Buy/sell goods question

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Buy/sell goods question

Post by wenlock »

Not sure if this should have been posted on the pc forums but anyway, I couldn't see anything in the wiki so I will ask here is there any way to quicken up loading and unloading cargo instead of doing it one at a time with the arrow keys?
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Post by Thargoid »

Pushing return buys or sells the maximum possible of the particular selected item, subject to your credits, cargo capacity and the maximum that the system has in stock or can accept (there's a maximum amount of a given item you can sell, although off-hand I can't recall exactly what it is).

If you're in a situation where you can buy or sell (if both your cargo manifest and the station list has cargo) then pressing return will first buy, and then if you press it again it will sell (both what you just bought and also what you already had, subject to the above comments).
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Post by wenlock »

Great, I thought there probably was a way and tried shift + arrow but when that didn't work it seemed quicker to ask on here.

Many thanks.
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