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TCAT - After Collecting Sneaks

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TCAT - After Collecting Sneaks

Post by awalkershaw »

Hope someone can shed some light. Have collected all the Sneaks and returned to the Naval Intelligence Base where you then get the Thargoid Armada part of the TCAT mission if I am on the right thread. However, having tried travelling to the witchspace beacon in the same system the Thargoid Armada never appears.
I have tried this from the same starting point half a dozen times which is where I fly into the system, travel to the intelligence base, fly to the witchpoint as advised in the information but never once has the Armada appeared even when flying to the planet, to the sun, back to the intelligence base.
Is TCAT broken?
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Re: TCAT - After Collecting Sneaks

Post by phkb »

After checking the code, it doesn't look broken.

Are you able to open your saved game file in a text editor? If so, can you look for this string: mission_TCAT_mission
And then let me know what you find.

Also, after the armada section begins, and you head to the wp, can you try heading back towards the sun from the wp?
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Re: TCAT - After Collecting Sneaks

Post by Cholmondely »

The Honourable Guild of Test Pilots is in as great a demand as ever. Alas, it has fallen on evil days. The once burgeoning halls lie empty, barren, devoid of (intelligent) life and echoing to the pitter-patter of water-drops leaking through the roof. The erstwhile bustling lecture halls where once exulting crowds acclaimed the freshly-returned heroes from their wrestling matches with the teeming hordes of squalling Thargoids now lie deserted and dust-ridden.

With the enforced retirement of the august Life President, Sir Cody (Bart.) of El Viejo O.O.O.O. (Officer of the Order of the Opulent Ooniverse) from active service, due to the unilateral declaration of war by his physical body, there is a desperate, yearning need for somebody to try out Phkb's update of the renowned Cataclysm mission.

Might you be temptable? Are you bamboozleable? Or bribeable... or possibly even blackmailable?
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Re: TCAT - After Collecting Sneaks

Post by awalkershaw »

Hi pkhb,

Here is what I find in the saved game file for all references to TCAT

<string>Return to the navy intelligence station in the Anenveza system.</string>



Thanks for the help,

By the way am good to try out the new Cataclysm once I can get passed this stage :D
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Re: TCAT - After Collecting Sneaks

Post by awalkershaw »

I have also now as you suggested from the WP to the sun - flew all the way and then onto some random planet that was past the sun and all the way back again but with no luck :(
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Re: TCAT - After Collecting Sneaks

Post by phkb »

OK, I was able to set myself up to the same point in the mission as your mission variables declare, and when I docked at the navy station I got the report about an invasion fleet. I set off, headed directly to the WP, and came across a pile of Thargoid ships, who promptly blew me up. I'm guessing these are the Thargoids you're looking for. So, I can confirm everything seems to be working from the script's point of view anyway.

That doesn't rule out a conflict of some sort. Can you post the list of mods you have installed? You can get the info from your latest.log file. The info I'm looking for looks like this:

Code: Select all

12:17:19.122 [searchPaths.dumpAll]: Resource paths: 
    ... etc ...
    ... etc ...
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Re: TCAT - After Collecting Sneaks

Post by awalkershaw »

Thanks phkb,

Since I last posted I have been able to find the Armada some 4000km from the WP towards the Sun and been able to destroy the very large Thargoid ship and all the other Thargoids.

I now have the Naval Bomb onboard - to infinity and beyond and off to Edition :D
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