Settle down.
I'm first going to make the Revenge-on-Hesperus mission somewhat complete before taking on anything else.
I need to stay focussed or nothing gets done.
-most of the script mechanisms
-most of the shipdata
-most of the crucial planetInfo
WIP: multiple missionchoices
WIP: mission texts and dialogue.
TODO: additional galaxy hint patterns.
TODO: AI for custom police patrolls and Hesperus.
TODO: any testing at all.
WIP: new pythonwreck-model. distracting.... will provide some shader training.

TODO: Dubious Profit model/skin (will basically be a 'blackdog')
DONE: station-damagedAI
WIP: hesperus boyracer escapeAI.
not tested, but involves him going to the sun and jumping out if player is out of scanner range.
Havent tested whether the statechange AFTER jumping to new system will trigger the escapeswitch.
I may need to change this to trigger this escape before hyperspacing away....does becomeExplosion trigger the death_actions? I need a way to remove hesperus from play without killing him.
notetoself: use addSystemShips: 0.95 to add patroll ships, no need to know stationlocation.
Credits count:
Boyracer, Oolite, mpak, x-ships
NOTE: all progress lost due to systemscrash.