When this works it will offer the choice (if in an anarchy and without a clean record) to join two my two clans: Blitzspears and She_Wolves (in production and I'm very pleased with my new ship designs ) If this works out, I'll maybe adapt a Honest joe version for Corporations.
Pros and Cons of Joining a Clan:
Major Pros:
Cleaning of record if docked at Clan Base
Help if you are attacked by other Clan(s) from you're own guys. (Hoping to add a distress beacon that activates if it recognises that you have been hit by an enemy clan ship - I would have preferred a touch button call for help, but I believe that isnt possible)
Access to special equipment
Chance to get mixed up in (maybe even cause!) mass clan battles
Access to missions (in later versions)
Major Cons:
Clans are illegal and your bounty will go up on Joining
Likely to be attacked a lot by other Clan(s)
More difficult to clear your name in clean systems
Whenever I add a new clan, I'll add an update of this oxp to make the clan joinable (if it is joinable, some may not be.)
It is probably riddled with mistakes and copypastad from a couple of sources. It's probably horribly cluttered, inefficient and messy, but its my first baby so...
I need to know if it will work (up until the bumf at the bottom) and where the major syntax errors out. Don't point out the syntax errors, tell me the theory briefly and I'll see if I can clear them up myself. I'll learn quicker that way.
Code: Select all
"Pirate Clan Offer" = (
conditions = ("economy_number lessthan 1");//join in anarchy systems only (at the moment)
do = (
conditions = {"mission_legal_status greaterthan 0");// clean livers need not apply.
do = (
conditions = ("status_string equal STATUS_DOCKED");
do = (
"setMissionImage: AbPirateClanoffer.PNG",
"set: Mission_ClanOffer",
"addMissionText: ClanOffer",
"setMissionChoices: ClanOffer_yesno"
conditions = ("mission_ClanOffer", {missionChoice_string equal YES");
if(Math.random() > 0.09) // Role the Dice to see if Blitzpear offer
missionVariables.gang1= "Blitzspear" // Blitzspear offer
if(Math.random() < 0.91) // Role the Dice to see if She Wolves offer
missionVariables.gang1= "She-Wolves" // She Wolves offer.
//think syntax above is from different language
conditions = (missionVariables.gang1= "Blitzspear" {missionChoice_string equal YES");
"setMissionImage: AbBlitzspearsplash.PNG",
"set: Mission_BlitzOFFER",
"addMissionText: BlitzOffer",
"setMissionChoices: BlitzOffer_yesno"
conditions = ("mission_BlitzOffer", {missionChoice_string equal YES");
"addMissionText: BlitzOfferYes",
"awardCredits: 1000",
"set: Mission_Blitzmember",
//also set new bounty
conditions = ("mission_BlitzOffer", {missionChoice_string equal NO");
"addMissionText: JoinOfferNO",
conditions = (missionVariables.gang1= "She-Wolves" {missionChoice_string equal YES");
setMissionImage: AbShewolfsplash.PNG",
"set: Mission_SheWolfOffer",
"addMissionText: SheWolfOffer",
"setMissionChoices: SheWolfOffer_yesno"
conditions = ("mission_SheWolfOffer", {missionChoice_string equal YES");
"addMissionText: SheWolfOfferYes",
"awardCredits: 1000",
"set: Mission_SheWolfmember",
//also set new bounty
conditions = ("mission_SheWolfOffer", {missionChoice_string equal NO");
"addMissionText: JoinOfferNO",
conditions = missionVariables.gang1="No Offer"// No offers this time.
"set: ClanOffer_NO ",
"addMissionText: ClanOfferNo3",
//NOTE: Each new clan pack will need a new scriptversion to update random number generator to be joinable.
[color=red][b]Unfinished waffle below.[/b][/color]
conditions = (missionVariables.gang1= "Blitzspear" {missionChoice_string equal YES");
do = (//Something here to make ships in pirate clan one oxp not attack player.
conditions = (missionVariables.gang1= "She-Wolves" {missionChoice_string equal YES");
do = (//Something here to make ships in pirate clan two oxp not attack player.
//set up call for help if possible which spawns clan ships to defend or spawns clan ships if attacked by other clan ships only.
//set up calls for help from other clan ships
//set up increased bounty for "illegal gang membership"