Anyhow the reason for this post is that I have created a Syntax Highlight file for TextPad that emphasises structure and keys within the file.
Version 1 of the file covers all entries I could find in the ShipData, ShipYard, KeyConfig, and Equipment files. If I've missed any then please either let me know and I'll update the file.
TextPad can be found here
To download the syntax file grab it from here
To set it up for Oolite.
- Install TextPad (no really
Download the Syntax file and extract it's contents to the System directory under TextPad Install directory
Run TextPad and from the Configure menu select New Document Class
Enter a class name (eg 'Oolite PList')
Enter '*.plist' for the Class members
Check Enable syntax highlighting and from the dropdown select 'oolite-plist.syn'
Click Finish
- Select Preferences from the Configure menu
Expand the Document Classes entry and then the Oolite class (which will be named as you specified
Select the Colors entry from the tree
On the right hand side will then be all the colours used for the highlighting