Convoy! OXP WIP

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

Moderators: winston, another_commander

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Dangerous Subversive Element
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Convoy! OXP WIP

Post by Arexack_Heretic »

Going to use this to introduce the PPC_A2,
as well as having fun problemsolving the script and AI.

Okay the basic plan:

1 a single role is called (depending on desired size of convoy)
2 each ship setup-spawns the ship it is intended to follow:
role3(spawn: role2), role2(spawn:role1), role1(spawn:leader)

AI: ships locate and follow each other in a line, towards the Eagis.
(or outbound)
-If a ship is lost or when the statemachine is (re)started,
ships scan for the next in line, preventing all following the leader
or all going their seperate ways.

todo list:
-teamster shiplist: for now only PPC_A2s are used, but more variety is intended.
-expand on : teamster CB hails.
-To expand on: script to add convoys to systems
taking into account economytype and prosperity, population and productivity. As well as dangerlevel (govt<5)

next post: current bottlenecks
Last edited by Arexack_Heretic on Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dangerous Subversive Element
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Current Bottlenecks:

Post by Arexack_Heretic »

using spawn or spawnShip in setup_actions does not work as expexted.
MacLane has suggested this may be due to the spawnees being spawned INSIDE the spawner. :?:

Possible avenues of investigation:
-I'll go back to the less elegant method of using x setupConvoyAIs, but the basic problem with spawnmethod may remain.
-Addships oneship plus an escort, then use escort as a target for ScriptActionOnTarget: addShipsInRadius.
(Maybe scanForShipsWithRole: self could work too? targetting self probably not.)
-Doing AddShips in script is unelegant, but proven.

Next post: input!
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Dangerous Subversive Element
Dangerous Subversive Element
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

Where I explain what areas could benefit from YOUR Input.

-Teamster slang, callsigns and CB talk.
I may be a fan of the truckermovies Convoy and Smokey and the Bandit, but my slang is horrible.
Anyone supplying nice gabble will earn his forum-name as a teamster-handle! ;)

-Conditions determining size and number of convoys in a system

a bit confusing all of this.

Next up: Current progress of WIP
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Dangerous Subversive Element
Dangerous Subversive Element
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

Current Code:


Code: Select all

{	GLOBAL = {
		ENTER = ("pauseAI: 5",	setUpEscorts, "pauseAI: 5"	);
		EXIT = (		);
		UPDATE = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_5"	);
	LOOK_FOR_5 = {
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 100000", "scanForNearestShipWithRole: convoy5", "pauseAI: 5.0","commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_look] <klick>"	);
		"TARGET_FOUND" = (	"setTargetToFoundTarget", setDestinationWithinTarget, "commsMessage: <klick> I am number last in line, over. <klick>", "setStateTo: FOLLOW_5"	);
		"NOTHING_FOUND" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_4"	);
		EXIT = (		);
		UPDATE = (		);
	LOOK_FOR_4 = {
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 100000", "scanForNearestShipWithRole: convoy4", "pauseAI: 5.0","commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_look] <klick>"	);
		"TARGET_FOUND" = (	"setTargetToFoundTarget", setDestinationWithinTarget, "commsMessage: <klick> I am number 6, over. <klick>", "setStateTo: FOLLOW_4"	);
		"NOTHING_FOUND" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_3"	);
		EXIT = (		);
		UPDATE = (		);
	LOOK_FOR_3 = {
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 100000", "scanForNearestShipWithRole: convoy3", "pauseAI: 5.0","commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_look] <klick>"	);
		"TARGET_FOUND" = (	"setTargetToFoundTarget", setDestinationWithinTarget, "commsMessage: <klick> I am number 5, over. <klick>", "setStateTo: FOLLOW_3"	);
		"NOTHING_FOUND" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_2"	);
		EXIT = (		);
		UPDATE = (		);
	LOOK_FOR_2 = {
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 100000", "scanForNearestShipWithRole: convoy2", "pauseAI: 5.0","commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_look] <klick>"	);
		"TARGET_FOUND" = (	"setTargetToFoundTarget", setDestinationWithinTarget, "commsMessage: <klick> I am number 4, over. <klick>", "setStateTo: FOLLOW_2"	);
		"NOTHING_FOUND" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_1"	);
		EXIT = (		);
		UPDATE = (		);
	LOOK_FOR_1 = {
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 100000", "scanForNearestShipWithRole: convoy1", "pauseAI: 4.0","commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_look] <klick>"	);
		"TARGET_FOUND" = (	"setTargetToFoundTarget", setDestinationWithinTarget, "commsMessage: <klick> I am number 3, over. <klick>", "setStateTo: FOLLOW_1"	);
		"NOTHING_FOUND" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_DUCK", "commsMessage: <klick> Duck, were y'at bubba? <klick> "	);
		EXIT = (		);
		UPDATE = (		);
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 100000", "scanForNearestShipWithRole: rubberduck", "pauseAI: 4.0","commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_look] <klick>"	);
		"TARGET_FOUND" = ("commsMessage: <klick> I am number 2, over. <klick>",	"setStateTo: FOLLOW_DUCK"	);
		"NOTHING_FOUND" = ("commsMessage: <klick> Guess I'll be the duck today. ten-four.<klick>", "switchAITo: enteringTraderAI.plist"	);
		EXIT = (		);
		UPDATE = (		);
/* The above states check for members in the convoy */
/* Starting backwards, ensures eventual gaps are closed up. */
/* If no followers are detected, the ship becomes Rubberduck. IE the convoy leader. */
	FOLLOW_5 = {
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 250"	);
		EXIT = (	"commsMessage: Breaker. breaker. [teamster] Signing off"	);
		UPDATE = (	"setSpeedTo: 1.0", performFlyToRangeFromDestination, "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
		ATTACKED = (	fightOrFleeHostiles,	"commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_attacked] <klick>");
		"ENERGY_LOW" = (	performFlee, "commsMessage: Breaker. breaker. [teamster_callsign] Outta here!", "pauseAI: 10.0", performHyperSpaceExit	);
		FLEEING = (	broadcastDistressMessage	);
		FIGHTING = (	setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, "setAITo: interceptAI.plist"	);
		"TARGET_LOST" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_5"	);
		"TARGET_DESTROYED" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_5"	);
		RESTARTED = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_5"	);
		"DESIRED_RANGE_ACHIEVED" = (	"setSpeedFactorTo: 0.5", "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
	FOLLOW_4 = {
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 250"	);
		EXIT = (	"commsMessage: Breaker. breaker. Signing off"	);
		UPDATE = (	"setSpeedTo: 1.0", performFlyToRangeFromDestination, "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
		ATTACKED = (	fightOrFleeHostiles,	"commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_attacked] <klick>");
		"ENERGY_LOW" = (	performFlee, "pauseAI: 10.0", performHyperSpaceExit	);
		FLEEING = (	broadcastDistressMessage	);
		FIGHTING = (	setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, "setAITo: interceptAI.plist"	);
		"TARGET_LOST" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_4"	);
		"TARGET_DESTROYED" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_4"	);
		RESTARTED = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_4"	);
		"DESIRED_RANGE_ACHIEVED" = (	"setSpeedFactorTo: 0.5", "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
	FOLLOW_3 = {
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 250"	);
		EXIT = (	"commsMessage: Breaker. breaker. Signing off"	);
		UPDATE = (	"setSpeedTo: 1.0", performFlyToRangeFromDestination, "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
		ATTACKED = (	fightOrFleeHostiles,	"commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_attacked] <klick>"	);
		"ENERGY_LOW" = (	performFlee, "pauseAI: 10.0", performHyperSpaceExit	);
		FLEEING = (	broadcastDistressMessage	);
		FIGHTING = (	setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, "setAITo: interceptAI.plist"	);
		"TARGET_LOST" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_3"	);
		"TARGET_DESTROYED" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_3"	);
		RESTARTED = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_3"	);
		"DESIRED_RANGE_ACHIEVED" = (	"setSpeedFactorTo: 0.5", "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
	FOLLOW_2 = {
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 250"	);
		EXIT = (	"commsMessage: Breaker. breaker. Signing off"	);
		UPDATE = (	"setSpeedTo: 1.0", performFlyToRangeFromDestination, "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
		ATTACKED = (	fightOrFleeHostiles,	"commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_attacked] <klick>"	);
		"ENERGY_LOW" = (	performFlee, "pauseAI: 10.0", performHyperSpaceExit	);
		FLEEING = (	broadcastDistressMessage	);
		FIGHTING = (	setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, "setAITo: interceptAI.plist"	);
		"TARGET_LOST" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_2"	);
		"TARGET_DESTROYED" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_2"	);
		RESTARTED = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_2"	);
		"DESIRED_RANGE_ACHIEVED" = (	"setSpeedFactorTo: 0.5", "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
	FOLLOW_1 = {
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 250"	);
		EXIT = (	"commsMessage: Breaker. breaker. Signing off"	);
		UPDATE = (	"setSpeedTo: 1.0", performFlyToRangeFromDestination, "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
		ATTACKED = (	fightOrFleeHostiles,	"commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_attacked] <klick>"	);
		"ENERGY_LOW" = (	performFlee, "pauseAI: 10.0", performHyperSpaceExit	);
		FLEEING = (	broadcastDistressMessage	);
		FIGHTING = (	setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, "setAITo: interceptAI.plist"	);
		"TARGET_LOST" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_1"	);
		"TARGET_DESTROYED" = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_1"	);
		RESTARTED = (	"setStateTo: LOOK_FOR_1"	);
		"DESIRED_RANGE_ACHIEVED" = (	"setSpeedFactorTo: 0.5", "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
		ENTER = (	"setDesiredRangeTo: 250"	);
		EXIT = (	"commsMessage: Breaker. breaker. Signing off"	);
		UPDATE = (	"setSpeedTo: 1.0", performFlyToRangeFromDestination, "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
		ATTACKED = (	fightOrFleeHostiles,	"commsMessage: <klick> [teamster_attacked] <klick>"	);
		"ENERGY_LOW" = (	performFlee, "pauseAI: 10.0", performHyperSpaceExit	);
		FLEEING = (	broadcastDistressMessage	);
		FIGHTING = (	setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, "setAITo: interceptAI.plist"	);
		"DESIRED_RANGE_ACHIEVED" = (	"setSpeedFactorTo: 0.5", "pauseAI: 5.0"	);
/* These dictate follower behaviour */
/* When convoy reaches station, leader will dock. Then next in line will become leader and dock.*/
/* Now I need to make a list of trader like_ships with custom roles. */
-Look_for script-section works.
-contains rudimentary commschatter (toomuch?)
for testing purposes mainly.
(Suggestions welcome, see descriptions for more expanded comms)
-Todo: find a way to make spawning ships work.
-Todo: complete list to convoy7.
-Todo: addShips: all # at once to test follower section.


Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

		<string> Hey [teamster_callsign], Where yous at? </string>
		<string> Roger, we've got a convoy! </string>
		<string> [teamster_callsign] here. The reactor's runnin' hot and I am ready to go. </string>
		<string> Incoming! </string>
		<string> Bacon at six. </string>
		<string> There's a bear in the sky, ten-four. </string>
		<string> Look at me fuzzz! </string>
		<string> There's a bandit at my henhouse. </string>

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
			<string>-6 0.0 -64.0 3.8 3.8 10.0</string>
			<string>0.0 0 -64.0 4 12 25.0</string>
			<string>6 0.0 -64.0 3.8 3.8 10.0</string>
		<string>Python Class Cruiser Alternate2</string>
		<string>pirate hunter trader ppc_alt2</string>
			<string>ppc_ah_scoop 0 -20.77641 -16.190566 1 0 0 0</string>
			<string>ppc_ah_scoop_lip 0 -20.77641 -16.190566 1 0 0 0</string>
			<string>ppc_ah_gun -13.4 -4.5 16 0.414 0 0 1</string>
			<string>ppc_ah_gun 13.4 -4.5 16 1 0 0 0.414</string>
			<string>ppc_ah_gun -8.5 -8.5 20 0.414 0 0 1</string>
			<string>ppc_ah_gun 8.5 -8.5 20 1 0 0 0.414</string>
	<!-- view positions -->
		<string>0.0 22.5 -80.0</string>
		<string>0.0 9.50 86.30</string>
		<string>-25.0 18.75 0.0</string>
		<string>25.0 18.75 0.0</string>
	<!-- hatches etc. -->
		<string>0.0 -22.5 -80.0</string>
		<string>0.0 -3.5 108.0</string>
		<string>-20.5 5.0 31.0</string>
		<string>20.5 5.0 31.0</string>
		<string>0.0 -20.5 60.0</string>
		<string>0.0 -20.0 -64</string>
				<string>External View - Aft</string>
				<string>0.0 100.0 -173.21</string>
				<string>0.966 -0.259 0.0 0.0</string>
				<string>External View - Starboard</string>
				<string>100.0 0.0 -173.21</string>
				<string>0.966 0.0 0.259 0.0</string>
				<string>External View - Port</string>
				<string>-100.0 0.0 -173.21</string>
				<string>0.966 0.0 -0.259 0.0</string>
				<string>Scoop camera</string>
				<string>0.0 -38.3333 1.6666</string>
				<string>1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0</string>
				<string>External View - Front</string>
				<string>0.0 20.0 250.0</string>
				<string>0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0</string>
				<string>External View - Above</string>
				<string>0.0 300.0 0.0</string>
				<string>0.7071 -0.7071 0.0 0.0</string>
				<string>External View - Below</string>
				<string>0.0 -300.0 0.0</string>
				<string>0.7071 0.7071 0.0 0.0</string>
		<string>Component: Fuelscoop</string>
		<string>Component: Fuelscoop_Guard</string>
		<string>Component: Gunmounting</string>
		<string>-1.21 0.0 4.0</string>
	<string>PPC_A2: RatPack Mobster</string>
	<string>pirate ppc_alt2</string>
	<!-- convoy stuff -->
		<string>convoy trader(0.05) convoy5</string>
			<string>spawnShip: convoy4</string>
		<string>convoy trader(0.05) convoy4</string>
			<string>spawnShip: convoy3</string>
		<string>convoy trader(0.05) convoy3</string>
			<string>spawnShip: convoy2</string>
		<string>convoy trader(0.05) convoy2</string>
		<string>spawnShip: convoy1</string>
		<string>convoy trader(0.05) convoy1</string>
			<string>spawnShip: rubberduck</string>
		<string>rubberduck convoy trader(0.05)</string>
		<string>PPC_A2 [Rubberduck]</string>
			<string>ppc_ah_scoop 0 -20.77641 -16.190566 1 0 0 0</string>
			<string>ppc_ah_scoop_lip 0 -20.77641 -16.190566 1 0 0 0</string>
			<string>ah_turret1 -13.4 -4.5 16 0.414 0 0 1</string>
			<string>ah_turret1 13.4 -4.5 16 1 0 0 0.414</string>
-this version has SpawnShip as setup_action, does not work.
-Eventually convoy7 will be the highest I think.
-todo: check cargocarried is working,
-todo: rubberducky turrets working?
-todo: repair broken scoop modelUVmap.
-todo: mirror texture on righthand side turrets.
-todo: add entries for variant traderships.


Code: Select all

	"minimal_agrarian_convoy" = (
			conditions = (
				"status_string equal STATUS_EXITING_WITCHSPACE",
				"systemGovernment_number lessthan 3",
				"systemEconomy_number lessthan 4"
			do = (
					conditions = (systemPopulation_number lessthan 100000);
					do = (
							conditions = ("d100number lessthan 26");
							do = ("addSystemShips:  convoy2 1 0.05");
							else = ("addSystemShips: convoy3 1 0.05");
					else = (
							conditions = (systemPopulation_number morethan 5000000);
							do = (
									conditions = ("d100number lessthan 26");
									do = ("addSystemShips:  convoy4 1 0.05");
									else = (
											conditions = ("d100number morethan 74");
											do = ("addSystemShips: convoy8 1 0.05");
											else = ("addSystemShips: convoy6 1 0.05");
							else = (
									conditions = ("d100number lessthan 26");
									do = ("addSystemShips:  convoy2 1 0.05");
									else = (
											conditions = ("d100number morethan 74");
											do = ("addSystemShips: convoy6 1 0.05");
											else = ("addSystemShips: convoy4 1 0.05");
} */
/* minimal script to introduce variable number of convoy ships to the more dangerous agrarian systems. */
This script is not currently in use, using a basic addsystemships near eagis script for testing. Not even sure if it is valid...most likely not.

Riding the Rocket!
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