Reset to strict mode problem

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Captain Hesperus
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Reset to strict mode problem

Post by Captain Hesperus »

I've just encountered this, I'm using a commander in G3 doing the Orzaedve-Zarevees trade route (extremely profitable and good for the Eilte rating) and putting Selezen's Mk.II Imperial Courier through it's paces (yum, yum!). I get through to Zarevees station, sell my cargo and just prior to buying for the return run, I go to the F2 screen to save. I select Save Commander then....

It freezes for a mo, then the start up screen (spinning Coriolis) comes up, telling me that Strict Mode is active and Press Space Commander. I Press Space Commander and find not my 730kCr, 1018 kill Dangerous Courier-flying Commander Raven, but a 100Cr, 0 kill Harmless Cobra Mk. III-flying Commander Jameson!!!


It's happened a couple of times now, and each time I reload Commander Raven, he's still docked at Orzaedve with his (lovely, lovely) Courier and fat bank balance.

I haven't dared loading up other Commanders until I know this won't corrupt poor old Captain Hesperus' savefile.

Anyone have a clue?
I'm running Oolite V.1.68 on WinXP sp2 with a shedload of OXP's the most recent of which installed is Selezen's IC update.

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Post by LittleBear »

Think that ones been around for a while (attempt to save and Oolite won't have it, crashes to Strick play). I've had that happen on 1.65 and before.

Happened to me over a year ago playing the Thargoid Plans Mission:- ... goid+plans

Only workaround I found was to save as Jameson1, Jameson2, Jameson3 etc rather than overwriting Jameson every time. And save at every docking. If the bug struck Jameson3, load up Jameson2 re-run the trade route and save as Jameson4. Ok you lose the money /kills made since the last docking but not the end of the world.

Once it strikes though I think that Commander has had it and Oolite will always refuse to save with that Commader.[/url]
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

I've resurrected the infamous Commander Raven!
Simply, I opened the savefile, deleted the v from the name in the <string>player-name</string>, making him Raen. I saved it as Raen.oolite-save, opened Oolite, opened Raen then saved as Raven.

Rock and roll!

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Post by JensAyton »

Do you happen to have a copy of the broken version?
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Ahruman wrote:
Do you happen to have a copy of the broken version?
Unfortunately not, but should it happen again, I'll send you one. :)

Captain Hesperus
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