Do you use the Realistic Shipyards OXP?

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Do you use any version of the Realistic Shipyards OXP?

Yes I do, it's the bee's knees!
Yes I do
No, never tried it
No, but have tried it out
Total votes: 36

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Amen Brick
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Post by Amen Brick »

I hate to give the OXP maker more work, but it might be better in modular form.

Realistic Prices
Original Ships
Genre Ships (Star Wars, Star Trek, BSG, etc)

Then it doesn't have to be an all or nothing (or all and much editting) experience.
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Post by Gareth3377 »

Good to see some constructive criticism (hurrah).

Now what about RS-lite?
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Post by Commander Mysenses »

Have downloaded and tried all the versions of this OXP, but don't use any of them now. I like the original concept of realistic pricing, but not its implementation. I am not keen on the direction it has gone in, I would prefer a version that only revised prices, not added ships... I like to do that as I choose! I am not wild about the across the board pricing, I think it should vary somewhat from system to system, which I believe is more in line with the elite concept.

I like the idea of shipyard stations, but as a separate OXP.
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Post by Lestradae »

Gareth3377 wrote:
Good to see some constructive criticism (hurrah).

Now what about RS-lite?
Hi Gareth,

upcoming when 1.72 comes out, which`s new "override.plists" will solve a problem that will make a "light" version work as intended. With today`s Oolite version, a "light" version creates loads of error messages (in the stderr file), and if you don`t use a lot of oxps makes only 10-20% of the usual amount of ships appear in the shipyards.

I`m thinking of giving this light version a new name, though - perhaps "Realistic_Ship_Prices.OXP" or such - as Realistic Shipyards has evolved to include much more than that.

It´s a popular wish, and I`m not going to replace the big version, but a purely price/TL availability version is definitely upcoming in addition to that.

Cheers :)

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Post by DaddyHoggy »

@L - sounds like you ay strike a happy middle ground with this oxp when 1.72 comes around. Good luck with it.
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by Gareth3377 »

Oooo, that is good news. I think the idea of having something to aim for post Elite (e.g. that uber ship you always wanted heh heh) is a great idea and I will look forward to installing diet RS. (So long as it won't mess my save game up lol!)
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Post by Lestradae »

So long as it won't mess my save game up
As far as I know Realistic Shipyards does not mess up savegames?

Is there something I don`t know or is this just a rumour?

Because, if it is </true>, someone who understands what and how is happening savegamewise please tell me how so and how to stop it - I`m just working on the next version (mostly bugfixing) and this would be a good moment to fix something like that ...


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Post by Gareth3377 »

Don't know for certain if it does mess up savegames (if I'm wrong, or if I started that rumour just now then many apologies). I'm probably referring to...ahh. Just scanned the post about editing savegames with your original RS posts. Oops. I see the words 'edit' and 'savegame' and go into panic mode


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Post by Lestradae »

Hi Gareth!
(if I'm wrong, or if I started that rumour just now then many apologies). I'm probably referring to...ahh. Just scanned the post about editing savegames with your original RS posts. Oops. I see the words 'edit' and 'savegame' and go into panic mode

Erm ... no. That one was not about anything being messed up, it was about how-to take out ships you don`t like 8)

I go into panic mode when a new, creative bug seems to appear. Happy it`s not true ... :D My to-do list is long enough as it is. Every day I do a bit more work on it, every day something new crops up. Since Svengali is helping me to find errors and streamline some things for RS 3.02, the list has expanded even more ... :?
I'll get my coat
Doctor Who fan?

Cheers :)

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Post by Gareth3377 »

Big Dr Who fan.

Except Paul McGann, who was crap. Sylvestor McCoy was far better, and he was a bit rubbish too. Colin Baker should have had more time to develop his take on the character.

Anyway, back to the topic. :D
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Post by LittleBear »

Can you hear the drums?
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Lestradae »

Big Dr Who fan.
Me too :D
Can you hear the drums?
No, it`s just you. :P

Back to the topic ... where were we ... ah yes, over there, brilliant ... *trails off*
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Post by reills »

Built an R/C K-9 in college. Does that qualify me a Dr. Who fan?

Insert witty saying here
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Post by Lestradae »

Built an R/C K-9 in college.
But that`s impossible!
Does that qualify me a Dr. Who fan?
Guess yes :)
Did you know that there actually is a TARDIS.oxp? Thought about changing it in a way that it would mirror Doctorisch capabilities for fun - but don`t know how exactly.

Massive energy recharge rate (1.000.000?), max energy (1 billion?) and much bigger on the inside (1.000.000 t cargo capacity?)

No missiles, no lasers, obviously. So not a lot of interaction with the player, Oolite-wise ...

Incoming mission: "Hello, I`m the Doctor ..." :)

Got carried away there 8)

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Post by DaddyHoggy »

@L - :D I started with Tom Baker* - who was your first doctor? (technically I started with John Pertwee but I don't remember sitting on my dad's lap not watching the screen)
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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