Problems with oxp (space dredger, sunskimmers)

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Post by Captain Hesperus »

chaos syndrome wrote:
Applying bounty to the ships with pirateAI does solve the problem, but that still doesn't explain why sunskimmers generates loads more pirates with legal status clean than the default program does.
Maybe sunskimming pirates are smarter than the average interstellar scum. They wiat until GalCop have their Vipers docked with the local DOonut-U-Like (two quite well known companies amalgamated to produce a food sales outlet selling rings of deep-fried sweet dough and oven heated tubers) before they attack poor, innocent traders of illicit goods and Trumbles.

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Post by TGHC »

Have you ever taken out an innocent trader when the Galcops are not around, and when your status is clean?

We can all say yes to that, in fact we are probably in the majority, so a high proportion of pirates with a clean status is more likely, it just means that they are one step ahead of the Galcops and haven't been caught.............yet! I don't see it as an issue.
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Post by JensAyton »

ovvldc wrote:
Thanks! I understood from the conversations in the Dream Team thread that it was meant to replace the standard ships. Now I presume that only works if they are built straight into Oolite, not yet when they are in an OXP.
To clarify, it is entirely possible to replace built-in ships with new ships with new stats, or to replace the models without changing the stats of the built-in ships. At the moment, the Dream Team ships don’t do that, though.
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Post by chaos syndrome »

TGHC wrote:
Have you ever taken out an innocent trader when the Galcops are not around, and when your status is clean?

We can all say yes to that, in fact we are probably in the majority, so a high proportion of pirates with a clean status is more likely, it just means that they are one step ahead of the Galcops and haven't been caught.............yet! I don't see it as an issue.
The issue is not that legal status clean pirates exist. The issue is that Oolite (as in the code which exists without installing OXPs) seems to generate mostly offender/fugitives with a few clean pirates, whereas the OXP pirates are mostly clean with a few offender/fugitives, which is noticeably inconsistent. It would not be so much of an issue if the two sets of pirates were largely the same, nor would it be an issue if the code of the OXP had something in it which indicated that the distribution of legal status for pirates was being changed.

As far as I can tell, the OXP uses addShipsWithinRadius to generate ships with roles "pirate", "sunskim-trader" and "police". Is there something about generating ships in this way that alters the distribution of legal status?
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Post by JensAyton »

No. Standard system population and the various OXP addShips… methods all go through the same underlying method, -[Universe newShipWithRole:].

Yes. The standard system populator explicitly sets the AI of the ships it spawns. Therefore, it never produces traders with pirate AI or vice versa. I erroneously concluded that the weird AI settings were therefore not a real problem. However, it is in the case for OXP addShips… methods.

Fixing this will require a reworking of the standard shipdata.plist. This may or may not be done in time for 1.69.1.
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Post by Eric Walch »

Yes. The standard system populator explicitly sets the AI of the ships it spawns. Therefore, it never produces traders with pirate AI or vice versa. I erroneously concluded that the weird AI settings were therefore not a real problem. However, it is in the case for OXP addShips… methods.

Fixing this will require a reworking of the standard shipdata.plist. This may or may not be done in time for 1.69.1.
You are right. I encountered the same problem of clean pirates some time ago. If I add a ship with role pirate it gets the bounty as specified in shipdata.plist. And that is mostly 0. The standard system populator gives those ships with role "pirate" a random bounty.
I my OXP I fixed this by making copies of all regular pirate ships with "like_ship" and gave the ships a bounty and role "private_pirate". Instead of "pirates" I now add "private_pirate" to the system. The drawback is that I now only get native oolite ships and not some nice pirates added by other OXP's.

Instead of changing the shipdata.plist. you could change the bounty to a random value on adding a ship to the system if role is pirate like the system populator does. If you just change the shipdata.plist all OXP pirates get the same predictable bounty.
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Post by JensAyton »

The new auto_ai property was added to address this issue.
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
chaos syndrome wrote:
Hello, new user here. Really liking Oolite: good to see an Elite in the tradition of the old BBC versions, rather than a Newtonian flight model.
Welcome to the friendliest board this side of Riedquat. Make yourself right at home...
...if you don't mind the company of god-like lazy programmers, katana-wielding borderline psychos, clock-tower nutter snipers, small ursid coders, nonconformist religious apostates, greedy bloodthirsty pirates, cold-blooded contract assassins, awed towel-less wanderers and even the odd law-abiding space trader, that is... But then again, that's chaos syndrome for you! 8)
eerrmm... You forgot to mention the ruthless cold-blooded trumble-eating pirate-hating reptiloid bounty hunter of questionable character over here.
...Who happens to be downing the beer you left unattended. :wink:
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

Appropriating teh boddle of Bdegrian Red wine you so atentatively left unattended, I move to postulate that the reason for inapropriately not-bountied OXP pirates is the idea that roles assigned are all appropriate (edit: meaning used in-game).
while in fact only the role used to call the ship into existence is used for all purposes.
Most OXPs wil use multiple roles "trader, pirate(0.5)" but neglect puting a bounty on the ship, as it would be inaropriate for a lawabiding trader to have parkingfines outstanding deserving the penalty o death.

A good way to solve this dichonomy (is that a word?) is to use the possibilities inherent to pilot-characters.
Simply add (or replace) the bounty by the one on the pilot's head.
Force the pilot character to override the defaultAI (not scripted AI), so that characters with lots of bounty are more likely to use pirateAI and those with no bounty use traderAI(etc)

edit: jeez, I just reread the above post. only minutes after writing it...and it didnt make any sense, had to add some clarifications and ficks tijpoos.
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Post by Cmdr Thorsson(aka zx81) »

I quite like the feature in sunskimmers that causes the 'friendly flip', keeps you on your toes!
I notice that half the time when you get engaged by the friendly(moray medical ship etc) they will try to leg it after a quick engagement. Not sure if they notice cops on the way or maybe their trigger finger slipped and they beat a hasty retreat in embarrassment?
Either way it stops your eyes closing when making that 100th cargo run.
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