MuTech Silver Dagger.

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MuTech Silver Dagger.

Post by lex_talionis »

Well, I'm starting on a new ship. It's a product of MuTech, an almost unknown organisation, thought to be a rumour from crazed old spacers. But it's true, MuTech exist. Occupying an alternative witchspace called Mu Space, their ships have been seen increasingly often of late. Contact was recently made for the first time a few years ago, and MuTech have agreed to produce a few ships. Here is the MuTech Silver Dagger, designed to be a cheaper, viable alternative to the trusty old Cat Cougar. While some spacers muter about a 'fat arse' on the ship, the spacers that have had the luck to fly her have found her nothing short of simply balletic.



...balletic. Good word.
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Post by Star Gazer »

My goodness, that could look very pretty with a good texture to it!! tongue is already drooling in anticipation...
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Post by lex_talionis »

I was thinking basically white/silver/metallic (like aluminium or something) with some nice transfers on it.

I can't remember very well how to texture it, I may need help! Currently working on a liner/transport thingy called the Silver Sword, which'll travel about 300 (whatever the units are again) and carry 100 tonnes.
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Post by lex_talionis »

Well, here's the aforementioned Sliver Sword.

Drawing on the design used in late 20th century supersonic aircraft, the SIlver Sword aims to be a bulk transporter on the scale of the Python. Beating it slightly in speed and agility, there are few more breathtaking sights than a Sword gliding into the docking bay of a Coriolis station, it's dust-repellent skin keeping it gleamingly fresh.


I need to stop modeling and get on with revising for my maths fianl on Wed!
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Post by JensAyton »

I think they’d look better if the wings were thinner, especially the Sword.
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Post by lex_talionis »

Good idea. I'll have a tweak and see what comes out. I'm just messing about atm, trying not to study for my exam, and succeeding, too.

Done the tweaking. Fixed the wings and the tail, too.

You were right Ahruman.
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Post by JensAyton »

Oh, that’s a tailplane? I thought it was an observation deck onna stick. ;-)
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Post by Vajo »

Beautiful, hope to see more :D
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Post by lex_talionis »

Ahruman, ya cheeky blighter!

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Post by Ramirez »

Those models look very nice. If you want some inspiration/images for use in the the textures, I can recommend the drawings on wikipedia by Emoscopes (do a search for the user) - he's done lots of really good pictures of cold war planes done out with the classic white anti-flash paint finish.

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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

Maybe balistic iso balletic?

Are you sure you want to go with the 'blade' theme in names?
They look more like birds to me.... :P
You probably do (names can be important), but please give them a mean, sharp look if going with dagger/sword. :D

Scimitar , longsword, Claymore for respectively a luxury yacht (FDL) heavy escort and a battleship. ;)
I wonder what you would make a criss ship look like....
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

I guess the Sword's name is OK, but the Dagger looks more like an Axe Head, or maybe a Fist Blade?
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Post by lex_talionis »

Pretty much what I've been thinking there A_H.

Should possibly call the Sword the Seagull! :lol: But yeah, I think I shall change the names.

I NEED to stop messing about, I have an exam tomorrow, and today I made a giant transport, so big that it can only be docked by docking computer (I assume this gets round the problem of ships with a bigger wingspan than the docking slit? The autodock thingy, what is it, shift-D?) and a new interceptor, in the style of Homeworld 2.

Damn damn damn, must revise...!
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

Remember about bird physiology:
(If you plan to go bird)

Herbivore birds generally have long necks and short tails, while predatory birds are the other way around.
Analogy would be herbivores=trader, predatory=fighting ships.

eg Swan/Geese vs Swallow/Hawk/Eagle
(Harriers are just strange, with their long necks and feet eating frogs and fish.)
Multipurpose ships would fall into the category of Finches and Raven etc. as well as Gulls.
Nice big birds are Jan-van-Gent (Northern Gannet), Albatross, Vultures, Eagles, Kasuari, Emu, Ostrich.
A nicely stuffed Turkey will wet any pirate's appetite. ;)

Cloaked ships might be named after Owls.

There are many more interesting birds... of page has a list of families.
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Post by lex_talionis »

Cheers for that. I've decided (like, RIGHT this second!) to rename the sword to the swan - I wanted something somewhat graceful.

If people want, I'll post up some pics of everything I've got on the go at the moment - the finished and slightly refashioned dagger, the Swan (née Sword), there's a massive tanker/transport, and an interceptor.

Soon as my exam tomorrow is over, I'm gonna get cracking on some textures.

Reading over a ton of stuff posted by this fella Sung and the ensuing argument, given that the interceptor is inspired by/ripped off the game Homeworld 2, is it still ok to make it available so long as I say that it's inspired by HW2 in the readme?
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