time!
now you've pointed it out, the glow ad billboards don't seem to be glowing as they should, they should be much brighter like this:
I've no idea why that top one in Arks post looks like it's illuminated - maybe it just the sunlight hitting it full on that's making it look lit up?
I'll download the beta tomorrow in work (it's too big for my home internet connection) - it's probably a cut and paste error in the shipdata.plist for the billboards or the first texture in the shaders list is not the same as the one in the .dat file - this catches me out all the time!
You have told me about this again.
I have discovered that in simple shader mode the glowads are not self-illuminated. They need the illumination of the sun in order to glow so they glow only in a specific angle towards the sun. Only in full shader mode they always glow. I have no idea if this is normal or not.
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Do we need anything else I can't remember - roof billboard I guess? Definitely not my forte!
We need:
One 1x1 ad
one texture for the sidewinder defenders
one texture for the asteroid billboard and the roof billboard
You are the one that asked for a new constore instead of a variation of the Mall-Wart, do not say that I didn’t warn you
I have a vague idea for a roof billboard ad (with no words) which I'll try to work on, although in all probability it'll need Griff's loving care and attention to dress it up nice!
I'm glad you used DaddyHoggy's adring, btw – the one I submitted was just one for the slush pile!
I'm glad you used DaddyHoggy's adring, btw – the one I submitted was just one for the slush pile!
Although I have to admit that I am not completely understand this idiom (slush pile ) if you implying that your adring is not a good one I disagree because I have tested it on a constore and I indent to use it in a future set unless someone can provide me something as revolutionary as the pacman adring in set_E
Slush pile – publishing term for the big stack of unsolicited material sent in to publishers by prospective authors. Occasionally looked at by publishers if e.g. they're looking for some filler for a magazine. In other words, please feel free to use it if and when you want to or need to!
@Ark - I think Griff will need to explain as the ad-ring appears to glow (i.e. it has the same intensity all way way round in the image irrespective of which portion of it is in shadow) but the glow ads to not glow in simple shaders - the fact that they need to be illuminated by the sun means that they are not glowing - that's the point of the glow map - the light pixels are written back after the shadow is calculated so they appear to glow (is how Griff explained it to me)
I will get on with the Sidewinder asap.
I have an idea for another 1x1 and if Disembodied gets his roof board out before mine then that's another one for the slush pile.
@Pangloss - as a fellow GIMP user (saw your post in other thread) - can you answer the following: What the simplest way to see all the individual frames that make up an animated gif - ideally all at the same time but to step through would be good. I've tried stepping through the layers but that doesn't seem to change the image I'm looking at.
@Pangloss - as a fellow GIMP user (saw your post in other thread) - can you answer the following: What the simplest way to see all the individual frames that make up an animated gif - ideally all at the same time but to step through would be good. I've tried stepping through the layers but that doesn't seem to change the image I'm looking at.
No idea, I downloaded GIMP last week and only started using it. I only got it because my new Mac OS (10.5.6) won't support Photoshop 7... or PS7 won't get a patch from Adobe to work on 10.5. Either is true.
"All is for the best in this best of all possible worlds..."
Dr.Pangloss, Voltaire's 'Candide'.
I *BELIEVE* that you would have to flip each layer to visible / non-visible one at a time.
The easiest way to do this may be to stack them so the first frame is topmost, set all to visible, then walk down the layers turning each off one at a time. Also, look into downloading GAP - Gimp Animation Package. It might have what you need.
I really am NOT a GIMP user. I've just recently started to play with it. So, take what I say with a horse-sized salt lick.