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Help with an assassination mission

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Help with an assassination mission

Post by Svenson »


I am just starting out in the assassins guild, and am having real problems trying to find some jumped up Sports team that wouldn't fall over after taking a bribe.

I know I'm in the correct system, my Cloaking device is blocked, and the cross shows on the space map, but not armoured space bus.

I've looked along the space lane to the sattelite, to the planet, I've even jumped out and back, but no joy.

Have they heard I'm coming, and hidden?

Where are they?

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Found something

Post by Svenson »


so I just went on another trawl of the space lanes and was attacked by the four escourts, but still no sign of the bus. Has someone else destroyed it?

How do I complete this mission?

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Post by LittleBear »

The bus will often make a run for it and leave the escorts to deal with pesky assassins. If you came across the Escorts the bus was probabley on you scanner, but it escaped whilst you were occupied. Jump in and Jump out again and all will be reset. This time ignore the hired help and keep your eye out for the Bus. :wink: It won't have been destroyed by someone else if your cloak is still blocked. The Bus can be ahead of the escorts and so just out of scanner range when you spot the escorts. Keep heading for the planet and you should find the Bus.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Still no joy

Post by Svenson »

thanks for that LittleBear. I've tried your suggestions, but no joy. When I did encounter the hired help, I scanned all the others on the scope, but no bus. I haven't even seen the hired help since, and I have been in and out of the system a couple of times.

Anything else I can do to help it happen?

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Post by LittleBear »

The Bus and its escorts are added within 5km of each other and then all fly to the planet. This does mean though you will often encounter the Escorts whilst the Bus may still be up to 5 clicks ahead. Set course for the Planet and when you meet the escorts keep going. The Bus will attack you when it spots you and has blue lasers (same as the Escorts). However the Bus is only packing a Beam laser whereas the Escorts have Military Lasers. As a result the Escorts will fire on you long before the Bus (as they have a longer reach). Do your best to ignore them and keep heading in on the look out. The bus has enough juice in its shields (just) to survive an energy bomb, so you can use a bomb to take out the Escorts and the surviving ship will be the bus. If you've found the Escorts the Bus will be nearby, but you'll have to keep heading forward.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Finally successful

Post by Svenson »

Thanks LittleBear,

I had a few problems with the mission. From the save game I jumped in to the system four times.

1 - Found on Waypoint to Nav bouy lane. Killed the Hockey Team, mullered the protection and was wiped out by a hoarde of Vipers

2 - Never found the Team. Rode down the Spacelane without meeting a soul

3 - Ditto 2, but with normal traffic

4 - Ditto 3, but decided on reaching the safe zone around the Space Station, I decided to take a trip to the station orbiting the companion planet. Had to go around the main planet, and halfway to the other station I found them, and no Police around!!

So thanks. Think there are some anomalies, but good mission.

Now about those pesky rodents with their "Revenge isn't a straight line" sqeakings.... they're everywhere!!! I even resorted to trying a transpoder thing from a Hacker Outpost, but still they find me. Ah well, perhaps if I can get to the brother, rather than the sisters, they will leave me alone!!!

Enjoying this. Thanks

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Killing a hockey team at Teriad.

Post by RazorbackSnr »

I know this is a bit late... :oops:
Finished all the native missions so decided to do Assassins Guild.

Its superb. 8)

Apart from finding the hockey team like Svenson.
So all ive got to do is keep jumping in, blast towards the planet and ignore the escort. Which ive "mullered" 3 times already. :roll:

Energy bomb the bus and its escort, maybe ECMh it to finish?
Thank the stars for this forum..... :wink:
What a superb OXP. Shame i cant run Realistic Shipyards. Yet...... :)

P.S. How does the Mark Transponder Work then? Is there a key for it?
Cycle through compass(N, W, S etc) but nothing telling me where the "Mark" is... Im missing something........ :roll:
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Where is the finale - Possible Spoiler!!!!!!!

Post by Svenson »

Okay, so first off, I have thoroughly enjoyed these missions.... excellent development. Thanks!

But, I had reached the point where my guild rating was something special, had a 'newsapaper report' mentioning the end of the Thargoids in the Geteve system and that said something about agent Wombat, then my Guid rating dissapeared, and nothing else has happened for ages.

Is this normal?

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Post by LittleBear »

EDIT. Completely mis-read where you were! Doh. Yep that's the end if Geteve is now free. Certain ships that you'll have enountered are now unlocked though and you may now come accross them in the game generally. But you've completed the assassins missions. The planets and so on remain. And remain changed in the way the various events in the oxp left them. It leaves an opened plot, in case anybody fancied doing a follow on!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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thanks but...

Post by Svenson »

Thanks for the quick response!

I was waiting to find out who Agent Wombat is.... is it my alter ego (like Total Recall) or was it someone I was going to have to remove from the order!

If I had the faintest idea how to do an OXP, I would be up for extending it.

It has taken me right up to Elite Level (boy was that an anticlimax; no medal ceremony, nothing, not even a mention in despatches)

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Post by LittleBear »

I didn't really have any ideas about who he'd be when I wrote it, but I did later think it would be quite cool for the player to have in fact been agent wombat, your memory of being recuited by GalCop to infiltrate the guild wiped so a follow on would have involved you docking a station and suddenly having a flah back. After a few flashbacks you get an e-mail from yourself (time delivered delayed from before your memory was wiped) telling you to go somewhere and a follow on would involve spying and assassination missions for GalCop. But I couldn't really think of a satisfactory way of doing it that wouldn't feel like more of the same and I got interested in randomly generated missions instead.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

Little Bear wrote:
your memory of being recuited by GalCop to infiltrate the guild wiped
Or indeed Hex edited as decreed by our in house author Drew...
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
Oolite Life is now revealed here
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