Laser purchasing bugs(?)

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Laser purchasing bugs(?)

Post by Trexate »

Thanks for Oolite. I've been reliving my misspent youth with it the past few days.

Using 1.70 on a Mac, I noticed a couple of strange things:

1) When I try to buy lasers, not all the ones I expect to be available are for sale (this on planets with high tech levels).

For example, I had a beam laser up front. I wanted to buy another beam laser for the back, but the store won't list it. Instead, it just lists the military, pulse and mining lasers.

I put a pulse laser on the back and a mining laser on the side. After that, I couldn't buy another pulse or mining laser, or beam laser, even though I had the other side "empty." All it would let me get is a military laser.

When I played Elite as a kid, you could mount as many of whatever you wanted on all sides if you had the cash.

2) A bit ago I went ahead and bought a military laser and had it put on the front where the beam laser was mounted. I had more than enough cash, but after the purchase, it said I had exactly 0.0 credits. Then I popped to another screen and I had exactly 1000.0 credits.

are these bugs or "features" of Oolite?

Edit: Noticed also that it tells me I still own a beam laser, but the beam laser isn't mounted anywhere.
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Post by Commander McLane »

Hi, Trexate! First of all welcome to the boards and of course to this great game! :D

I haven't really fired up 1.70 yet, so haven't been able to do any bug-squashing there. But what you are writing sounds like something is broken.

Therefore a general note to you: Please be aware that Oolite 1.70 is a development and test version that may contain many unexpected bugs. If you want to help us squashing them, you're welcome!

But if you just want to play a nice game, please return to the latest stable official release, which is Oolite 1.65, and is available for download here. Some people also found Oolite 1.68 quite stable, although please note that it is a development release as well. You will find it at the same BerliOs-Site you got 1.70 from (just look for 1.68 in the directory).

Of course said versions don't contain all the cutting edge features implemented in 1.70. But they also don't contain new strange bugs, just the old, known ones. :wink: (Information about some of the old bugs can be found on the Oolite-FAQ page in the EliteWiki.)

So have fun playing! :D
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Post by another_commander »

Hi Trexate, thanks for your report.
I have not been able to check the lasers not appearing for sale where you expect them, but the behavior during purchasing you are reporting is indeed a bug. Thankfully, the fix was trivial and is already in the repository. Heh, one more out of the way for the next release.
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Post by Hoopy »

I find 1.69.1 works fine. apart from the eject cargo bug means you can't tell what you ejected...

Or you could just edit your save file to give your self the right laser in the right place and amend your credits (listed in tenths of credits so 1234.5Cr is 12345) appropriately.
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Laser listing in equipment list

Post by Lestradae »


I had a similar problem.

I run Oolite on Vista, the 1.70 version obviously, and when buying new laser(s) for my Military Stingray, I did get differing options (and mostly not all lasers) even when I went in and out of F3-Equipment repeatedly. Once, I suddenly had 200 million credits (which sadly disappeared when I switched to F3 2x to buy the most expensive ship :()

Now I did buy an Aft Mining Laser, which now shows twice on my Equipment Screen (F5): Once as "Aft Mining Laser" and a second time just as "Mining Laser". I suspect that`s not a feature but a bug, too?


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Post by Trexate »

Not sure if I did this or if it's another flavor of the laser bug:

Mining lasers were damaged in battle. When I was in a station and paid to get them fixed, I acquired another mining laser. The new one isn't mounted anywhere. The old (repaired) one is still in place. I wasn't trying to buy a new one. I just ended up with an extra somehow.
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Post by another_commander »

It is the same flavor of the bug and has been already fixed in the source code tree.
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