Trumbles - I hate those things!

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Captain Hesperus
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Location: Anywhere I can sell Trumbles.....

Post by Captain Hesperus »

TGHC wrote:
sounds like a wreck to me!!
Oddly enough, this 'wreck' kept me and my 115 tonnes of Computers safe from a mass brawl against a PPC, two Cobra Rapiers, a Cobra NjX, a 'Dream' Sidewinder, a DW Cobra Mk. III, an FdL and a Mosquito Sport (all pirates, honest!) on my last run to Ararus. Only casualties were the Docking Computers and the Chewi-bar dispenser on Deck 3.

Stepan is presently under sedation in the Med-pod until we repair the vending machine....

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Post by TGHC »

Captain Hesperus wrote:
TGHC wrote:
sounds like a wreck to me!!
Only casualties were the Docking Computers and the Chewi-bar dispenser on Deck 3.

Stepan is presently under sedation in the Med-pod until we repair the vending machine....

Captain Hesperus
:lol: :lol: :lol:
The Grey Haired Commander has spoken!
OK so I'm a PC user - "you know whats scary? Out of billions of sperm I was the fastest"
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Cmdr. Maegil
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

Captain Hesperus wrote:
Stepan is presently under sedation in the Med-pod until we repair the vending machine....
If one takes your fame into consideration, it'd be expected that you too are quite despondent about the machine's demise - since now Stephan can't contribute to your earnings by buying the triple-priced superinflated Chewi-bars...
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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Captain Hesperus
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
If one takes your fame into consideration, it'd be expected that you too are quite despondent about the machine's demise - since now Stephan can't contribute to your earnings by buying the triple-priced superinflated Chewi-bars...
The bounty from the eight pirates more than makes up the repair bills. Actually, <taps on pocket calculator> I can probably afford to buy a couple more.....

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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

taking on some more small red rodent crew?
I hear they hire cheap and you can fit many in one cabin.
Plus they are helpfull in emergencies...

On a more serious note:
QUATERNION question.

I want to rotate a thing 180degrees around Y and 90 around Z.
In a single quaternion would this equate to a 180 degree turn around an x-yaxis?
w=180 x=90 y=90 => 1 0.383 0.383 0 ?
no. 0 -1 1 0
Last edited by Arexack_Heretic on Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Commander McLane »

Arexack_Heretic wrote:
QUATERNION question.

I want to rotate a thing 180degrees around Y and 90 around Z.
In a single quaternion would this equate to a 180 degree turn around an x-yaxis?
Nope, not if you want 90 degrees around Z. 180-degree-turns around two of the axis always add to a 180-degree-turn around the third. But as you have a 90-degree-turn you will have to calculate the result. I posted the recipe for that from the wiki in this post. Have fun calculating! :)
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Captain Hesperus
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

I suppose the next 'real world player-based' OXP will be TheGreyHairedCommander.oxp. It features an Iron-assed SuperCobra which bimbles along the WS-planet axis at 0.5ls, grumbling about 'the price of beer these days', 'women's fashions are becoming more and more slutty', 'Young pilots these days are on the fast-track to an early grave' and 'Ohh, these pilot's chairs really aren't kind on your back. I shall send a very sternly worded comm message to the manufacturers'.


Captain Hesperus
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

I think I like your idea of a OoBBS_Commanders.OXP!

If you want to include my persona, it'd be on a renegade Asp with a very large bounty; I'd either be minding my own business or attacking slavists on specific ships (in a Black Monks style); if the player has BOUGHT slaves in the last five jumps, he'll be the target (not if he sold them, as they could have been caught on escape pods).

Quotes when attacked:
"How rude! I'll have to teach you some manners."
"I accept your challenge. Let's dance!"
"You've stepped on my toes, so I'll crush yours with a sledgehammer!"
"I don't 'do' children. Oh, you're a grown-up? All right, then!"
"You've just Fabricated my Diem, PVNC!"
"You've got a deathwish? All right, I'll oblige you!"
"You'll stand in the way of JUSTICE? I can't forgive you!"
"Who do you think you are? A one-being Navy?"

Assassination quotes:
"You'll never trade in slaves again? You got THAT right!"
"I've rescued the slaves you sold. Now I'll avenge them!"
"Death is too little a punishment for a slaver. I'm letting you off easy!"
"Did you hear the pleas of the slaves you sold? Why should I hear yours?"
"Where are your lawyers now, slavist scum?"
"Can your blood money save you now, you slavist goidson?"
"Slavists are garbage, I'm the incinerator! Prepare to be burnt!
"The cops may represent the LAW but I stand for JUSTICE, slavist scum!"

Energy low quotes:
"Look at the time! Sorry, I have an urgent business to attend elsewere!"
"I underestimated you! Next time you won't have that handicap."
"Justice shall prevail! I'll be back!"
"Congratulations. You've just entered my hit list!"
"To think that I was having such a GOOD day!"
"You scratched my paintwork! You'll pay for this the next time we meet!"
"Who paid you to do this, you slavist henchbeing scum?"
"They call ME a psicho? What would that make YOU?"
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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sci fi parallels

Post by *cat »

Got a bit lost by this thread in a few places, but it reminds meof "The Mote in God's Eye" and the "motie" contamination. Anyone read it?
Some of those on your ship could make for some intresting upgrades/downgrades/"what the?"grades...!
I hate trumbles!
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Post by reills »

Yes, I hate trumbles as much as the next captain. They are a right of passage that every commander should step in (in my case purchasing one was the only way to stop having them constantly offered to me). Then it was off for some sun-skimmed fuel :twisted: tee hee
Insert witty saying here
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

I wouldn't mind compiling such expansive vocabilary into a Famous Rogues/Commanders characters OXP.

A bit more info on race, bounty, rating, prefered system etc would not go amiss.

There is not much in fighting style that can be customised, one could alter roll/pitch etc a bit, but not the frequency of missile injector use or the 'chicken' factor.
Maybe Giles will be inspired once he spies himself plying the spacelanes and thinks "Hey, I wouldn't attack that happless scavenger like that! ...I'd use my aft twinlinked-plasma-cannon."
For specific missions involving lots of new models...get cracking yourself! ;)

Yea I recall the 'mote in god's Eye'.
You were refering to the lobsoids werent you? Surely not the trumbles?
I love trumbles.
I have an entire asteroid hollowed out where I have a huge collection of them. I keep them pretty cool (4deg) to dampen their metabolism when I'm not breeding them.
I'm not telling anyone where it is...otherwise you'll all come by sell me food and try to blow me up with a hidden bomb. :(
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Post by reills »

Just nudge that asteroid close to a sun going nova...
Insert witty saying here
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Cmdr. Maegil
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

Arexack_Heretic wrote:
A bit more info on race, bounty, rating, prefered system etc would not go amiss.
Name: Maegil Arvandor
Race: Psichotic human colonist
Gender: Male
Rating: Deadly
Home system: Unknown
Preferred system: Wherever slavists roam free
Hideout: Unknown
Ship: Renegade Asp "Tenchu"
Bouty: >7500

Criminal record:
-Forced entry
-Illegal surveillance
-Assault and battery
-Assault with a deadly weapon
-Grand theft spaceship
-Possetion of fake documents
-Possetion of controlled substances
-Possetion of illegal explosives
-Illegal possetion of explosives
-Possetion of illegal weapon
-Unlawful discharge of weapon
-Attempted bribery of Galcop servent
-Illegal association
-Resisting arrest
-Conspiracy to commit murder
-Attempted murder
-Piracy and murder
-Murder 1st

Until challenged or feeling threatened, the suspect appears to be a candid and helpful person. DO NOT BE FOOLED!
The suspect has advanced military training and is an accomplished martial artist. Consider him armed and dangerous even barehanded. Proceed with extreme caution and DO NOT approach him without backup.

Note: Most of the charges are related to the suspect's anti-slavery vigilante activities.

Known accomplices:
<see attached list>
Most of the suspect's accomplices are former slaves rescued by him. Although he prefers to act alone, he uses them for occasional logistic support.
For specific missions involving lots of new models...get cracking yourself! ;)
For my ship you can use an Asp from "Renegades" patched with a slightly modified Black Monks gunship behaviour. I'll try to fiddle with the AI and send it to you once it's completely FUBAR.
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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Post by LittleBear »

The killimpAI from Assassins would probabley be a better one to tweak as this is set up to send random coms messages and can select ships with set roles as targets. It never runs though so might want to add an Energy Low behaviour. Perhaps a sparticus oxp. 10% change of a slave convoy - mabey just in Corperate States and Dictatorships -. (An Annacona with a couple of extra turrets and a wing of Imperial Couriers all with a SlaverAI) and some spaticous footsolders in Eagles. Give them AI to attack each other, by changing the roles in killimpAI and killrebel AI and paste the message types into descriptions. The Commander himself may also be present (say 50% change if the Convoy is there).
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

Settle down.
I'm first going to make the Revenge-on-Hesperus mission somewhat complete before taking on anything else.
I need to stay focussed or nothing gets done.

-most of the script mechanisms
-most of the shipdata
-most of the crucial planetInfo
WIP: multiple missionchoices
WIP: mission texts and dialogue.
TODO: additional galaxy hint patterns.
TODO: AI for custom police patrolls and Hesperus.
TODO: any testing at all.
WIP: new pythonwreck-model. distracting.... will provide some shader training. :)
TODO: Dubious Profit model/skin (will basically be a 'blackdog')
DONE: station-damagedAI
WIP: hesperus boyracer escapeAI.
not tested, but involves him going to the sun and jumping out if player is out of scanner range.
Havent tested whether the statechange AFTER jumping to new system will trigger the escapeswitch.
I may need to change this to trigger this escape before hyperspacing away....does becomeExplosion trigger the death_actions? I need a way to remove hesperus from play without killing him.

notetoself: use addSystemShips: 0.95 to add patroll ships, no need to know stationlocation.

Credits count:
Boyracer, Oolite, mpak, x-ships

NOTE: all progress lost due to systemscrash.
Last edited by Arexack_Heretic on Tue Oct 09, 2007 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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