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Not being credited with assasinations

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Not being credited with assasinations

Post by Damos »

Have come to oolite 1.7 (XP) from Acorn electron elite and Ellite the new kind...

Currently playing the Radomhits expansion and can happily accept assasinations but after killing the contract (several times) and two different contacts still not being credited with the kills on docking to spaceport. OK after the first "kills" I could imagine a last minute jump to hyper space but not after killing then about 4 times...I just dont get credited.


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Re: Not being credited with assasinations

Post by Commander Mysenses »

Damos wrote:
after killing the contract (several times).
How do you kill them several times??... you're not called Arthur Dent by any chance?

Did you get the congratulations message straight after the kill? (if not they may be still out there in an escape pod). Did you have to chase them through a hyperspace jump?

I know that v.1.71 does not record kills properly for random hits (I have to switch back to v.1.70 before entering the target system).
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Post by Damos »

Well in the sense that I killed them jumped out of the system then jump back in and they are still there.

Twice followed them through a hyperspace jump and destroyed them on the other side and 3 times destroyed them in the original system.
ie communicator has comments about mercy etc.

Even destroying the hit and getting credit for the alloy in his hull still doesn't result in me being credited for a kill.

Haven't got a congradulatory message at maybe they are still alive then?
?am I also supposed to see a message on moving from hamrless to compedent etc, because I haven't. on BBC Elite you would get a message saying "Right on commander".

Concerned because at 220 kills its along way before I start getting the original missions yet.

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Post by Commander Mysenses »

Damos wrote:
Haven't got a congradulatory message at maybe they are still alive then?
Yes, you get an onscreen message, congratulating you on the kill and telling you that you will be credited with your blood money when you next dock at the system's main station.
?am I also supposed to see a message on moving from hamrless to compedent etc, because I haven't. on BBC Elite you would get a message saying "Right on commander".
I don't think so, it just get updated on you pilot profile (press F5)
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Post by LittleBear »

You have to use v1.70 of Oolite for the current version of Random Hits to work. For the 1.71 build the names of two commands (the ones that credit you with a kill!) have been changed. Because 1.1 of Random Hits uses the old names, nothing happens on 1.71 when you kill the mark. I will do a new version when 1.71 becomes an offical release, but you have to use 1.70 ATM. The Random Hits Wiki page gives the link to v1.70.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Damos »

Thanks for all replies so far.

I think I am already running 1.7 in so much that once I install oolite the readme that you find the the primary dirrectory says

"Oolite v1.70, snapshot build of svn revision 1253 (2007-12-02)"

But is there a way of confirming from within the Olite which version I have?

Also when I look in the stderr file there is a comment
"2008-04-12 00:52:27.087 oolite.exe[2704] [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a script file named oolite-random-hits-mark20.js."

I wonder if I am going to have to delete the oxp's, refreash the cashe and reinstall them. Would rather not as takes some time to travel the galaxy to get to the hit.


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Post by Damos »

Thanks for all replies so far.

I think I am already running 1.7 in so much that once I install oolite the readme that you find the the primary dirrectory says

"Oolite v1.70, snapshot build of svn revision 1253 (2007-12-02)"

But is there a way of confirming from within the Olite which version I have?

Also when I look in the stderr file there is a comment
"2008-04-12 00:52:27.087 oolite.exe[2704] [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a script file named oolite-random-hits-mark20.js."

I wonder if I am going to have to delete the oxp's, refreash the cashe and reinstall them. Would rather not as takes some time to travel the galaxy to get to the hit.


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Post by LittleBear »

Hmm. Looks like your missing the script file for the victims flying Fer De Lance ships. It should be in the OXPs Scripts folder. Possibley is got messed up in the download. Each type of ship a victim could be flying has a Script file which checks who killed or scooped a victim. Without the file the variables to set a Player Kill or NPC kill / scoop are never set. Delete the Random Hits OXP and reinstall it. Then hold down the shift key when you load up Oolite (this'll refresh the cache). That should fix it. You won't lose the contract you have taken by reinstalling as this is stored in your Commanders Save File. You're on the right version of Oolite, but without this Script file the OXP won't record the fact your killed your victim.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by another_commander »

FYI, to confirm which Oolite version you have from within the game (assuming Windows or Linux versions), just run it in windowed mode instead of fullscreen. The version and date of its creation is on the title bar of the game window.

Alternatively, for the Windows builds, you can open a console window, go to the folder where you have installed the game and type in the command line

Code: Select all

RunOolite -showversion
. The game version will be displayed in the rotating Cobra MKIII screen.
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Post by Damos »


Thanks for the reinstall advice, it worked well.
Have successfully killed, received the message and been paid.
Roll onto the next hit.

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Post by Damos »


Thanks for the reinstall advice, it worked well.
Have successfully killed, received the message and been paid.
Roll onto the next hit.

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