Oolite test release 1.70

News and discussion of the PC port of Oolite.

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Oolite test release 1.70

Post by JensAyton »

Oolite test release 1.70 - Role Another Number for the Road Edition is now available from GURPO. This release focuses primarily on scripting features. An updater is available for Oolite 1.69.1.

Changes since Oolite 1.69.1:
  • Greatly enhanced JavaScript scriptability. Ships and planets are now scriptable objects. Every ship now has an attached JavaScript script. Added timers and clock object. The system object provides flexible methods for searching for entities.
  • Implemented interactive JavaScript/debug console. Under Mac OS X, this is integrated into the application (when a special OXP is installed). On all platforms, the game can communicate with a separate console program over TCP. Writing a good console is left as a third-party opportunity.
  • Fixed inconsistent usage of "role" attribute by splitting it into a set of roles and a primary role.
  • New extendable property list, pirate-victim-roles.plist, specifies which (primary) roles pirates will look for when selecting victims. This allows OXP developers to make their special ships potential victims.
  • Integrated Commander McLane's external views OXP. It is recommended that the OXP be removed when running Oolite 1.70.
  • Added travel time estimate for stars within one jump.
  • Split game options out of menu.
  • Added option to play in wireframe mode.
  • Added option to set shader complexity level (Off/Simple/Full) on shader- capable systems.
  • Added default shader, used for all ships in full-shader mode and for materials with smoothing or options in simple-shader mode. Added material options for illumination mapping, glow mapping and specular mapping, currently only implemented with shaders. Made all ships slightly shiny by default.
  • New AI methods:
    • scanForNearestShipWithPrimaryRole: (new, preferred name for scanForNearestShipWithRole:)
    • scanForNearestShipWithAnyPrimaryRole:
    • scanForNearestShipWithoutPrimaryRole:
    • scanForNearestShipHavingRole:
    • scanForNearestShipHavingAnyRole:
    • scanForNearestShipNotHavingRole:
    • scanForNearestShipWithScanClass:
    • scanForNearestShipWithoutScanClass:
    • sendScriptMessage:
  • Converted several plists to OpenStep format for legibility, and cleaned up some redundant information from shipdata.plist.
  • Updated JavaScript engine. JavaScript 1.7 is now supported.
  • Legacy script methods awardFuel: and setFuelLeak: now work on the current script target, not always the player.
  • Fixed bug where local planetinfo overrides were not being restored from saved games properly.
  • Fixed bug where several shipdata attributes were ignored for stations (bug #11684). Added has_npc_traffic attribute to suppress NPC traffic at carriers.
  • Fixed bug with stars and nebulae looking wrong when inside an atmosphere.
  • Fixed trumble-related crash.
  • Added clearMissionScreen scripting method to simplify mission screens.
  • Several AI bug fixes contributed by Eric Walch.
  • Fix for a certain class of AI crashes (recursive reactToMessage:).
  • Made evil XML DTD swizzling hack work with plists generated under Mac OS X 10.5.
  • Made asteroids created by scripts behave the same as asteroids created by the system populator.
Updated scripting documentation and the debug OXP will be rolled out during the week.

As with the Mac OS X version, there is a new -verify-oxp command line options. Details on how to use this under Windows would be quite helpful.
Last edited by JensAyton on Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by another_commander »

To the above changes, I would like to add:
- Fix for the showShipModel not showing the ship model bug.
- Fix for the rotate cargo displaying "Food"+garbage numbers bug.

To use the -verify-oxp (--verify-oxp also works):
1. Start a console command window (Start->Run... and type cmd in the input box).

2. Use the cd command to go to the folder where Oolite is installed. Let's say for example that you installed it in C:\Oolite. So you need to type

Code: Select all

 cd C:\Oolite
3. Assuming you want to test Assassins.oxp, which lives in C:\Oolite\Addons, type at the command prompt:

Code: Select all

RunOolite -verify-oxp Addons/Assassins.oxp

The game will start and exit almost immediately. Don't panic, that's what it is supposed to do. Go look at your stderr.txt now. You will see all the verification messages for Assassins.oxp. And that's it!

Note: After running the OXP verifier, you will notice that Oolite does not print the class name it is logging in subsequent runs (Ahruman, is there a reason for this?). To reset it so that it logs with the full class names again, open the file <installation folder>/oolite.app/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults and find the line that reads

Code: Select all

"logging-show-class" = <*BN>;
Change this to

Code: Select all

"logging-show-class" = <*BY>;
and that should do it.
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Post by JensAyton »

another_commander wrote:
Note: After running the OXP verifier, you will notice that Oolite does not print the class name it is logging in subsequent runs (Ahruman, is there a reason for this?).
Oh, right, that’s why it reset to not showing them every now and then. D'oh.

The idea is for class names to be turned off temporarily while verifying, since all the verification messages use the same class. Or rather, two classes. I shall fixx0r.

Under Mac OS X, the way to re-enable message class names is the following command:

Code: Select all

defaults write org.aegidian.oolite logging-show-class -bool YES
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Post by hwtan »

I think I find a bug in 1.7 test. I pressed F11 and the planet is gone. It seems that the program fails to refresh the planet. Please look into it.
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Testing results

Post by imipak »

Just want to say that Oolite 1.65 crashes frequently under Vista but 1.7 test appears to be solid. I've encountered no obvious bugs so far with 1.7 test on the Vista platform.
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Re: Oolite test release 1.70

Post by Wolfwood »

Ahruman wrote:
Oolite test release 1.70 - Role Another Number for the Road Edition is now available
Why "Role Another Number..."? Some sort of an inside joke? :?
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Post by JensAyton »

Because the role system changed, allowing for ships with more than one role at a time. Obviously. :-)
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Post by Wolfwood »

Ahruman wrote:
Because the role system changed, allowing for ships with more than one role at a time. Obviously. :-)

Ah, obviously! :lol:
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Post by hwtan »

I find a couple of bugs in 1.7 test, at least in Vista. First, some OXPs crash in 1.7. Those large OXP take a long time to load and a long time to recover after game over. On one occasion, after a crash, my saved commander was given billions of credit on the next start. Also, a brought a military laser and on the equipment list, I see a military laser entry together with a forward (off hand I cannot remember the exact wording) military laser entry.
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Post by another_commander »

The laser purchasing and/or general equipment trade-in bugs have already been fixed. We also expect the billion credits problem to have been sorted. Stand by for the next release that will contain the fixes. As for the OXPs causing crashes, please post which are the ones that generate the problems. Ususally, it has to do with OXP errors.
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Post by hwtan »

So far the OXPs that may have problem of long loading time and shut down time (or even crash at shut down) are Dictators, Falcon and FuelTankv.2.

Please look into them. Thank you.
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Post by Ark »

hwtan wrote:
So far the OXPs that may have problem of long loading time and shut down time (or even crash at shut down) are Dictators, Falcon and FuelTankv.2.

Please look into them. Thank you.
:? Strange I do not have any problem with dictators and fuel tank. For the Falcon oxp I don't know because I do not have it.
For the moment I have detected problems with only one oxp the Ringpod.
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Post by JonB »

Any frustum culling in this release, Ahruman?

(I guess "no", but I thought I'd ask anyway...)
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Post by Kaks »

Just a quick question/request about -verify-oxp:

I've come across

Code: Select all

WARNING: unknown key "weapon_offset_x".
and I was surprised because that key is just about everywhere. It confused me for a little while, until I found its entry on the wiki.
Would it be possible to change the warning for keys that used to be valid?

What I have in mind is something like:

Code: Select all

WARNING: ignored key(valid in 1.65) "weapon_offset_x".
It would definitely help with OXPs aimed at both stable & unstable versions! :)


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Updating from v1.65

Post by ChiliTheKid »

Hi guys&gals

Great work on oolite all of you, for those of us who have the computing ability of slimy frogs, we salute you!

Quick question though, can I update from v1.65 to v1.7 in one hit or do I need to remove and re-install? Also, will I lose my hard earned credit and blessed, blessed, mil lasers? Not sure I can cope with losing them, they're like children to me...

<pulls himself together>

Also, will oxp's need to be ported back in?

Sorry if this is a noob question, but I am, so there it is. :D

(And why are the bleedin' X-Wings so hard to kill? They were cannon fodder on Tie Fighter!)
The only good pirate is a dead pirate. Full speed to Killimar!
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