version 1.71.2 VS 1.65

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Post by RazorbackSnr »

Nice one JohnnyBoy. Im running v1.65 and i dont think ive seen an advanced navigational array? :?

The advanced space compass is brilliant. Just aim for the triangle with the yellow N and its a piece of p**s. Extra fuel tanks also help you just blast all the way to the station non-stop. :lol:

Hauling cargo IS boring but im up to 750,000Cr doing it the OLD boring way. If i can find an ANA i'll give it a whirl! :wink:
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Post by Micha »

It'd be nice if there were cargo-contracts for smaller ships too - not everyone wants to fly an Anaconda!
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Post by Commander McLane »

RazorbackSnr wrote:
Nice one JohnnyBoy. Im running v1.65 and i dont think ive seen an advanced navigational array? :?

Hauling cargo IS boring but im up to 750,000Cr doing it the OLD boring way. If i can find an ANA i'll give it a whirl! :wink:
You'll never find it. The Advanced Navigational Array was introduced with Oolite 1.67. (Sometimes it does help to read the wiki. There are so many informations in there.)
Micha wrote:
It'd be nice if there were cargo-contracts for smaller ships too - not everyone wants to fly an Anaconda!
Who told you there aren't? You just have to find them. I built up my cargo hauling reputation in an ordinary Cobby III with 35t cargo capacity. You just have to do the smaller contracts, despite their ridiculously tiny pay-offs. Believe me, once you've successfully finished seven of them, things suddenly get way better! :wink:
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Post by Alex »

The difference is 'What your TDM (This Damn Machine) can handle'. I've had V65 lock and freeze a few times. Not during a busy shoot out with a few pirates! At seemingly random times. Though 71.2 is testing my graphics card. It stalls now and again during 'busy' times. But carrys on as soon as graphics card catchies up. On whole it is much smoother and allows the extra oxp's we all enjoy.
p.s. I played Elite on the BBC micro to Elite status way back when TDM cost more than my car.
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Post by Micha »

Commander McLane wrote:
Micha wrote:
It'd be nice if there were cargo-contracts for smaller ships too - not everyone wants to fly an Anaconda!
Who told you there aren't? You just have to find them. I built up my cargo hauling reputation in an ordinary Cobby III with 35t cargo capacity.
Hmm, ok, will have to keep a sharper eye out then - haven't seen one for under 100t yet!
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Dumping cargo

Post by Alex »

For PC users; Shift + r (R) lets you choose what to dump, toggles through what you have. In V.65 it's real handy. You can dump 1 tonne and if you are just in the right possition after shooting you can pick up more. As long as the scoops are sounding away it will go over cargo limit. My max is 15t over. V71.2 doesn't allow and will damage your scoops if tried too often.
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Post by RazorbackSnr »

I havent seen a contract for less than 75 TC's so im stuck as well. Can i be ars*d to haul 115 tonnes of rubber dogsh*t all the way to God knows and then get 45 pence for the privelige....... Ok, i'll try it! :D

Where do you download v1.67???? 1.62, 1.65, 1.67, 1.71. Your all MAD!!! 8)

Doing the Ionics OXP and i must say its getting boring. Government has got 191 ships left Blah Blah..... The big weapons platform doesnt die unless you Q-bomb its ar*e. Kills a load of RLF ships as well though. Any advice chaps???? :roll:

Wana go back to G1 and do the Spyhunter OXP really......
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Post by Commander McLane »

RazorbackSnr wrote:
Where do you download v1.67???? 1.62, 1.65, 1.67, 1.71. Your all MAD!!! 8)
Why would you want to bother with an obscure, outdated, in-between, development version? Makes no sense to me. Either you stick to the current official release (1.65) or you download the current development version (1.71.2), which is available through a download link in the Announcement named "Oolite test release 1.71.2" in the forum of your operating system (whatever it is). There is a reason why the preceeding development version usually vanishes from the download server when a new one is released (and therefore nothing between 1.65 and 1.71.2 is available for download anymore anywhere): Who would want to download the old bugs in version n, if they have already been fixed in version n+1? It is so much more fun to get new bugs. :wink:

Therefore, the correct question would have been "When do you download...", not "Where...". And the answer would have been: Almost a year and a half ago, when it was the bleeding-edge-development-version. Today the bleeding-edge-development-version happens to be 1.71.2. And there is nothing MAD about naming consecutive development releases with slowly increasing numbers. That's how Oolite has been released pretty much since version 1.00 (although there may have been some intermediate versions which never made it anywhere else than to Aegidian's hard-drive).
Doing the Ionics OXP and i must say its getting boring. Government has got 191 ships left Blah Blah..... The big weapons platform doesnt die unless you Q-bomb its ar*e. Kills a load of RLF ships as well though. Any advice chaps???? :roll:
Still 191 ships left and already bored? Come on, you haven't touched the tip of the iceberg yet. There is no way around it: reduce their number to zero; five by five, so to speak. Yes, it is a tedious task, but who said that fighting for a rebellion would be exciting every step along the way? Someone has to do the dirty, boring work. So, are you up for it...? 8)
Wana go back to G1 and do the Spyhunter OXP really......
Of course it would've been better--or at least more economical--to finish all the missions in Galaxy 1 before proceeding to Galaxy 2. But on the other hand, nobody prevents you from doing the really Long Way Around and returning to Galaxy 1--apart from the considerable price-tag of 35,000 cr, of course. :twisted: (You are aware that in Elite forward is the only way back, are you?)
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Post by RazorbackSnr »

Morning Cmdr MacLane. :)

Downloaded v1.71.x or something with an official link on here but tried to run it and all it says is "program too big to fit in memory" then disappears. :cry:

Maybe enjoying every version ever released was one of my priorities. That way i could enjoy all the OLD bugs....... :lol:

Ionics is very, very interesting mission. Its just i meet the same 5 ships near the planet and that big daft weapons carrier which will not die without a Q-bomb enema. You also cant save in the Link base. Do i go into the Ramaza station. Wouldnt be a smart move would it..... Begebe? Zaria?
The HQ of the people im killing. :?:
I quick save at every station to avoid heartbreak but after refuelling at the Link some SOB gave me the good news with an energy bomb. Do NPC's get E-bombs??? Could have been a collision..... :roll:
There was NOTHING on my scanner apart from a few whitetails.
Start AGAIN. :evil:

I ended up in G2 because Gal Hyperdrive is only one key. The one next to the one you use to get out of a system when you've ran out of missiles, E-bombs, shield and 7 energy banks(PCC)! H. :roll:

The fact you have to keep going "forward" is good as apart from OXP's who the hell wants to spend 35,000Cr going to G7????? :wink:

Ok Cmdr. I'll follow orders and keep helping the RLF. 8)
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Post by FSOneblin »

RazorbackSnr wrote:
Morning Cmdr MacLane. :)

Downloaded v1.71.x or something with an official link on here but tried to run it and all it says is "program too big to fit in memory" then disappears. :cry:

Maybe enjoying every version ever released was one of my priorities. That way i could enjoy all the OLD bugs....... :lol:

Ionics is very, very interesting mission. Its just i meet the same 5 ships near the planet and that big daft weapons carrier which will not die without a Q-bomb enema. You also cant save in the Link base. Do i go into the Ramaza station. Wouldnt be a smart move would it..... Begebe? Zaria?
The HQ of the people im killing. :?:
I quick save at every station to avoid heartbreak but after refuelling at the Link some SOB gave me the good news with an energy bomb. Do NPC's get E-bombs??? Could have been a collision..... :roll:
There was NOTHING on my scanner apart from a few whitetails.
Start AGAIN. :evil:

I ended up in G2 because Gal Hyperdrive is only one key. The one next to the one you use to get out of a system when you've ran out of missiles, E-bombs, shield and 7 energy banks(PCC)! H. :roll:

The fact you have to keep going "forward" is good as apart from OXP's who the hell wants to spend 35,000Cr going to G7????? :wink:

Ok Cmdr. I'll follow orders and keep helping the RLF. 8)
Dear sir or mam (my spelling runs in the family), please calm down, we will try to get someone who can help you.

Why don't you try Deleting some stuff, or selling your soul, But I think you should do the first one. Sorry That we had to put you on hold for 9 hours.

Don't Panic: FSOneblin
Don't panic

Now an "adult!"
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Post by Commander McLane »

Morning, RazorbackSnr,

of course it's a bugger that Oolite 1.71.2 won't run on your system. I wasn't aware that it had grown so much since 1.65. (In fact, if I compare versions 1.65 and 1.71.2 on my Mac (I have kept 1.65 in a different folder), I amazingly discover that it has shrunk. 1.65 has 30.9 MBs, 1.71.2 only 23.6 MBs. I guess, though, that this is not the relevant measure. Probably due to the shaders the new version has to load more and/or bigger textures into memory.)

As far as Ionics is concerned:

Warning! Spoilers ahead!

RazorbackSnr wrote:
Ionics is very, very interesting mission. Its just i meet the same 5 ships near the planet...
Well, no, it's not the same ships, it's just new ships of the same kind. If you kill them all and return to the Link base, you will be informed that there are now 186 government ships left. If you do it again, you will be told that there are now 181 ships left. You get the idea. (And you have to kill all five of them before the next wave of five is created, so make sure you get them all.) Your goal is to reduce the number to, well, 0, in order to trigger the next part of the mission.
and that big daft weapons carrier which will not die without a Q-bomb enema.
Hmmm, I do remember that I frequently killed that weapons platform with simple laser fire. It just takes more than one round with your military laser (if you got only pulse lasers I think it may well be impossible). That's where aft, port and starboard lasers come in handy.
You also cant save in the Link base. Do i go into the Ramaza station. Wouldnt be a smart move would it..... Begebe? Zaria?
The HQ of the people im killing. :?:
Yes, you can't save in non-main stations (although that is changing now, see this thread). So, if you want to be on the safe side, you should occasionally dock with the system's main station and save there. The good thing is that you have to go over there all the time, anyway, because the government ships are created close to the main station, and head to the Link base from there. And by the way, if you kill them out of the stations range (and out of the range of any police vessels), even your legal status won't be affected, so you can stay perfectly clean all the time (this is a general rule in Oolite, committing crimes doesn't affect your legal rating, as long as the authorities don't watch). So yes, why don't got to the HQ of the people you're killing, as long as they don't know that you're killing them? That's the fun of being a secret agent, isn't it?
I quick save at every station to avoid heartbreak but after refuelling at the Link some SOB gave me the good news with an energy bomb. Do NPC's get E-bombs??? Could have been a collision..... :roll:
There was NOTHING on my scanner apart from a few whitetails.
Start AGAIN. :evil:
Yes, NPCs can carry E-bombs, although only in very rare occasions, and I don't think any ships from Ionics.oxp actually do. So probably in your case it was a collision, or a missile fired from close range. (The weapons platform has plasma turrets, IIRC. If you come too close, these tend to be very deadly, very quickly.)

In summary: Yes, it is a tedious task to reduce the government fleet to 0, in these waves of five by five, and I have to confess that myself I didn't particularly enjoy it when I did the mission. But, well, sometimes something just has to be completed in order to progress. So, kill'em all!
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Post by RazorbackSnr »

Morning to FSOneblin and Cmdr McLane. :)

Killing the weapons carrier with my military laser. Yo-Yoing between the Ramaza Coriolis(?) and the Link base picking up energy bombs and free missiles. Down to 120 odd and still going. Loaded Anarchies OXP and now i get two turds(bounty hunters)giving me a load of verbal before i drop my energy bomb to fry them and any whitetails or whatever floating around the station. The Link base clears my record. Now and again i run 160 Tc to Zaria to keep the money up. Sorted. :D

Hello FSOneblin! I have been acting like a kid on Xmas morning with this game since the mid 80's. Im not going to calm down now or when im old(er). The sound of the beam laser on the BBC, Military lasers on the C64 disk version, Pictures on the Amiga cargo screen, buying different ships on Frontier&FFE..... :wink:

I'll delete some of the OXP's i dont need. :roll:

My soul is sadly worthless. Satan returned it many years ago.......... 8)
Cloaked Iron-Ass SuperCobra.
Galaxy 1.......
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