Black Monks help
Moderators: winston, another_commander
- LittleBear
- ---- E L I T E ----
- Posts: 2886
- Joined: Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:02 pm
- Location: On a survey mission for GalCop. Ship: Cobra Corvette: Hidden Dragon Rated: Deadly.
Cool. Will update when have time. In middle of child rape trial ATM, beset by x's family shoulting "my husband won't do this" and Y's family shouting at me "how can you defend him my daughter woudn't lie about this". So RL inteverning (but also need escape from RL tm). Playing in my Brother's Poker School this w/e! Do some Ooliting w/e after.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
Griff - do you have the trading post model that appeared in this thread available anywhere? I'm putting a mission together that involves a kind of transit station in a low orbit and your model would be perfect.Griff wrote:The busyports & the Autominer .oxp aren't much more than a bunch of odd ships that just appear and don't do much else at the moment, i really need to get back to having a look at what on earth i was up to back then, btw if anybody want to use any of the models etc for their own ideas feel free to grab them
Download Resistance Commander plus many other exciting OXPs HERE
- Griff
- Oolite 2 Art Director
- Posts: 2489
- Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2006 12:29 pm
- Location: Probably hugging his Air Fryer
Hi Ramirez
the station can be found here inside the busy_ports.oxp, there's some other gubbins in there too, a freight train like ship and i think some small cargo ferrying robots but there's not a lot of stuff going on with them though, they just float about in space waiting for some AI's, if there's anything you like in there and you have a plan to bring them into the game then that'd be great!
the station can be found here inside the busy_ports.oxp, there's some other gubbins in there too, a freight train like ship and i think some small cargo ferrying robots but there's not a lot of stuff going on with them though, they just float about in space waiting for some AI's, if there's anything you like in there and you have a plan to bring them into the game then that'd be great!