The Day The Earth Stood Still * spoiler *

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The Day The Earth Stood Still * spoiler *

Post by Frame »

While i figure that this a remake of some ancient Sci cult movie, i enjoyed it this evening.... or rather it was a bland experience.

There is no crap in this movie, I'm afraid they didn't have time to include to much however it was still a tale of "We are humans, therefore we survive, because we got love and understanding".

What it comes down to is that the aliens have waited and waited for the humans to stop killing the planet. But they seem to know nothing of the love that humans feel for other creatures or each other.

So after saving animal species around the world then the world is about to be eaten by apocalyptic robotic nano insects when the Human alien sees the love in the two humans, our female scientist and her boy when they are just about to die by being eaten by the nano insects from the inside. The alien now comes to the conclusion that we are worth saving... But it comes with a price..

Then he walks out into the nano insect storm, reaches his sphere, and when he reaches it he sends out a world wide electro magnetic pulse... The insects fall to the ground, and the whole world loses power. and we are back in the stoneage...

All this because there are precious few planets in the galaxy that can
support life... Therefore according to the Human alien, it is not our planet..

One would argue they would have learned how to terraform.
One would argue they would know of love...
One would argue that an intelligent species should have ethics and morals, wiping out an entire species of sentient intelligent life form would be a crime... But apparently the Galactic UN voted in favor of denying the humans the right to live. Apparently they are want to be guilty of genocide...

I could go on and on, but really I already wasted more time on this movie than it was worth.

Cheers Frame...
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Post by CptnEcho »

I own a DVD of the orginial film "The Day The Earth Stood Still", made in 1951. I think it holds it holds up well and is still entertaining today because it has a worthy story concept and several humorous bits of dialogue.

I saw the 2008 version last night with my girlfriend. We both enjoyed it. She is now interested in seeing the original for comparison.

While there are differences between the two movies, each has its merits.

Your mileage may vary. Good luck. 8)
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