I'm wondering if there is a way to make the ship's HUD dependent upon the ship itself. For example, if a ship is among the default available group, that ship's HUD would be drawn using the system default, whether through an OXP or the installed default. When a ship that has a HUD definition is added via OXP, the OXPs HUD is only drawn if it is the player's ship, otherwise the default HUD is used. Yeah, I know this could create a problem when a system-wide HUD OXP is added, however a system-wide HUD could easily be identified by a simple key in the plist. Maybe something on the line of the snippet below to define a player ship only HUD:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
It may be more reasonable to add a line similar to the one below to the ship's plist definition:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Anyway, just a thought.