Trumbles - I hate those things!

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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

I'll add some hints to the 'cure' in there.

That way, I can push the OXP evertime a noob asks about how to get rid of trumbles. ;)

The captain of the Dubious Profit will offer up the answer, if you manage to damage his brick severely enough.
As well as the occasional hint from a grayhaired 'ermit.

PS I need a picture of C.Hesperus for his mugshot. ;)
(He's bound to have a police record in many systems)
Plus some indication as to the initial paintwork of the Dubious... else I just use Murgh's rusty pirate python.
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

How about this one?


You'll have to cut it, but it's close enough to CH's avatar.
Just an idea...
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

So hesperus is a cute furry grey feline...with a big gun...KATCHICK>>BOOM!
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Captain Hesperus
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

I.....I......I.....I'm stunned.

I'm away less than two days and you spent two pages plotting my demise.
Well, they do say when the Small Furry Feline with The Stonkin' Great Sniper Rifle is away the rats mice will play (or something like that).

@A_H - The Dubious Profit is an mPak Python ( (C) & (TM) Murgh Industries Intergalactic) with the following standard upgrades:
Advanced Space Compass,
Docking Computer (broken),
Escape Pod (well used),
Extended Cargo Bay,
External Heat Shielding,
Extra Energy Unit,
Fuel Scoops,
Scanner Targeting Enhancement,
Witchdrive Fuel Injectors (very well used!)
Fore and Aft Military Lasers,
2x HMX3 ECM-Hardened Seeker-Killer Missiles
Galactic Cooperative of Worlds Ship Designation Number (SDN): DP (Delta-Papa) 099

The forward surfaces of the ship are scraped clean of paint and tarnish and have scuff marks, laser burns and boulder impact craters obvious. There is also a small brass plaque by the boarding ramp bearing the ships name. This is magnetically attached should someone the Capt'n doesn't want to find him start reading ship nameplates....
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Post by reills »

Brass plaque, magnetically attached? Must be some 32nd century technology.
Insert witty saying here
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

reills wrote:
Brass plaque, magnetically attached? Must be some 32nd century technology.
Yes neodynium magnets, small but strong enough to resist Torus drive acceleration.
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »


Thanks for the Info.

You will beciome quite legendary, as when people have killed you in gal 1, Then buy another trumbel (that IS asking for it!) they may encounter you again in another galaxy.
....Or even the same for that matter.
I'm not planning on incorporating a gal#_hesperus_status equal KILLED check.
...the role-play element of your chazracter is too much fun to miss out on.

I made Orrira your native system (if you have no objections)
(g0 p150) a planet full of anarchic furry felines beset by treeoids.

You weren't much of a hardened criminal by local standards when you left there...
"Mr. Hesperus is a native of this system. /n
He isn't from the planet proper, that may be the reason why he left. /n
Growing up in space without any treeoids to scratch... he ranked just a kitten down below. /n
Out there in GalCoop-space however even a small-time thug can become a big criminal. (snjarf !) /n
He hid out at his mothers' for a while, but she was getting into heat herself (snjarf, snjarf !), so she sent him to relatives at Bivea."
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

All good and fun, but how are you going to explain his immortality?
Maybe instead of a proper escape capsule he could have a boy racer?

"Catch me if you can, goidson!"
"Watch this cat leap!"

Also, the "Dubious Profit" should have a number ("Dubious Profit IV", "Dubious Profit XII", "Dubious Profit IXL"...) with the counter jumping up a few numbers between two meetings.
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

I dunno.
I find the illogical immaturity immortality somehow appealing...can't find the right word but it gives it a bit of mystery...maybe, or just the feel of a badly thought out oxp. :/

the boyracer idea I like. :)
But the player is not required to destroy him per sé....'negotiation' might work.
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Captain Hesperus
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Arexack_Heretic wrote:
But the player is not required to destroy him per sé....'negotiation' might work.
As in:

Code: Select all

Dubious_Profit_Status=ENERGY LOW
Launch Hesperus_Escape_Pod (sendmessage: 'Yeah, okay! So let's talk about a refund and a sure fire way of de-Trumbling your ship. Scoop me already!')
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

hehe, the energy_low part is right...
I was hoping the AI could "set: mission_trumblerevenge COMPLETE_ALIVE".
and "escort me to the station, where we can talk."

if not, scooping your pod might be the only way to get you to divulge the information on arival.

aw cute you you made a wiki-entry of your persona!

DRAT. now I gotta chanfge the female engineer into a male chewybar crazed lizard. maybe Hemodore is femasle...?
bit tipsy sry.

EDIT: Is there a way to REPLACE the main-station with a custom one?
I seem to recall such a thing, but not where or how.
edit in planetInfo

EDIT2: would 6 hints/systems be enough? Should I try to make original entries for each galaxy, eventhough only coders will see all the entries?
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Captain Hesperus
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Arexack_Heretic wrote:
DRAT. now I gotta chanfge the female engineer into a male chewybar crazed lizard. maybe Hemodore is femasle...?
bit tipsy sry.
Actually, Rus (the Ineran Blue Horned Lizard Engineer) is a surly, quite agressive porson. Stepan the Erbitian Large Feline navigator is obsessed with Chewi-bars. He has maps that lead him to every Chewi-bar dispenser on some 150 space stations.

Captain Hesperus
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Post by Killer Wolf »

BAck to trumbles - am i rihgt in thinking that in one version of the game (C64??) if you took them to a certain palnet (not Raxxla!) someone offered to buy them at a canny good price? it meant you could make a pretty good profit if they had multiplied by that time - the trick was finding the right place before they covered your screen. sure i read that somewhere.
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

I'm sure I read somewhere about rockhermits as well.
I my opinion it is a legend.

(I have not investigated the original code however.)
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Post by TGHC »

Captain Hesperus wrote:
The Dubious Profit is an mPak Python


The forward surfaces of the ship are scraped clean of paint and tarnish and have scuff marks, laser burns and boulder impact craters obvious. There is also a small brass plaque by the boarding ramp bearing the ships name. This is magnetically attached should someone the Capt'n doesn't want to find him start reading ship nameplates....
sounds like a wreck to me!!

(waits for the groans and disaparates)
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