Can't dump galactic chart

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Can't dump galactic chart

Post by ebw »

I tried to dump the galatic chart in oolite-linux with 2 times F6 and shift 1, but nothing
happend also no new files in $home/oolite-saves, even as root there are no new files.

I changed key_map_dump to 68 (D) and tried again, nothing happens.
also as root.

No new files in $home/oolite-saves and install path /usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Applications/ and around there.

also, as I wrote in some other thread, a screenshot in station on F8 produces
an 45 degree sheared image with odd colours (black/white/some pink).
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Post by Rxke »

I think the dump is only working on OSX machines...
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Post by ebw »

Ok, what exactly is seen on the dump?
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Post by JensAyton »

Correct, the star chart dumping functionality currently only works under Mac OS X. This is because it was the last remaining component relying on the Application Kit portion of GNUstep, which complicated building, installing and porting.

The dump shows all possible hyperspace jump routes in the galaxy, and the number of each system for scripting purposes. A text file is also generated with the number, name, co-ordinates, tech level, dominant species, government type and description of each planet.

Equivalent jump charts are available elsewhere on the interlink, although I don’t know where offhand. The system number information may or may not be.

Hmm, maybe someone should upload the charts to the wiki. Maybe that someone should be me.
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Post by JensAyton »

The text dumps are already on the wiki. I’ve generated all the charts and am in the process of uploading them.
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Post by JensAyton »

Done. Unfortunately the charts look inconsistent because colour conversion in GraphicConverter is a crock. If anyone wants to try to redo it, I can send the original TIFFs.
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Post by Dr. Nil »

Good job. :D

I still hope to get the option to buy the Advanced Navigational Array someday.

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Post by ebw »

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Post by another_commander »

Dr. Nil wrote:
I still hope to get the option to buy the Advanced Navigational Array someday.
Maybe I can give some good news on that front. I have recently discovered Oolite and have had some good times with it. The Advanced Navigational Array discussions caught my interest a few days ago and thought I'd have a go at it, since I am not sure whether the original developer of this (cmdr drayton) stayed around long enough to submit his code changes to anyone, and since the code changes required to get it to work are quite minimal.

I have managed to recreate most of his work and have a functional system, whereby pressing '!' on the galactic chart will light up all available routes, releasing it will switch them off. It's not a piece of equipment yet, but I could try implementing it, after I try a few other things first, e.g. if it would be possible to select any system on the chart, press a key combination and have the route to your selected planet plotted for you. Most of the code for this should be already there, because when you get a passenger contract the program tells you how many jumps you need to make to arrive, so it does calculate a route. dajt had a similar idea in the past, if I remember correctly, not sure whether if it was implemented in an experimental tree or not.

Anyway, if anyone would like to get the code changes for commiting to the source tree (or just have a look), or a test executable to try out, PM me, I will be happy to share.

Since this is my first post on this board, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all that contribute to the best Elite version out there. Good job guys and keep it up!
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Post by Dr. Nil »

Hi and welcome.

What a nice first post offering to do some work on the code :D

Your ideas sound really good.

Perhaps you should PM dajt on this issue.

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Post by TGHC »

Welome aboard matey. Extraordinary work AC, TYVM.

Now me being a non techie gives you experts out there a chance to chuckle at my daft questions, anyway, does this have to be part of the source tree, or can it be reproduced via an OXP.

I really like the idea of pressing i to light up the connectivity, it's a bit like those "you are here" maps in shopping centres, with buttons and red neons.
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Post by another_commander »

Thanks for the welcome guys.

I am almost certain that it cannot be done with simple OXPing. The thing is, the original code to draw connectivity lines exists in a function called starChartDump, which is called only at one place in the code, when you press '!' or whatever key is defined as key_map_dump in keyconfig.plist and you are at the galactic chart screen. There is no other way to invoke it. On top of that, the entire function is excluded from compilation on the PC/Linux builds (which explains why it is a MAC only feature). Even if there were a script expression/command to call this function, it would not do anything on Windows or Linux.

To make it work, I had to put the "core" of this code out of its original function, which results in a new executable. Of course, if someone has a way of doing it without having to code anything, I would also be most interested to know about it.
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Post by Gareth3377 »

Sounds like an ace idea for an upgrade. Never have though about planning routes before, but this looks like a good extra.

Good work
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