Firing racers and mining in 1.71.2

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Post by LittleBear »

Tried it with a 300 kill Jameson (Front & Aft Only Beams + 2 Standard Missiles in a Moray Star Boat). Killed and got 350 C (I guess Kaks also balanced the payments). If people think the later rocks are too hard, I could add a little squad of Miners with an AI to go for the big rock to help out a bit.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Eric Walch
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Post by Eric Walch »

Hello LB,

I think Kaks needs to look at it another time. He wrote this before 1.71 came out. Some functions were not available and he used a "call" function instead. Those will stop working with 1.72. e.g setting the For 1.72 Oolite will have a new function without call.

Also the code generates errors in the log. Cause is checking for an Oolite 1.68 or 1.69 version. He does that with the following lines:

Code: Select all

	for (var i in this.badOolite){
		if (oolite.compareVersion(this.badOolite[i]) == 0){
			log("script.", "--- Script disabled to avoid bugs in Oolite v"+oolite.versionString+". Please use another version. ");
			return false;
These lines should better be removed. (I still don't know how these lines triggers the error messages)

He also defines: this.badrocks=['badrockI','badrockII','badrockIII'];

When I do a search on "this.badrocks" I only see him making it version III if player.score > 95 else you get nr II. It looks like Nr I is never used and when you tried it with a score of 300, you should already encountered the most difficult one. Maybe you had help from something else on your try. When I look in the code"

Code: Select all

    if (missionVariables.asteroids_rockdead==1){
                this.missionScreen('asteroidsbrief_5');//you did it!
        } else {
                player.credits += 350;
                this.missionScreen('asteroidsbrief_6'); //you helped doing it!
                if (missionVariables.asteroids_bombremoved>0){
If last hit was player you get 1000 cr and else you get 350 cr

Adding helpers for the rock does not seen necessary. And because of the bounty an the fact it has scanclass missile instead of rock, I already witnessed regular police firing at the rock. Maybe raising the bounty for the harder rocks makes it more likely police will start attacking.
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