Spaceship Found in a Car Boot Sale

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Re: Spaceship Found in a Car Boot Sale

Post by cbr »


As it was Poc I removed the carrier.

The model is a converted sketchup design with supports 'baked in'

Results will be better with 'fresh' pla and perhaps less shine ;)
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Re: Spaceship Found in a Car Boot Sale

Post by ffutures »

I'd love to see some photos of the finished models.
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Re: Spaceship Found in a Car Boot Sale

Post by ffutures »

Got a Mole but it's a huge model, pretty sure it isn't Matchbox since the carrier vehicle is all plastic (oddly the mole itself is largely metal) and it's much bigger than the Thunderbird 2 model! Quite a clever design in some ways - the caterpillar tracks are geared to a mechanism that spins the drill as it moves along the ground, the carrier cradle tilts to launch it, and it does actually slide out of the vehicle quite smoothly.




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Re: Spaceship Found in a Car Boot Sale

Post by ffutures »

Not exactly a spaceship but definitely SF - a 30x40cm print on canvas of a Banksy picture I found in a charity shop last week, now on my wall


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Re: Spaceship Found in a Car Boot Sale

Post by ffutures »

And yet another one...


It's a four-coloured ball-point pen about 30cm long and 3.5cm wide, and possibly the most cumbersome pen I've ever seen. Each of the fins pushes out one of the colours, which is why they are coloured differently, pushing the rocket exhaust nozzle makes all the pens retract. It's a bit wobbly standing on the fins. Got it for a pound and was very pleased!
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