Problem loading saved games in 1.69.1-test (windows)

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Problem loading saved games in 1.69.1-test (windows)

Post by jumpea »

Hi all,

I've been playing 1.69.1-test on an AMD3000 machine with 1g of ram Plus another 1.5-3 gb of Virtual memory.

It seems to have been stable until this afternoon, when it has started to hang the game and thrash the hdd before returning to the desktop. It's also taken to not loading a saved game (which I'd saved just before it crashed). When I load the game, I'm back at Lave with a 100cr and it's like I'm starting again.

The trace from the error output is:

2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] File NSUserDefaults.m: 544. In [NSUserDefaults +standardUserDefaults] Improper installation: No language locale found
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: initialising SDL
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.JoystickHandler]: init: numSticks=0
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: CREATING MODE LIST
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Unknown architecture, defaulting to 1024x768
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 1280 x 1024
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 1152 x 864
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 1024 x 768
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 960 x 600
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 848 x 480
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 800 x 600
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 720 x 576
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 640 x 480
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 512 x 384
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 480 x 360
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 400 x 300
2007-08-03 20:03:30.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Added res 320 x 240
2007-08-03 20:03:31.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: drawRect calling initialiseGLWithSize
2007-08-03 20:03:31.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Creating a new surface of 1024 x 768
2007-08-03 20:03:31.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: no universe, clearning surface
2007-08-03 20:03:31.000 oolite.exe[2848] [cpuInfo.cpuCount]: 1 processors detected.
2007-08-03 20:03:31.000 oolite.exe[2848] [rendering.opengl.version]: OpenGL renderer version: 1.5.7 ("1.5.7")
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce4 MX 4000/AGP/SSE2/3DNOW!
2007-08-03 20:03:31.000 oolite.exe[2848] [rendering.opengl.extensions]: OpenGL extensions (76):
GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_paletted_texture GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_fence GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control
2007-08-03 20:03:31.000 oolite.exe[2848] []: Shaders will not be used (OpenGL extension GL_ARB_fragment_shader is not available).
2007-08-03 20:03:32.000 oolite.exe[2848] [dataCache.found]: Found data cache.
2007-08-03 20:03:32.000 oolite.exe[2848] [searchPaths.dumpAll]: ---> OXP search paths:
(, AddOns, "AddOns/a-wing.oxp", "AddOns/b-wing.oxp", AddOns/Cargo_wrecks_teaser.oxp, AddOns/cobraclipperPC.oxp, AddOns/ettBeaconLauncher.oxp, "AddOns/Executive Spaceways v2.1.oxp", AddOns/globestations.oxp, AddOns/halsis.oxp, AddOns/Interceptor.oxp, AddOns/lambda.oxp, AddOns/murgh_Xships.oxp, AddOns/TIE.oxp, "AddOns/X-Wing.oxp", "AddOns/y-wing.oxp")
2007-08-03 20:03:32.000 oolite.exe[2848] [dataCache.rebuild.pathsChanged]: Cache is stale (search paths have changed). Rebuilding from scratch.
2007-08-03 20:03:33.000 oolite.exe[2848] []: Loaded 8 world scripts: "Cargo_test", "clipperschedule", "ExecutiveFlightSchedule", "oolite-cloaking-device" 1.69.1, "oolite-constrictor-hunt" 1.69.1, "oolite-nova" 1.69.1, "oolite-thargoid-plans" 1.69.1, "oolite-trumbles" 1.69.1
2007-08-03 20:03:38.000 oolite.exe[2848] [dataCache.willWrite]: About to write data cache.
2007-08-03 20:03:38.000 oolite.exe[2848] [dataCache.write.success]: Wrote data cache.
2007-08-03 20:03:39.000 oolite.exe[2848] [rendering.opengl.error]: OpenGL error: "invalid enumerant" (1280), context: Universe before doing anything
2007-08-03 20:03:46.000 oolite.exe[2848] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSInvalidArgumentException : compare with nil *****
2007-08-03 20:03:46.000 oolite.exe[2848] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' (reason 'compare with nil') raised during posting of timer with target 0x128a9c8 and selector 'performGameTick:'
2007-08-03 20:03:46.000 oolite.exe[2848] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSInvalidArgumentException : compare with nil *****
2007-08-03 20:03:46.000 oolite.exe[2848] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' (reason 'compare with nil') raised during posting of timer with target 0x128a9c8 and selector 'performGameTick:'
2007-08-03 20:03:50.000 oolite.exe[2848] [unclassified.MyOpenGLView]: Found mode {Height = 768; RefreshRate = 0; Width = 1024; }
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSInvalidArgumentException : compare with nil *****
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' (reason 'compare with nil') raised during posting of timer with target 0x128a9c8 and selector 'performGameTick:'
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSInvalidArgumentException : compare with nil *****
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' (reason 'compare with nil') raised during posting of timer with target 0x128a9c8 and selector 'performGameTick:'
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSInvalidArgumentException : compare with nil *****
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' (reason 'compare with nil') raised during posting of timer with target 0x128a9c8 and selector 'performGameTick:'
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSInvalidArgumentException : compare with nil *****
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' (reason 'compare with nil') raised during posting of timer with target 0x128a9c8 and selector 'performGameTick:'
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSInvalidArgumentException : compare with nil *****
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' (reason 'compare with nil') raised during posting of timer with target 0x128a9c8 and selector 'performGameTick:'
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSInvalidArgumentException : compare with nil *****
2007-08-03 20:04:00.000 oolite.exe[2848] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' (reason 'compare with nil') raised during posting of timer with target 0x128a9c8 and selector 'performGameTick:'
2007-08-03 20:04:01.000 oolite.exe[2848] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSInvalidArgumentException : compare with nil *****
2007-08-03 20:04:01.000 oolite.exe[2848] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' (reason 'compare with nil') raised during posting of timer with target 0x128a9c8 and selector 'performGameTick:'
2007-08-03 20:04:01.000 oolite.exe[2848] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSRangeException : Index -4 is out of range 15 (in 'objectAtIndex:') *****
2007-08-03 20:04:01.000 oolite.exe[2848] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSRangeException' (reason 'Index -4 is out of range 15 (in 'objectAtIndex:')') raised during posting of timer with target 0x128a9c8 and selector 'performGameTick:'
2007-08-03 20:04:01.000 oolite.exe[2848] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSRangeException : Index -4 is out of range 15 (in 'objectAtIndex:') *****
2007-08-03 20:04:01.000 oolite.exe[2848] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSRangeException' (reason 'Index -4 is out of range 15 (in 'objectAtIndex:')') raised during posting of timer with target 0x128a9c8 and selector 'performGameTick:'

Any ideas?


Ps - great remake of Elite, hats off to all involved!
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Post by JensAyton »

I have no idea what’s going on there. All I can suggest is trying without any OXPs. If you can track the problem down to one OXP, please tell me which.
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Post by TGHC »

I'm a total dunce on programming and OXP's but I have noticed that several people have put up crash reports, after saying the game has been running fine and stable, and then for some reason it's decided to crash or gobble memory.

What seems odd to me is that it starts running fine, and then after a while it throws a wobbly. It seems like something gets changed or there's a cumulative problem that sends it ga ga. I could be way off beam, and having not even any basic knowledge, ignore this if you think it's meaningles, it's just my heavy handed attempt to try and be helpful so if it isn't tell me to MMOB. :lol:
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Found the solution - strict mode is turned on!

Post by jumpea »

It seems that the problem is due to a game having strict mode turned on it, when it should be off. I've always played outside of strict, but it seems oolite sets the flag to true in some save games. When it loads, oolite has a problem trying to work out stuff, and reverts back to the standard starting point of being at Lave with 100cr (oh the days)...
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

My machine isn't as high specced as Jumpea's, and 1.69 committed suicide on it within an hour. Wouldn't start up again.

After reading of simular issues on the BB, I uninstalled it and went back to rock stable old 1.65.

Here's hoping 1.70 won't be as cantankerous.
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Post by TGHC »

OK I'll fess up too, I have continued with 1.65 and will do untill the later versions (1.70 hopefully) become more stable, I'm not like you young bucks, I don't have the patience or intuitiveness to fiddle around.
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Post by another_commander »

Guys, I understand the frustration that ensues when your game crashes and I can see how one can immediately revert to an older, more stable version at the first sign of something going wrong.

Having said that though, I feel that just dumping the current version, hoping that in the future things will get better, does no good. You see, the test releases are, well, for testing and unless you guys use them no one can make any improvements on them. Ahruman has created a sticky at the top of this subforum with instructions on how to report bugs. If you see a problem, don't just say "it dies on me" or whatever, try to report it properly, so that it gets fixed. Oolite has nothing but a small community to support it, so do support it. We, the players of Oolite, are also its beta (and sometimes even alpha) testers.

At the end of the day, you choose what release you want to use. But it will be a pity to just stick to the older versions, after all the work that has gone in since 1.65. You will be just missing on all the new features and capabilities of the engine, and believe me, there are many.
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

Point well made, A_C, and I'd love to be able to dabble with the new features.

But why re-report the crash & burn bug when it's been reported a dozen times already? When that particular bastard is patched, I'll have at torture-testing the cool new tricks.

EDIT: Especially when 1.65 has strange issues of it's own. The hud bug, immortal ghosts and ships in the middle of nowhere flying in circles, anyone?
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Post by SgtSchultz »

EDIT: Especially when 1.65 has strange issues of it's own. The hud bug, immortal ghosts and ships in the middle of nowhere flying in circles, anyone?
I was about to post a bug report regarding the Dr_HUD OXP, stating that the HUD overlay .png was not being displayed (it is visible in windoz v1.65, not visible in v1.69.1). Is it true that this particular problem is a known issue? I tried removing all OXPs except Dr_HUD and got the same result - HUD elements were repositioned according to the hud.plist, but the HUD overlay was not visible.

The only reason I'm interested in alternative HUDs is that ones like Dr_HUD provide a bit of shading for the compass and scanner, making the blips and reticles "stand out" a bit more than the vanilla version. Given how hard it is to see anything in the OOniverse, I'm totally reliant on IFR to zero in on my prey things I'd like to see up close.

FWIW, I think I've also encountered the "immortal ghost" problem - if by this you mean NPC ships that are visible, and can fire on you, but can't be targeted or hit with your lasers (or anything else). The only thing I've not tried yet (chicken!) is ramming 'em.
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Post by Dr. Nil »

I'll probably release a new version of Dr HUD, for the next stable release. As I understand it, the HUD display has been moved around more than once between 1.65 and the current test release.

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Post by JensAyton »

There are two issues here:
1) In 1.65 and earlier, Windows and Linux displayed HUD images in the wrong place. HUDs designed on these platforms had a built-in correction for this, and were therefore technically buggy. This was addressed in 1.67.
2) In 1.69, HUD images were drawn in the wrong place, in a way that couldn’t be compensated for (x and y attributes were simply ignored). This has been fixed, but I think (offhand) that it was after 1.69.1.
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Post by Hoopy »


I agree entirely. It seems that something goes wrong in the game and it sets strict to be on in the save file. It then crashes as it can't cope with a strict game having various non-stirct settings (eg advanced compass).

So if you remove the strict key from the save file and restart oolite then you load it happily.

I get this happening once or twice an evening. so call it every 3-4 hours of playing.
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Post by another_commander »

There seems to be something wrong with the handling of saved games when there are more than about ten savefiles in the folder (I'll have to test for the exact number that triggers the bug). To avoid it, for now, the best tactic is to have only up to, say, eight saved games in the oolite-saves folder and cycle-save through them. If you definitely need more slots, you can create a subfolder under oolite-saves and continue saving in there. However, I think that 8 slots are more than good enough for normal play. Hoopy, try to remove some save files from your folder and see how this works for you.
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Post by Hoopy »

When i get the problem i always tidy up (ie copy to another folder) my saved games at the same time.

I always save as a new file each time (so I'm commander Hoopy202 at the moment) i dock so I have loads of save files. I'll try switching back to windows every few saves and moving the saves files and see if that works.

I have noticed that if you have enough save files that it pages the list of them in the load dialog then it's horribly slow when you try and cursor to the last one.
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Post by TGHC »

He He 202 already, you must be on a mision :wink:
The Grey Haired Commander has spoken!
OK so I'm a PC user - "you know whats scary? Out of billions of sperm I was the fastest"
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