Tales from the anarchy systems?

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Tales from the anarchy systems?

Post by gogz69 »

Greetings! ,

Firstly, please forgive my poor english and I would like to thank you for taking time to read my post.

I see that many commanders, including myself have enjoyed the story telling skills of D.W. Fantastic work Drew, well done that man!

But what of other stories?... The one's we never here about, covered up GalCop or military scandals, corporate faction wars, the brutal and violent world of pirate clan bosses eliminating their rivals. Confessions of a hooker giving explicit detailed accounts of her past clients. A psychopathic murderer targeting high profile victims for his own sadistic pleasure. An alien horror perhaps, where they decend upon a planet and feast on it's inhabitants, reading of the peoples struggles to escape. IMO, stories such as these would add a great richness to the whole Oolite experience.

And this folks, is where it could fall flat.
The age issue.

We cannot throw this sort of material out there to the masses, for there are commanders with eyes of more tender years. The last thing we would want is some teenage kid having their ship self destruct button pressed by an irate parent.(or even come on to the boards here to complain, I pray that this never happens)

Would there be some way round this? I cannot answer that. (I hope some of you out there can.)

So..., sadly, we may never hear(read) these fantastic, gritty and dare I say it, racy tales.

*Picks up glass from bar and raises a toast*

Safe travels commander. :wink:

Gogz69 coming to you from a seedy space bar somwhere in the darker side of the ooniverse.
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Post by LittleBear »

If none of the orginal writers mind, I'll C&P (with a bit of lay-out changes so it looks nice) the Commander Munchausen stories to the wikki. Oh and finish answering the third objection to my own story, to allow me to challenge another Commander to tell a tall story. :wink:

Orginal thread is here :- https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?t=4156. Plenty of tall tales from the big black in there!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

LittleBear wrote:
If none of the orginal writers mind, I'll C&P (with a bit of lay-out changes so it looks nice) the Commander Munchausen stories to the wikki. Oh and finish answering the third objection to my own story, to allow me to challenge another Commander to tell a tall story. :wink:

Orginal thread is here :- https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?t=4156. Plenty of tall tales from the big black in there!
That would be nice. I always wanted to hear you wriggle your way out your entirely plausible explanation for that.

Captain Hesperus
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Post by gogz69 »


Thank's for sharing.

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