escape pods insurance

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escape pods insurance

Post by rollen »

I have picked up an escape pod or two but they are classified as "slaves" on my HUD. When am I likely to get the insurance money - is it when I have docked at a station or when I have sold them?
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Uncle Reno
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Post by Uncle Reno »

They should show up individually on the ship's manifest screen (F5x2), listing their name and race (if I remember correctly) as well. If that's the case then you will get the insurance payout as soon as you dock.
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Post by LittleBear »

Some people are insured, some arn't.

An insured person will come up on your screen as "You have captured (or rescused) {guy's name}." He shows on your cargo list as slaves, but when you dock an arrival report shows "For resquing XXX, a YYY from ZZZ, their insurance pays CCC." He disappears from the Cargo list and you can't sell him as a slave.

If the fool didn't have insurance then you get the message "You have captured a slave." and you sell him as such at the station. This is why it is wise to carry insurance!
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