This is strange. There is still a lot of debug output in that logfile but nothing related to 'could not reload'. It looks more like you started the application and then stopped it.
I will check if problems during reload might not be logged. Could you check if you posted the correct logfile (they rotate wich each invocation).
Ah, I also see some logging feature activated that I usually do not use. Did you try to reconfigure logging?
I posted the one without a version number. I did not try to reconfigure logging.
The log I posted was one where I just opened Starter, checked that the list was still empty, and then closed. I tried the reload button but got that error message.
Here is my YouTube channel, where I play poorly: Arquebus X
This is strange. There is still a lot of debug output in that logfile but nothing related to 'could not reload'. It looks more like you started the application and then stopped it.
I will check if problems during reload might not be logged. Could you check if you posted the correct logfile (they rotate wich each invocation).
Ah, I also see some logging feature activated that I usually do not use. Did you try to reconfigure logging?
I posted the one without a version number. I did not try to reconfigure logging.
The log I posted was one where I just opened Starter, checked that the list was still empty, and then closed. I tried the reload button but got that error message.
I'd like to support your case but feel a bit lost with the information I have.
For me OoliteStarter recognizes the installed expansions reliably. I know a 'works for me' is not good enough for others.
Can you repeat the situation? If yes, please let me know how to recreate the situation on my side. Maybe zip up your $HOME/.oolite-starter.conf and the managed addons and addons directories.
While looking a bit closer into OXP Installation, I am wondering whether all OXP downloads would behave similarly.
I am now looking at Galactic Navy 5.4.3. It seems to be a ZIP file with one directory named <expansion>.oxp, which itself contains info.plist and requires.plist.
Is this structure given on all OXPs, or are there deviations? How would deviations look like?
I'll be honest my urgency on this particular issue is pretty low, since the only reason I installed Starter on the MacBook was so that I could work on expansion sets while I was out of the house, and the only reason I installed Oolite was because Starter can't do anything without it. If it's working for other people on Macs, we should just assume I did something weird.
I will note that when I pointed Starter at the Oolite installation it couldn't automatically locate *any* of the other directories.
Here is my YouTube channel, where I play poorly: Arquebus X
I'll be honest my urgency on this particular issue is pretty low, since the only reason I installed Starter on the MacBook was so that I could work on expansion sets while I was out of the house, and the only reason I installed Oolite was because Starter can't do anything without it. If it's working for other people on Macs, we should just assume I did something weird.
I will note that when I pointed Starter at the Oolite installation it couldn't automatically locate *any* of the other directories.
Thank you for the feedback. If it is a one-time glitch we may ignore it. If it comes back, just let me know.
So we have a quite good prerelease again: v0.1.28-uxbridge.10 needs a lot less disk activity to keep up to date. Plus it can correctly announce new versions of OoliteStarter, Oolite and expansions.
Last but not least it gives a peek to flavors we discussed in the other thread.
Anyway, I checked for instances of "" in my code and found one likely position that could generate such a condition in your setup.
It is changed now in prerelease v0.1.28-uxbridge.11.
Please try again, and even if it works let me have the logfile.
Could not get the flavour buttons to do anything - and there were no details about the flavours (unsure if you had intended there to be at this stage).
Could not get the flavour buttons to do anything - and there were no details about the flavours (unsure if you had intended there to be at this stage).
The flavour stuff currently just displays flavors - there is no functionality behind it yet. Well, apart from the fact that the flavor data is loaded dynamically from ... .0/flavors
So if in future you feel like we need more/different flavors, edit index.html. Each of the flavors will reference some oolite expansion set.
I will work on getting them activated, with the option of absolute (the expansion set and nothing else) and relative (the expansion set on top of what is currently installed) options.
Oh, my soul will be going to hell. I am unsure whether to apply british or american lingo. I guess my code is a complete mixture.
Ok, that one is mitigated. But I will need another attempt to really make it work in your setup.
BTW, you have some conflicts among the installed expansions. Check for items marked red.
Every time I check those conflicting expansions, they turn out not to be. The most amusing one is the Fer de lance OXP that is labeled as conflicting with itself.
Here is my YouTube channel, where I play poorly: Arquebus X
Yeah, I double and triple checked the conflicts. As always, Fer-de-Lance 3G conflicts with Fer-de-Lance 3G. HUD Selector with Large HUD conflicts with Telescope v2, but does it really? I haven't noticed an issue. Those are the only two. I like that they cross-reference, though! A nice improvement over earlier versions.
Here is my YouTube channel, where I play poorly: Arquebus X
What is the yellow bar in the new interface? The About says yellow is "ready to download and install" but I don't think that's what it means on the new interface.
Are the Flavors supposed to have images to the left, or is it expected that the images are "broken" at the moment?
Here is my YouTube channel, where I play poorly: Arquebus X