As L. wrote, the auto_ai is not there (for all RS ships?!?).Svengali wrote:The auto_ai-key is not declared at all (neither in RS nor in Shield-Tail), but possibly the default setting has changed to false, or if a customAI is set auto_ai is ignored.Eric Walch wrote:Just remove its auto_ai from shipdata or set it to yes so it will get the default AI from oolite itself.
It appears, that the idea to copy the dragonhunterAI should work. I did not find anything ship specific in it and from what I've read things do appear to make some sense fore me, except that the ship is using different speeds for flying towards a planet and towards a station.
An explanation that it's only shtail/phaze sitting still: These are together with the reaper the only RS ones which use "hunterAI.plist", even though other ships do specify the hunter role. Other ships use "pirateAI.plist" which might explain why they can switch to something else even though they have hunter as first role entry.
Still I do not understand why it's always two of them together sitting some additional script does mix into the problem.