I've made the following trivial hack by copying the following code-block from PlayerEntity.m:peformWitchspaceCountDownUpdates into PlayerEntityControls.m:pollFlightControls at line 954 in order to get the blocked message when I press the Hyperspace key:
Code: Select all
ShipEntity* blocker = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:[self checkShipsInVicinityForWitchJumpExit]];
if (blocker)
[UNIVERSE clearPreviousMessage];
[UNIVERSE addMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:DESC(@"witch-blocked-by-@"), [blocker name]] forCount: 4.5];
[self playWitchjumpBlocked];
[self doScriptEvent:@"playerJumpFailed" withArgument:@"blocked"];
jumpOK = NO;
Note that the original code is unchanged as it's possible to start the countdown but then enter a situation during the countdown when the hyperspace could fail.