Random Hits - or Your Murder Here!

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

This sort of stuff was always intended for happening at 'Rocky Outcrop' 'Wormhole' 'Shady Hollowed-out Asteroid' (aka Shady's), 'Low Orbit Lave' and similar spacer's wateringholes.
I have no objections, I don't think Griff would either.
Last edited by Arexack_Heretic on Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Disembodied »

Some suggestions for <key>mark_nick_name</key>:

Code: Select all

   <string>'Two Eyes'</string>
   <string>'Two Sheds'</string>
   <string>'Mean Machine'</string>
   <string>'Banana Nose'</string>
   <string>'Scarf Ace'</string>
   <string>'Trumble Inside'</string>
   <string>'Duck Slapper'</string>
   <string>'Machine Gun'</string>
   <string>'Fish Killer'</string>
   <string>'Fish Fingers'</string>
and a few more crimes for <key>assassination_board_part2</key>:

Code: Select all

   <string>wanted for littering</string>
   <string>guilty of jayspacewalking</string>
   <string>wanted for personality theft</string>
   <string>convicted on four counts of brainjacking</string>
   <string>who removed a "do not remove" label from a mattress</string>
   <string>guilty of war crimes</string>
   <string>suspected of thought crimes</string>
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Post by JensAyton »

<string>wanted for contravening the Being Bloody Stupid Act of 1581</string>
<string>suspected of being too clever by half</string>
<string>who we really, really don't like</string>
<string>who has a very ugly sister</string>
<string>and all-round unpleasant person</string>
<string>whose sibling looked at me funny once</string>
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Post by LittleBear »


I've moved all the punctuation out of the missiontext and into the strings (cos it reduces commas out of place). The Crimes list is looking pretty good, always room for more in all lists though! :-

Code: Select all

	<string>wanted by the HoOpy Casino Chain for cheating,</string>
	<string>and known cat-juggler,</string>
	<string>wanted for spamming bulletin boards,</string>
	<string>seen urinating outside a public convenience,</string>
	<string>convicted of moral turpitude,</string>
	<string>suspected of imagining the death of a monarch,</string>
	<string>wanted for persistent breaches of docking regulations,</string>
	<string>who failed to read the small print on the organ-donor card,</string>
	<string>guilty of illegal chimp dumping,</string>
	<string>charged with chump dumping without a licence,</string>
	<string>wanted for Umpty-bagging,</string>
	<string>and known organ-legger,</string>
	<string>convicted of crimes against reality,</string>
	<string>seen passing the Maleveian Lethal Brandy counter-spinwards,</string>
	<string>guilty of food-blending,</string>
	<string>wanted for docking violations too numerous to mention,</string>
	<string>and third-degree solipsist,</string>
	<string>wanted for lese majeste,</string>
	<string>seen whistling on a Tuesday,</string>
	<string>and known Thargoid sympathiser,</string>
	<string>wanted for committing unnatural acts with a Thargoid,</string>
	<string>whose library books are overdue,</string>
	<string>and repeated abuser of medicinal megaweed,</string>
	<string>and convicted shrew-rustler,</string>
	<string>and peddler of vapourware,</string>
	<string>wanted for numerous petty criminal acts,</string>
	<string>wanted for trading in illegal goods,</string>
	<string>and on the run for making anti-crustacean remarks,</string>
	<string>currently on the run for breach of contract,</string>
	<string>wanted for playing with marked cards,</string>
	<string>who has the death sentence on twelve systems,</string>
	<string>wanted for grand theft astro across the galaxies,</string>
	<string>and witness in an important case,</string>
	<string>who didn't know when to fold playing cards with gangsters,</string>
	<string>and minion who knows too much,</string>
	<string>suspected Spartacus Brotherhood sympathiser,</string>
	<string>and slave trading low-life,</string>
	<string>whose death is required in the interests of GalCop,</string>
	<string>of Lave Metal Works Incorporated,</string>
	<string>of the Arexeian Broadcasting Corporation,</string>
	<string>wanted for non-payment of fines,</string>
	<string>suspected of causing a total existence failure in the Sol System,</string>
	<string>of Teaatisian Liquors and Wines Ltd,</string>
	<string>wanted for smuggling battle weapons across systems,</string>
	<string>wanted for smuggling Trumbles across systems,</string>
	<string>and known member of the Knights who say Ni,</string>
	<string>suspected heretic against the Church of Giles,</string>
	<string>wanted for feeding beings to ravenous Bug Blatter Beasts,</string>
	<string>wanted for crimes against the Laws of Time,</string>
	<string>wanted for cruelty to Trumbles,</string>
	<string>guilty of numerous violations of Galactic Health and Safety Law,</string>
	<string>and has earned the right to be treated with extreme prejudice. Currently</string>
	<string>and rotten slave trader,</string>
	<string>and ordinary trader,</string>
	<string>and well known pirate,</string>
	<string>and Minister of the Unholy Church of the Supreme Anti-Giles,</string>
	<string>and pesky union agitator,</string>
	<string>wanted for impregnating two felines and running away. Last sighted</string>
	<string>wanted for causing the loss of a passenger liner with a container contaminated with trumbles. Last seen</string>
	<string>last seen</string>
	<string>and member of the Smugglers Guild,</string>
	<string>and member of the local commercial athenaeum,</string>
	<string>of the Sirius Corporation,</string>
	<string>of the Nakashimi Corporation,</string>
	<string>of Salient Enterprises Ltd,</string>
	<string>of the Rigel Cartel,</string>
	<string>and foul-smelling, grog-swilling blackguard,</string>
 	<string>who must be dispatched with the utmost urgency for common good. Believed to be</string>
	<string>suspected of the planning and preparation of aggressive war,</string>
	<string>convicted of conspiracy to commit crimes against felinity,</string>
	<string>guilty of inciting lobstoid identity theft,</string>
	<string>wanted for solicitation to commit malfeasance in public office,</string>
	<string>wanted for arson aboard an orbital space station,</string>
	<string>suspected of thought crime whilst docked in a Communist system,</string>
	<string>wanted for attempted blackmail of a GalCop Officer,</string>
	<string>suspected of embezzlement from Party funds,</string>
	<string>convicted of piracy and murder,</string>
	<string>know to have caused unnecessary suffering to a Weeviloid,</string>
	<string>suspected of having caused unnecessary suffering to small harmless rodents,</string>
	<string>wanted for littering,</string>
	<string>guilty of jayspacewalking,</string>
	<string>wanted for personality theft,</string>
	<string>indicted on four counts of brainjacking,</string>
	<string>who removed the "do not remove" label from a mattress,</string>
	<string>wanted for contravening the Being Bloody Stupid Act of 1581,</string>
	<string>suspected of being too clever by half,</string>
	<string>who we really, really don't like,</string>
	<string>who has a very ugly sister,</string>
	<string>and all-round unpleasant Individual,</string>
	<string>and whose sibling looked at me funny once,</string>
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

made some changes and additions (marked with <!--) compressed some portions of code.

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Post by LittleBear »


Will a

<string>[another_variable] </string> Work?

I trierd this with some of the strings Commander Megail posted and %H inside a string as in <string>member of the %H army</string> didn't!

Might just C&P your text as direct text strings into the various names strings Already getting some pretty odd messages!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

have a look at how planet descriptions are stringed-up from the planet-descriptions array in the oolite-descriptions.plist (not very well documented, though I have an unofficial worksheet laying it out on my webspace)
Better yet, check out the way I strung the descriptions of special cargoes in wrex v1.3

Code: Select all

<string>[another_description_array] should [ok]</string></array>
<array><string>be ok.</string><string>work out.</string><string>make a nice string.</string><string>be fine.</string></array>
using commsMessage: [ok_message] should print a coherent line and not
"[another_description_array] should [ok]"

But you always have to look out for typos...for example I cannot remember right now whether it is supposed to be %H or H%, try putting the %H in brackets.
And your not putting variables into variables but description keys into description keys.
you do it yourself in the missiontext.plist.
all these entries are strings and thus subject to the string-expansion rules.
see here.
Last edited by Arexack_Heretic on Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by HueijRevisited »

I may not post much but I feel left out :cry:
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Post by LittleBear »

Cheers AH. I've updated the list to include virtualy all your additions. But have avoided the varabiles within variablies. I know its not the best way to do it, but bear in mind for the next phase I'll have to store each variable in a tempory variable (so the currently browsed marks details are on record) and then transfer them to another set of variables for the F5 short description if the job is accepted. The idea is the player can browes the screens of hits accepting or not, exiting or not or viewing another hit. My brain is likely to explode if not only if do I have to store variables for the currently viewed hit, but have to worry about the gramatical possibilities for variables within variables. And as the current descritions list has somthing silly like one million billion possible combinations, its really hard to playtest. Its a lot easier if I can see the possible phrases!

That said, most of your ideas are in, but for the descriptions.plist could we keep simple text strings (this also makes it easy for everyone to post phrases - and me to C&P them in!)! Just looking at your phrases (with now some knowlege of how they are generated) I had to manually throw in some ands , . etc to make them work!


After a couple of attempts to post the decriptions file, its just got too long and the BB won't accept it.

I'll put up a new test OXP in the week, which will be more like the final version. A message with mission options of accept, continue to browse, exit to normal F5 screen. Course accepting may mean a further message of "Thanks for contacting us, but we are looking for someone with a higher elite rating." It should give you 5 or 6 different messages in each system (the dice to re-generate them being re-rolled on leaving the system).

You can test it with the test OXP posted earlier in the thread.


Added you to the call list as "Hueij Van Revisited" (needed to fiddle with your name to make it sound right as a surname, as in "Commander 'Aft Lasers' Hueij Van Revisited, an unpleasant horned solicitor and wanted for cruelty to trumbles, flying a battered Mamba needs to meet with an accident in the Lave system."
Last edited by LittleBear on Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by TGHC »

LittleBear wrote:
Nor am I (although a "small bear" could be generated as a description). TGHC doesn't really sound right as a surname! Any members of the board missed off is for that reason. Have added "gray haired" though as a description!
Way back even before Elite was published, I used the name "Oh Great One" because a lot of the early games would ask that you entered your name to play and then at the end of playing would ask you if you wanted to play again. My infantile ego enjoyed seeing the prompt:- " Oh Great One would you like to play again"
If you could use that in some way I'd be delighted, or even being really cheeky, you could start each message something like: " Oh Great One has decreed - Bring us the head on a spear! Prime Minister hesperus etc etc.

That would really be cool.
The Grey Haired Commander has spoken!
OK so I'm a PC user - "you know whats scary? Out of billions of sperm I was the fastest"
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

Could we keep using description_terms for simple generic terms such as colour, rating, this makes generating a whole class of possible decriptions much less work and more overseeable(at least to me ;)) for example:

Code: Select all

<string>and may be armed with a [cool_item]</string>
<string>and is believed to be armed with a [cool_item]</string>
<string>and is thought to posses a [cool_item]</string>
<string>and is rumoured to be in possesion of a [cool_item]</string>
<string>according to the [I%] authorities recently accuired a [cool_item]</string>

<string>antique flintlock pistol</string>
<string>small laser</string>
<string>deadly shade of purple</string>
<string>handheld tactical nuke</string>
<string>golden deliverer</string>
<string>copper golem</string>
<string>silver surfboard</string>
<string>universal lubricant</string>
<string>vulcanized rubber gloves</string>
<string>copy of Elite 4</string>
<string>legal aid</string>
just by adding this one array, I have 5*n instead of 5 lines. Each extra layer of substitution adds another multiplication.
There is a recursion cutoff, but for our purposes this can be considdered infinite.

No asexual aliens? eg 'its'

I respect your wish to keep things simple.
a more litteral namingsceme could help with comprehension of the resulting text. (As the 'cool_item' in the above example.) True with more layers, interpretation becomes more problematic, to avoid big problems therefore substitutions should preferably be of a single 'syntaxic type'
ed noun, object, descriptive, prejective, adjective, etc. (not remembering

I still feel especially names which should have hyrarchy in appearance frequency, would be done a favour by nesting. Group some name together and
then combine them in the final group, number of entries in a group determines frequency of being used.
eg <commander> <[group1](=5 entries)> <[group2] =2 entries>
commander has 1/3 chance, any entry in group 1 has 1/15 chance, any entry in group2 has 1/6 chance, etc.
To me this is easier to oversee, but others probably prefer your way with the chance determined by identical_entries/total_entries.

ps note there are some suggestions for the extra mark-descriptions here.
another title: Archon, did we have rebel, outcast, papasmurf?
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

LittleBear wrote:

After a couple of attempts to post the decriptions file, its just got too long and the BB won't accept it.
Why not edit your early posts and post the current descriptions in seperate parts?
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Post by LittleBear »


Have added 'TGHC' as a nick name and "The Great One has decreed that the Universe must by rid of" to the call list for for into and nick name variables. The idea is peeps post silly phases that may be incorperated by random chance. The more phases, the more variety. Adding the latest phases. Could generate some text such as

POSTED BY : Prince A'se Huei Van Revisited of the Diso System.
SUBJECT : Murder to Order.

The Great One has decreed that the Universe must by rid of Captain 'Evil Smell' Hesperus, a well-groomed feline wanted by the HoOpy Casino Chain for cheating and known cat-juggler, stowing away on a a Trumble infected Python, is an easy target, showing off all over the Lave System. To ensure the demise of the target, 195 Credits shall be paid upon finalizing his encountering a terminal re-cycling.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by LittleBear »

Complete current List: (missed off the Second names as this is just a C&P of most posters names in RL - or is it?)-

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

 	<string>The Reverent</string>
	<string>Secretary General</string>
	<string>Prime Minister</string>
	<string>Grand Inqusitor</string>
	<string>Arch Bishop</string>
	<string>Old Man</string>
	<string>Wise Woman</string>
	<string>His Highness</string>
	<string>Supreme Bureaucrat</string>
	<string>The Devine</string>

	<string>Removal Job.</string>
	<string>Retirement Opportunity.</string>
	<string>Cleaning Contract.</string>
	<string>Murderer Required.</string>
	<string>Extermination of an Undesirable.</string>
	<string>Pest Control Specialist Sought.</string>
	<string>Killing to Order.</string>
	<string>Termination with Extreme Prejudice</string>
	<string>Murder to Order.</string>
	<string>Assassin Required.</string>
	<string>Removal Required.</string>
	<string>Wanted Dead.</string>
	<string>Retirement Contract.</string>
	<string>Early Retirement.</string>
	<string>Contract Killing.</string>
	<string>Head Hunting.</string>
	<string>Bounty Hunting.</string>
	<string>Target Practice.</string>
	<string>Blood Money Paid.</string>
	<string>Seek and Destroy.</string>
	<string>External Contracting.</string>
	<string>Permanent Retirement.</string>
	<string>Retirement Options.</string>
	<string>Elimination Needed.</string>
	<string>Undertaker Required.</string>
	<string>Deletion from the space lanes Sought.</string>
	<string>Accidental Death Arrangement.</string>
	<string>Destruction Facilitator Needed.</string>
	<string>Extinction Operative Sought.</string>
	<string>Annihilation Facilitator Required.</string>
	<string>Obliteration Needed.</string>
	<string>Mercenary Mission Available.</string>
	<string>Retirement Consultant Wanted.</string>
	<string>Assassin Wanted.</string>
	<string>Removal Specialist Required.</string>
	<string>Death Specialist Required.</string>
	<string>Killer Required.</string>
	<string>Terminator Required.</string>
	<string>Retirement Specialist Required.</string>	

	<string>GalNET Secure Terminal</string>
	<string>Personal DataPad Account</string>
	<string>Secure Data Terminal</string>
	<string>Communications Node</string>
	<string>DataNET Account</string>
	<string>Secure Channel</string>
	<string>Private Bulletin Board</string>
	<string>GalNET Personal Account</string>
	<string>HyperNET Account</string>
	<string>HyperNET Secure Terminal</string>
	<string>Personal Comms-Link</string>
	<string>Secure DataPad Link</string>
	<string>Public Comms-Link</string>
	<string>Open HyperNET Channel</string>
	<string>GalNET Public Account</string>
	<string>Encrypted Data Terminal</string>
	<string>Direct DataPad Link</string>
	<string>Secure DataPad Link</string>
	<string>DataNET Open Account</string>
	<string>Direct Personal Link</string>
	<string>Open DataPad Channel</string>

	<string>Wanted! Someone for a removal job.</string>
	<string>Wanted! Retirement Party Organiser.</string>
	<string>Wanted! Commander to work as a cleaner.</string>
	<string>Murderer required! Top Credits paid.</string>
	<string>Exciting opportunity in the removal sector.</string>
	<string>Have Laser and prepared to travel.</string>
	<string>Specialist in pest control required.</string>
	<string>Kill for cash and improve your Elite rating.</string>
	<string>Skilled Terminator required for immediate employment.</string>
	<string>Murder to order! We are an equal opportunities employer.</string>
	<string>The Bounty Hunters' Guild needs You!</string>
	<string>Life has no value, but death has its price.</string>
	<string>Professional Exterminator required.</string>
	<string>Death enablement officer required for immediate employment.</string>
	<string>Are you a sociopath? Interesting career development opportunity.</string>
	<string>Fed up with killing pirates for peanuts? Try contract killing!</string>
	<string>Capable help needed for a removal job.</string>
	<string>Help Needed for a removal job.</string>
	<string>Wanted! Help needed for a removal job.</string>
	<string>Can You handle a removal job?</string>
	<string>Someone capable needed for a removal job.</string>
	<string>Wanted! Dead or alive.</string>
	<string>Retirement agent nedded.</string>
	<string>Retirement needed.</string>
	<string>Early retirement needed.</string>
	<string>Retirement agent contract available.</string>
	<string>Retirement party to be held.</string>
	<string>Attention Bounty Hunters!</string>
	<string>Attention Head Hunters!</string>
	<string>Opportunity for a bloody-minded pilot looking for a bit of fun.</string>
	<string>Pest controller needed.</string>
	<string>Wet-hands job available.</string>
	<string>Are you a good shot?</string>
	<string>First come, first served.</string>
	<string>Job for the Triad's Elders Council.</string>
	<string>Want to earn a fast credit?</string>
	<string>Seek and Destroy this being.</string>
	<string>We want this head on a silver platter.</string>
	<string>Bring us this head on a spear.</string>
	<string>Will someone please Terminate</string>
	<string>Someone needed for a swift kill.</string>
	<string>External Contractor needed for a 'deniable' mission.</string>
	<string>Silent Mercenary Needed.</string>
	<string>Hit-Being needed to terminate</string>
	<string>Do the Ooniverse a favour and rid it of</string>
	<string>The Great One has decreed that the Ooniverse must by rid of</string>

	<string>'Shady Eyes'</string>
	<string>'Evil Smell'</string>
	<string>'Gruff Neck'</string>
	<string>'Lucky Star'</string>
	<string>'Slick Rat'</string>
	<string>'Trigger Happy'</string>
	<string>'Whip Lash'</string>
 	<string>'Hard Hat'</string>
	<string>'Odd Smell'</string>
	<string>'Megaweed Fiend'</string>
	<string>'Snappy Killer'</string>
	<string>'Smart Trade'</string>
	<string>'Howling Mad'</string>
	<string>'Viper Sniper'</string>
	<string>'Sharp Shot'</string>
	<string>'Rodent Swinger'</string>
	<string>'Monk Blaster'</string>
	<string>'Quick Draw'</string>
	<string>'Number Cruncher'</string>
 	<string>'Long Horns'</string>
	<string>'Trumble Pusher'</string>
	<string>'Black Heart'</string>
	<string>'Red Back'</string>
	<string>'Blue Back'</string>
	<string>'Green Back'</string>
	<string>'Dark Night'</string>
	<string>'Devil Fish'</string>
	<string>'Demon Shot'</string>
	<string>'Free Lunch'</string>
	<string>'Blastin Lasers'</string>
 	<string>'Fast Escape'</string>
	<string>'Lightning Fast'</string>
	<string>'Thunder Missiles'</string>
	<string>'Sharp Tooth'</string>
	<string>'Blue Tooth'</string>
	<string>'Tooth Rot'</string>
	<string>'Bug Bully'</string>
 	<string>'Sword Nutter'</string>
	<string>'Little Bear'</string>
	<string>'Tiny Malfunction'</string>
	<string>'Junior Trader'</string>
	<string>'Granny Killer'</string>
	<string>'Black Skull'</string>
 	<string>'Scumbag Hitter'</string>
	<string>'Witchspace Lover'</string>
	<string>'Iced Tea'</string>
	<string>'Fire Head'</string>
	<string>'Rocky Fields'</string>
	<string>'Fender Bender'</string>
 	<string>'Card Sharp'</string>
	<string>'Dodgy Datapad'</string>
	<string>'Hex Edit'</string>
	<string>'Aft Shooter'</string>
 	<string>'Fallout Bird'</string>
	<string>'Gamma Burst'</string>
	<string>'Nova Storm'</string>
	<string>'Cat Swinger'</string>
	<string>'Ram Raid'</string>
 	<string>'Fast Credit'</string>
	<string>'Cat Cooker'</string>
	<string>'Stag Party'</string>
	<string>'Frog Waster'</string>
	<string>'Tax Man'</string>
	<string>'Bug Swatter'</string>
	<string>'Droopy Bits'</string>
	<string>'Sensible Trade'</string>
	<string>'Cop Blaster'</string>
	<string>'Slow Flyer'</string>
 	<string>'Dead Eye'</string>
	<string>'Cool Head'</string>
	<string>'Crooked Dealer'</string>
	<string>'Honest Crook'</string>
	<string>'Hornet Tail'</string>
	<string>'Scorpion Stinger'</string>
	<string>'Cool Hand'</string>
	<string>'Scaly Rump'</string>
	<string>'Stinky Cloud'</string>
 	<string>'Boozey Bug'</string>
	<string>'Long Shots'</string>
	<string>'Curly Tale'</string>
	<string>'Bible Basher'</string>
 	<string>'Pole Sitter'</string>
	<string>'Patched Eye'</string>
	<string>'Sweet Arm'</string>
	<string>'Sour Leg'</string>
 	<string>'Bitter Taste'</string>
	<string>'Sweaty Palms'</string>
	<string>'Dragon Heart'</string>
	<string>'Rhino Head'</string>
	<string>'Tiger Trousers'</string>
	<string>'Hard Shell'</string>
	<string>'Clammy Hands'</string>
	<string>'Mad Dog'</string>
 	<string>'Mad Cat'</string>
	<string>'Odd Job'</string>
	<string>'Fuel Injectors'</string>
 	<string>'Missile Flinger'</string>
	<string>'Snake Eye'</string>
	<string>'Aft Laser'</string>
	<string>'Swine Head'</string>
	<string>'Smeg Head'</string>
 	<string>'Pirate Dodger'</string>
	<string>'Moon Unit'</string>
	<string>'Slight Wind'</string>
	<string>'Super Hands'</string>
	<string>'Two Eyes'</string>
	<string>'Two Sheds'</string>
	<string>'Mean Machine'</string>
	<string>'Banana Nose'</string>
	<string>'Scarf Ace'</string>
	<string>'Trumble Inside'</string>
	<string>'Duck Slapper'</string>
	<string>'Machine Gun'</string>
	<string>'Fish Killer'</string>
	<string>'Fish Fingers'</string>

	<string>a furry</string>
	<string>a dread-furred</string>
	<string>a cybernetically enhanced</string>
	<string>a pedantic</string>
	<string>a pine-scented</string>
	<string>a small minded</string>
	<string>a grey haired</string>
	<string>a lesser spotted</string>
	<string>a greater spotted</string>
	<string>a green</string>
	<string>an edible</string>
	<string>a small</string>
	<string>a deadly</string>
	<string>a boney</string>
	<string>a horned</string>
	<string>a large</string>
	<string>a fierce</string>
	<string>a harmless</string>
	<string>a strange</string>
	<string>an unpleasant</string>
	<string>a nasty</string>
	<string>a hoopy</string>
	<string>a murderous</string>
	<string>an odd</string>
	<string>a red</string>
	<string>a blue</string>
	<string>a yellow</string>
	<string>an orange</string>
	<string>a skinny</string>
	<string>a fat</string>
	<string>a tiny</string>
	<string>a feathered</string>
	<string>an old</string>
	<string>a young</string>
	<string>a perverted</string>
	<string>a purple</string>
	<string>a weird</string>
	<string>a rotund</string>
	<string>a creepy</string>
	<string>a slimy</string>
	<string>a smelly</string>
	<string>an oddly shaped</string>
	<string>an eccentric</string>
	<string>a mad</string>
	<string>a tidy</string>
	<string>a well-groomed</string>
	<string>a sweet</string>
	<string>an appealing</string>
	<string>an unremarkable</string>
	<string>an armour-clad</string>
	<string>a naked</string>
	<string>a horrible</string>
	<string>a middle-aged</string>
	<string>a dangerous</string>
	<string>a large slimy</string>
	<string>a nutricious</string>
	<string>a glowing</string>
	<string>a nitrogen-breathing</string>	

	<string>intelligent shade of the colour blue</string>
	<string>arts graduate</string>
	<string>life form</string>
	<string>shape changer</string>
	<string>computer programmer</string>
	<string>arms dealer</string>
	<string>business executive</string>
	<string>professional gambler</string>
	<string>turbulent priest</string>
	<string>security guard</string>
	<string>private detective</string>
	<string>civil servant</string>
	<string>management consultant</string>
	<string>sports fan</string>
	<string>Zero G footballer</string>
	<string>Zero G hockey player</string>
	<string>bar tender</string>
	<string>narcotics addict</string>
	<string>narcotics dealer</string>
	<string>wine merchant</string>
	<string>arms dealer</string>
	<string>university lecturer</string>
	<string>megaweed head</string>
	<string>Trumble lover</string>
	<string>taxi pilot</string>
	<string>traffic warden</string>
	<string>situation comedy writer</string>
	<string>parking meter attendant</string>
	<string>situation comedy star</string>
	<string>medical practitioner</string>
	<string>software engineer</string>
	<string>unicellular sentient</string>
	<string>bag of mostly water</string>
	<string>boneless germ</string>
	<string>intelligent cheese</string>
	<string>brain in a jar</string>
	<string>cube of gelatin</string>

	<string>wanted by the HoOpy Casino Chain for cheating,</string>
	<string>and known cat-juggler,</string>
	<string>wanted for spamming bulletin boards,</string>
	<string>seen urinating outside a public convenience,</string>
	<string>convicted of moral turpitude,</string>
	<string>suspected of imagining the death of a monarch,</string>
	<string>wanted for persistent breaches of docking regulations,</string>
	<string>who failed to read the small print on the organ-donor card,</string>
	<string>guilty of illegal chimp dumping,</string>
	<string>charged with chump dumping without a licence,</string>
	<string>wanted for Umpty-bagging,</string>
	<string>and known organ-legger,</string>
	<string>convicted of crimes against reality,</string>
	<string>wanted for passing the Maleveian Lethal Brandy counter-spinwards,</string>
	<string>guilty of food-blending,</string>
	<string>wanted for docking violations too numerous to mention,</string>
	<string>and third-degree solipsist,</string>
	<string>wanted for lese majeste,</string>
	<string>seen whistling on a Tuesday,</string>
	<string>and known Thargoid sympathiser,</string>
	<string>wanted for committing unnatural acts with a Thargoid,</string>
	<string>whose library books are overdue,</string>
	<string>and repeated abuser of medicinal megaweed,</string>
	<string>and convicted shrew-rustler,</string>
	<string>and peddler of vapourware,</string>
	<string>wanted for numerous petty criminal acts,</string>
	<string>wanted for trading in illegal goods,</string>
	<string>and on the run for making anti-crustacean remarks,</string>
	<string>currently on the run for breach of contract,</string>
	<string>wanted for playing with marked cards,</string>
	<string>who has the death sentence on twelve systems,</string>
	<string>wanted for grand theft astro across the galaxies,</string>
	<string>and witness in an important case,</string>
	<string>who didn't know when to fold playing cards with gangsters,</string>
	<string>and minion who knows too much,</string>
	<string>suspected Spartacus Brotherhood sympathiser,</string>
	<string>and slave trading low-life,</string>
	<string>whose death is required in the interests of GalCop,</string>
	<string>of Lave Metal Works Incorporated,</string>
	<string>of the Arexeian Broadcasting Corporation,</string>
	<string>wanted for non-payment of fines,</string>
	<string>suspected of causing a total existence failure in the Sol System,</string>
	<string>of Teaatisian Liquors and Wines Ltd,</string>
	<string>wanted for smuggling battle weapons across systems,</string>
	<string>wanted for smuggling Trumbles across systems,</string>
	<string>and known member of the Knights who say Ni,</string>
	<string>suspected heretic against the Church of Giles,</string>
	<string>wanted for feeding beings to ravenous Bug Blatter Beasts,</string>
	<string>wanted for crimes against the Laws of Time,</string>
	<string>wanted for cruelty to Trumbles,</string>
	<string>guilty of numerous violations of Galactic Health and Safety Law,</string>
	<string>and has earned the right to be treated with extreme prejudice. Currently</string>
	<string>and rotten slave trader,</string>
	<string>and ordinary trader,</string>
	<string>and well known pirate,</string>
	<string>and Minister of the Unholy Church of the Supreme Anti-Giles,</string>
	<string>and pesky union agitator,</string>
	<string>wanted for impregnating two felines and running away. Last sighted</string>
	<string>wanted for causing the loss of a passenger liner with a cargo container contaminated with trumbles. Last seen</string>
	<string>last seen</string>
	<string>and member of the Smugglers Guild,</string>
	<string>and member of the local commercial athenaeum,</string>
	<string>of the Sirius Corporation,</string>
	<string>of the Nakashimi Corporation,</string>
	<string>of Salient Enterprises Ltd,</string>
	<string>of the Rigel Cartel,</string>
	<string>and foul-smelling, grog-swilling blackguard,</string>
 	<string>who must be dispatched with the utmost urgency for the common good. Believed to be</string>
	<string>suspected of the planning and preparation of aggressive war,</string>
	<string>convicted of conspiracy to commit crimes against felinity,</string>
	<string>guilty of inciting lobstoid identity theft,</string>
	<string>wanted for solicitation to commit malfeasance in public office,</string>
	<string>wanted for arson aboard an orbital space station,</string>
	<string>suspected of thought crime whilst docked in a Communist system,</string>
	<string>wanted for attempted blackmail of a GalCop Officer,</string>
	<string>suspected of embezzlement from Communist Party funds,</string>
	<string>convicted of piracy and murder,</string>
	<string>know to have caused unnecessary suffering to a Weeviloid,</string>
	<string>suspected of having caused unnecessary suffering to small harmless rodents,</string>
	<string>wanted for littering,</string>
	<string>guilty of jayspacewalking,</string>
	<string>wanted for personality theft,</string>
	<string>indicted on four counts of brainjacking,</string>
	<string>who removed the "do not remove" label from a mattress,</string>
	<string>wanted for contravening the Being Bloody Stupid Act of 1581,</string>
	<string>suspected of being too clever by half,</string>
	<string>who we really, really don't like,</string>
	<string>who has a very ugly sister,</string>
	<string>and all-round unpleasant individual,</string>
	<string>and whose sibling looked at me funny once,</string>
	<string>wanted for having a real life,</string>
	<string>and tele-sales-being of ill repute,</string>
	<string>convicted inabsentia for smelling of cabbage in a public venure,</string>
	<string>wanted for irrational communications,</string>
	<string>and last seen in the possesion of a foodblender,</string>
	<string>and wanted for the illegal re-sale of defective slaves,</string>
	<string>wanted for sentient carnivory,</string>
	<string>wanted by Frontier Developments Ltd for Copyright Infringement,</string>
	<string>wanted for quantum disruption of time-line,</string>
	<string>suspected of breaching a Judge's Order to clean up after the Craboids,</string>

	<string>travelling aboard</string>
	<string>in command of</string>
	<string>the owner of</string>
	<string>travelling aboard</string>
	<string>going about aboard</string>
	<string>a passager on</string>
	<string>hiding aboard</string>
	<string>skulking in the cargo bay of</string>
	<string>stowing away on</string>
	<string>a battered</string>
	<string>a fast</string>
	<string>a slow</string>
	<string>a brand new</string>
	<string>a stolen</string>
	<string>a hijacked</string>	
	<string>a vintage</string>
	<string>a badly maintained</string>
	<string>an Iron Ass</string>
	<string>a well equipped</string>
	<string>a poorly equipped</string>
	<string>a shiny</string>
	<string>a strangely painted</string>
	<string>a laser scared</string>
	<string>a well maintained</string>
	<string>an unusually marked</string>
	<string>a factory fresh</string>
	<string>a lightly armed</string>
	<string>a well armed</string>
	<string>a rickety</string>
	<string>a structurally unsound</string>
	<string>an experimental</string>
	<string>a Trumble infested</string>
	<string>an unregistered</string>
	<string>an unmarked</string>

	<string>Cobra Mk III</string>
	<string>Boa Mk II</string>
	<string>Asp Mk II</string>
	<string>Cobra Mk I</string>
	<string>Moray Star Boat</string>

	<string>needs removing from the</string>
	<string>is no longer required in the</string>
	<string>needs an extended vacation from the</string>
	<string>is to be made into an example in the</string>
	<string>is to be eradicated from the</string>
	<string>is to be killed in the</string>
	<string>is to be eliminated from the</string>
	<string>is to be cleansed from the</string>
	<string>is to be obliterated from the</string>
	<string>is to be removed from the</string>
	<string>must be made into an example in the</string>
	<string>must be eradicated from the</string>
	<string>must be killed in the</string>
	<string>must be eliminated from the</string>
	<string>must be cleansed from the</string>
	<string>must be obliterated from the</string>
	<string>must be removed from the</string>
	<string>refused to leave the</string>
	<string>can be found in the</string>
	<string>was last seen in the</string>
	<string>is persona non grata in the</string>
	<string>stepped on the wrong being's toes in the</string>
	<string>is currently fouling the</string>
	<string>is hiding somewhere in the</string>
	<string>went to ground in the</string>
	<string>is an easy target, showing off all over the</string>
	<string>has been marked for termination in the</string>
	<string>is a terribly annoying nuisance whom we would like eradicated with the most extreme prejudice you can exercise. You should find your mark in the</string>
	<string>is completely unaware of our advertisement and thus easier prey, loitering in the</string>
	<string>must be utterly destroyed. Your target is from the</string>
	<string>needs to be destroyed. Your target is loitering in the</string>
	<string>needs to be blasted to kingdom come. Your target is in the</string>
	<string>must meet with an accident. We are prepared to pay a pretty credit to ensure elimination. You should find the mark in the</string>
	<string>has reached an age past his expiration date in the</string>
	<string>requires an escort to the afterlife in the</string>
	<string>needs excessive laser surgery in the</string>
	<string>is nominated to become one with the Ooniverse in the</string>
	<string>must be retired after long service in the</string>


	<string>A reward of</string>
	<string>Blood money of</string>
	<string>A fee of</string>
	<string>The bounty of</string>
	<string>The prize of</string>
	<string>The sum of</string>
	<string>The amount of</string>
	<string>The exorbitant amount of</string>
	<string>The generous offer of</string>
	<string>For the effective eradication of this foul creature,</string>
	<string>We are willing to pay</string>
	<string>To ensure the demise of the target,</string>

	<string>will be available to anyone bringing about</string>
	<string>will be paid upon</string>
	<string>will be given upon</string>
	<string>will be awarded upon</string>
	<string>is offered to ensure</string>
	<string>is offered in order to ensure</string>
	<string>will be paid to whomsoever brings about</string>
	<string>will be given to whomsoever brings about</string>
	<string>will be be transfered upon</string>
	<string>shall be awarded to anyone who ensures</string>
	<string>shall be paid upon finalizing</string>

	<string>long overdue termination</string>
	<string>efficient murder</string>
	<string>permanent retirement</string>
	<string>well deserved extermination</string>
	<string>final removal</string>
	<string>expeditious retirement</string>
	<string>judicious elimination</string>
	<string>untimely death</string>
	<string>deletion from the space lanes</string>
	<string>painful demise</string>
	<string>accidental death</string>
	<string>involvement in an unfortunate incident</string>
	<string>fall in combat</string>
	<string>untimely demise</string>
	<string>much deserved death</string>
	<string>expeditious passing</string>
	<string>painful assassination</string>
	<string>judicious destruction</string>
	<string>final extinction</string>
	<string>permanent annihilation</string>
	<string>long overdue obliteration</string>
	<string>confirmed termination</string>
	<string>confirmed demise</string>
	<string>confirmed death</string>
	<string>confirmed passing</string>
	<string>confirmed assassination</string>
	<string>confirmed destruction</string>
	<string>confirmed extinction</string>
	<string>confirmed annihilation</string>
	<string>confirmed murder</string>
	<string>confirmed obliteration</string>
	<string>biting hard vacuum</string>
	<string>conversion into space dust</string>
	<string>total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions</string>
	<string>final snuffing out</string>
	<string>much deserved wasting</string>
	<string>painful reaping</string>
	<string>meeting the ancestors</string>
	<string>personally checking the validity of religious beliefs</string>
	<string>being killed</string>
	<string>being sent to the netherworld</string>
	<string>being terminally on the wrong side of a laser</string>
	<string>being terminated</string>
	<string>being shown the depth of our displeasure in categorical and terminal terms</string>
	<string>being shown the depth of our displeasure in a categorical and final way</string>
	<string>being shown the consequences of callousness</string>
	<string>being taught about action and reaction</string>
	<string>being taught a terminal lesson</string>
	<string>being shown the way to the afterlife</string>
	<string>being taught about the term unstopable force</string>
	<string>falling victim to an unfortunate accident</string>
	<string>falling prey to terminally unhealthy circumstances</string>
	<string>meeting with a fatal end</string>
	<string>encountering a terminal re-cycling</string>

The sort of nonsense Ooliters dream up is pretty good. And being able to see the string dispayed (with my optical scanner) makes it a lot easier for members to write stuff and me to see that it will fit in with the existing stuff!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Killer Wolf
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Posts: 2272
Joined: Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:38 pm

Post by Killer Wolf »

great idea this, as the message board is something i thought was one of the best features of Frontier.
don't like a lot of the crime ideas here tho, they're just getting too silly for my tastes. humour works in some places of Oolite, but not here, IMO.
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