Awesome in-game stories

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Awesome in-game stories

Post by Super Jamie »

Following on from Simon B's dogfight here, I thought I'd make a thread for sharing in-game happenings that just make you love Oolite even more.

The other day I was hunting the Constrictor. I'd jumped galaxies and was hot on the trail. Popped out of hyperspace and BAM, there he was, right in my face!

A few laser bursts and he fuel injects away in a streak. Chicken. Having just jumped 6.8LY myself, I couldn't chase, so after looking for him in the trading lane a few times, I went about my business in other systems, hoping to make him believe I'd gone to pursue him elsewhere.

I jumped back into the system where I saw him, but from a closer planet this time, so I'd have fuel. I see two ships on the radar, so I target the first one, which is a Clean Python, and move in for the kill (hey, a guy's gotta eat!).

As I dispatch the innocent trader and move in to scoop his cargo, I get a crackle over the radio:

Code: Select all

I can just imagine the fugitive's stubbled face greeting me with a sly grin over the communicator, his message not a thanks of help, but a "Thanks for doing the hard work, sucker... you're next!"

Quickly I swing around and target him, 2 GalCop Vipers appear on the radar as I make my first shots, he fires off a few laster bursts himself and fuel injects away. Both myself and the feds give chase, causing him to make course corrections, scoring hits from time to time as we try to box him in.

I guess the CalGops called for backup, because before I know it, another 3 and another 2 Vipers have appeared in the sky, signal lights flashing. Soon, the Constrictor is nothing more than a purple line, darting around wildly as the law and myself close in on him, laser fire absolutely everywhere.

I've got him down to the stage where his exhaust is flickering, when the unimaginable happens. Near-panic in a sky filled with red and purple, two missiles hot on his tail, the Constrictor makes a hard left under fuel injectors and... BOOM! My screen is filled with a flash as the fugitive collides head on with a Viper, turning them both to space dust instantly.

In the aftermath, the cops seem to have no interest in me, so I sweep up the cargo floating around, and head back to the station. The Military are waiting there for me, with a big fat reward, and my kills have grown as well.

Looks like it was a good day for hunting fugitives 8)
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Nice tale.

Shame LittleBear never got around to finishing his....


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Post by OrionX »

I was cruising in my shiney new Huntsman, seeking the usual array of fugitives (I raely fire first at offenders, having skirted the law a few times). I mayself had just come from a Free Trade Zone so my rep is none to good.
There in front of me is the awsome silloette of a Behemoth! I always like to buzz them, just to get a look at these beauties so in I go. Coming in at a suspicious vector is a Cobra III. I sight him and he comes up offender..I'll wait and see...I think to myself.
My warning sounds and sure thing, the Cobra targets me and fires. Well so much for mister nice guy as I move to defend myself. Then the Behemoth opens up on him.
Five plasma pulses flash across my nose and the Cobra is vaporized! If I had been the first to I will stick with my policy of 'don't shoot first'...when there is a battleship around anyhow.
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Post by OrionX »

I had a busy week in space so here is another incident...
I jump in expecting to see the black of space and my destination world on screen and for some reason all I see is green...and my alarm is sounding!

I had jumped to within a few meters of a Targoid carrier! I pull up hard and watch the hull slide past and I realize I won't get another chance like this so i open up with my laser at point blank range!
That, I learned, is an effective way to get their attention.
Fighters begin streaming out of this hideous beast and the only help is a ship of some sort near the edge of scanner range!
I have bugs swarming me as I hit the injectors and just manuver like a mad man!
I tried to trigger a missle but succeded in losing my lock. My ship whirls as I look for the big mother bug again...easy enough to fond but these things are everywhere! The only good the civilian ship is doing is acting as a distraction.
I find my main target and pump laser beam into it until I red line, then, missile away! The bug blasts it with ECM and I am feeling hosed. I have one hard head missile and as soon as I lock on I let it hits home...this reminds the Tharg that I am near by and I am low on fuel.
I figure I am doomed so I become determined to go down fighting. I move as close as possible at top speed and hope to get a missle under its luck! I get only a short burst with my laser and it red lines...I can feel the heat off the laser core now, or is it my hull cooking from Tharg fire?
Keep hitting the carrier is all I can do, maybe the fighters will not shoot as much so they don't hit momma. Its do or die in the last run as my hull is banging like a gong when...FOOM...the carrier goes up like a nova...with me in the middle!
It is a long and spectacular explosion as thousands (literally) of fragments of metal fill the void! A new ship appears..a Galco viper...thanks for nothing, it doesn't even move in to help with the fighters! I have out distanced all but two figters and a couple robots.The fragments of the mothership seem to make effective cover for me to snipe from and I mop up the few remaining bugs.
I have to thank Galco for the 2k+ credits, they can thank me for the free alloy floating around the witch beacon...time for a drink.
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Post by pagroove »

Great in game stories. I like them because they are made up by the Oolite engine. I've seen many things now. Big fire fights, failed dockings of Workers Commuters (poor workers) and such. I will report in when something 'awesome' happens :D
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Post by CptnEcho »

Last night, while docked at Lezaer [spelling?] in Galaxy 3, I hit F2 and changed the screen resolution settings from "window" to "full screen" back and forth a few times to decide which I liked better.

I decided to try full screen mode and returned to my ship status screen. I purchased several commodities and prepared to leave the station.

I launched.

I looked straight ahead at empty space. The planet was not displayed.

Performing various manuvers and checking several views with the "v" key revealed the station, nav buoy and a few ships but not the planet.

"Well, thats weird", I thought.

I hit the "H" key and made the transit to the nearest system, Esmaonbe [spelling] which is 0.0 light years away. The close proximity helps reduce fuel costs, eh?

After re-entering normal space, the planet was visible. I imagine I somehow glitched the game while trying out the games' display options.
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Post by OrionX »

I have experienced this as well...I think some planets are experimenting with large scale cloaking to protect themselves from Thargoids.
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Post by Commander McLane »

OrionX wrote:
...I think some planets are experimenting with large scale cloaking...

:D :D :D
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Post by JensAyton »

Next time you see a cloaked planet, try a physical probe to see if it’s actually there. :-)
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Post by Griff »

Once they've cloaked the whole planet, how do they find the on/off switch on the cloaking device again?
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Post by Lestradae »

Presumably with a Military Cloaking Jammer.
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Post by Thargoid »

Something like this, that I encountered the other day?

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Post by FSOneblin »

It's a black hole! Can you see the light getting sucked in!?!

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Post by wackyman465 »

No, its a solar eclipse! :)
Look out for a giant ship in between you and the sun!
I shot him back first. That is to say, I read his mind and fired before he would have fired on me. No, sir, he wasn't a fugitive.
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Post by ClymAngus »

My my, that's a very large ring sir, isn't it Kenneth?

Indeed sir, indeed. Did you explore it sir? By any chance? Did you fly through it sir? Or did you circle it wearily?

Ooo suits you.

Did you try a physical probe as Ahruman suggested sir? Did it penetrate sir? Or did it just bounce harmlessly off the surface? Did you fire off another one sir, just to be on the safe side? Oooo!

Oooo suits you sir. Suits you.
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