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Feudal Systems

General discussion for players of Oolite.

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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Cholmondely wrote: Thu Sep 07, 2023 2:16 am
"Version History.rtf" that phkb did not sort out the AI with his v.2.1 rejig?

Should be easy enough to sort out the AI of the challengers.

For the new second mission I've incorporated some of your suggestions:
The ships now line up in formation behind the station awaiting the player.
The lead ship jumps out and heads towards to mission target system and if the player is quick enough he can follow through the wormholes to arrive at the target system without consuming much fuel.
The target system is set to within 30 ly of the mission starting system.
I've taken onboard Switeck's comments and the remainder of the formation ships make their own way to the target system.
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cholmondely »

DGill wrote: Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:48 am
Cholmondely wrote: Thu Sep 07, 2023 2:16 am
"Version History.rtf" that phkb did not sort out the AI with his v.2.1 rejig?

Should be easy enough to sort out the AI of the challengers.

For the new second mission I've incorporated some of your suggestions:
The ships now line up in formation behind the station awaiting the player.
The lead ship jumps out and heads towards to mission target system and if the player is quick enough he can follow through the wormholes to arrive at the target system without consuming much fuel.
The target system is set to within 30 ly of the mission starting system.
I've taken onboard Switeck's comments and the remainder of the formation ships make their own way to the target system.
Have you left up any links to your work for other players to download and try out?
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Cholmondely wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 10:17 pm

Have you left up any links to your work for other players to download and try out?
No, too early - you will need to play test it first and decide whether to progress or abandon it.
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cholmondely »

DGill wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 2:36 am
Cholmondely wrote: Wed Aug 23, 2023 11:57 pm

Here's another text for arrival at the main orbital station:
As you wander around the orbital station, you encounter some sort of priest (probably from the Church of Giles the Creator) who looks at you and says “Hello”! He invites you for a cup of tea.

Accept <> Refuse

If Accept

He ushers you to a tea shop and turns out to be <Random Name>, and is indeed from the Church of Giles the Creator. As you get to know each other he asks if you do indeed own your own ship. When you say yes, he mentions that the Royal Court downplanet is often looking for young pilots who can run errands for them to other systems. If you are interested you need to go down to the spaceport and visit the Royal Livery office who can arrange transport for you to the Court. You speak a little more, he blesses you and then wanders off.

Thinking a bit more about the arrival at the spaceport, one wants to give the player a chance to visit the commodities market, the ship's chandlery, indulge in the various F4 screen activities etc.

Might it make more sense to add "Visit the Royal Livery Offices" as an option on the F4 screen? And then generate descriptions accordingly? That also means that we can presumably vary the name of the offices according to the planet: Royal Messenger's Office/Royal Exchequer Offices/Bureau of the Privy Council/Offices of the Steward of the Sable Staffetc.
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Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

"Might it make more sense to add "Visit the Royal Livery Offices" as an option on the F4 screen? "

Don't know! I've added one F4 entry already which starts the Royal Court dialogue, not sure if its possible to assign a second F4 entry.

I'll give it a go and see what happens!

Currently the orbital station dialogue works well - fair but to do on the other locations though:

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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Cholmondely wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 8:38 pm

Here's another text for arrival at the main orbital station:
As you wander around the orbital station, you encounter some sort of priest (probably from the Church of Giles the Creator) who looks at you and says “Hello”! He invites you for a cup of tea.

Accept <> Refuse

If Accept

He ushers you to a tea shop and turns out to be <Random Name>, and is indeed from the Church of Giles the Creator. As you get to know each other he asks if you do indeed own your own ship. When you say yes, he mentions that the Royal Court downplanet is often looking for young pilots who can run errands for them to other systems. If you are interested you need to go down to the spaceport and visit the Royal Livery office who can arrange transport for you to the Court. You speak a little more, he blesses you and then wanders off.

Thinking a bit more about the arrival at the spaceport, one wants to give the player a chance to visit the commodities market, the ship's chandlery, indulge in the various F4 screen activities etc.

Might it make more sense to add "Visit the Royal Livery Offices" as an option on the F4 screen? And then generate descriptions accordingly? That also means that we can presumably vary the name of the offices according to the planet: Royal Messenger's Office/Royal Exchequer Offices/Bureau of the Privy Council/Offices of the Steward of the Sable Staffetc.

Regarding your comment : "3) Create some descriptions of travelling from the Space Port to the Royal Court. These will be individual for Digebiti, Aronar & Tibecea. And possibly for others with a decent Famous Planets description."

My version of Famous Planets does not have entries for Digebiti, Aronar & Tibecea - do you have a link to the descriptions you refer to?
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cholmondely »

DGill wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:14 pm
Regarding your comment : "3) Create some descriptions of travelling from the Space Port to the Royal Court. These will be individual for Digebiti, Aronar & Tibecea. And possibly for others with a decent Famous Planets description."

My version of Famous Planets does not have entries for Digebiti, Aronar & Tibecea - do you have a link to the descriptions you refer to?
Digebiti see guff lower down - if I'm to be honest, Cody is partly responsible for this one

Aronar - by Specialist290 (2010). Maps by PAGroove (2008)


When I wrote the above, I'd not had time to look through Famous Planets and ascertain which were feudal.

The Famous Feudals are

G1: Aronar (already in the Rough Guide), Tibedied
(and Montana05 has added some lore for Edzaon)

G2: Erlaened
(and Disembodied wrote a traveller's tale for Reenus)

There are other lesser "Famous" Feudals listed such as G1 Anarlaqu - but they are not part of the elite "Royal Houses" with our OXP add-ons.

References: ... f_Santaari ... f_Colesque
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Ok, thank you - I'll see what I can do with those descriptions.
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cholmondely »

Here's a little more:

1) Create more orbital station "descriptions" for sending the player down-planet to the Royal Court

3 possibles:

a) As you sit in the tea-rooms investigating something labelled “Fragrant Broken Orange Pekoe” you notice some sort of altercation at the next table. An older woman wearing impressive jewellery is berating a younger man:

“Useless! Utterly useless! You let them just shoot you up and you sat there and did nothing! I was going to recommend you to the Royal Court downplanet as an emissary, but you would be just useless. Useless! I’d be embarrassed to be linked to your name. If you do fly down to the spaceport, you had better stay well away from the Royal Livery Offices. Now - get out of here.”

He scrams, she then pays and goes. She seems to have some sort of servant waiting for her by the door.”

This one might muddy the waters a bit - no token or recommendation

Arrival downplanet
On arrival at the spaceport you find the Royal Livery Offices beside an opulent-looking cafe. Inside is a clerk, dressed in livery. He looks at you and asks if he can help.
Apologise and leave<>Inquire about the need for emissaries at the Royal Court
He explains that the Court does sometimes have a need for pilots who fly their own ship - if it is Hyperspace capable. When you explain that you do, he tells you that there will be a flitter leaving for the Court in another half an hour if you wish to wait, and that he will secure a seat on board for you.


b) As you meander around the shops in the orbital station you see a group of young ladies clustered around a cocktails kiosk. They are holding brightly-coloured drinks and are nattering animatedly. One of them spots you, waves her kerchief at you and calls out in a piercing voice: “Cuthbert! Cuthbert - come here!”

What do you do?

Flee! <> Cry back “I’m not Cuthbert! Never head of him!” (She calls back: “Sorry!” and turns around to talk with a chum.) <> Wander over to speak with her.

She looks at you closely and says: “You’re not Cuthbert! Who are you?”

What do you do?

Say: “No, I’m not”. And wander off.
Say: “No! I’m <player name>. And who are you?
She responds <name> and asks you what you are doing in <system name>. Travelling? Sight-seeing? Trading? Bounty-hunting?

You end up in a conversation during which she tells you that the local Court are always looking for messengers. You need to take your ship downplanet to the spaceport and visit the Royal Livery Offices where they will make the necessary arrangements. She seems quite friendly, but when her friends start to wander off she takes her leave and joins them.

Arrival downplanet
On finding the Royal Livery Offices, you find a long queue at the counter.
<Wait><Wander off to get a tea><Walk over to the bar and look at the cocktails>
When the queue dies down, you find yourself facing a young man in a peculiar uniform involving a bicorn hat, epaulettes and gold piping on a velvet tunic. He asks you your business and when you reply that you are interested in helping the Royal Court in messaging he gives you a ticket for a flitter leaving in ten minutes.


c) You find a shop in the orbital station southern mall selling Vacuum Karate training videos. As you gaze through the shop windows somebody bumps into your knees from behind. It is a small child. The father approaches and apologises for the wayward boy. As you talk, he mentions that he works for the Offices of the Steward of the Sable Shako, and you both get quite friendly while he keeps an eye on his boy. When you tell him that you own your own ship, he mentions that the Royal Court are always looking for messengers. Would you be interested? If so, fly down to the spaceport and visit the Royal Livery Offices.

There are 2 backdrops for this (YAH ads) in the wiki: File:Vacuum Karate.png & File:Karate.png
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Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Cholmondely wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:13 pm

There are 2 backdrops for this (YAH ads) in the wiki: File:Vacuum Karate.png & File:Karate.png
I could not find these two .png files - are you able to send them to me?
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cholmondely »

DGill wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 2:26 am
Cholmondely wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:13 pm
There are 2 backdrops for this (YAH ads) in the wiki: File:Vacuum Karate.png & File:Karate.png
I could not find these two .png files - are you able to send them to me?
You might wish to trim them. ... Karate.png




I went through some of the YAH oxps a couple of years ago looking for illustrations for the wiki - and uploaded those I thought might be relevant.
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Cholmondely wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 7:45 am
DGill wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 2:26 am
Cholmondely wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:13 pm
There are 2 backdrops for this (YAH ads) in the wiki: File:Vacuum Karate.png & File:Karate.png
I could not find these two .png files - are you able to send them to me?

I went through some of the YAH oxps a couple of years ago looking for illustrations for the wiki - and uploaded those I thought might be relevant.
Great, thanks
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cholmondely »

Cholmondely wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:36 pm
DGill wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:14 pm
Regarding your comment : "3) Create some descriptions of travelling from the Space Port to the Royal Court. These will be individual for Digebiti, Aronar & Tibecea. And possibly for others with a decent Famous Planets description."

My version of Famous Planets does not have entries for Digebiti, Aronar & Tibecea - do you have a link to the descriptions you refer to?
Digebiti see guff lower down - if I'm to be honest, Cody is partly responsible for this one

Aronar - by Specialist290 (2010). Maps by PAGroove (2008)


When I wrote the above, I'd not had time to look through Famous Planets and ascertain which were feudal.

The Famous Feudals are

G1: Aronar (already in the Rough Guide), Tibedied
(and Montana05 has added some lore for Edzaon)

G2: Erlaened
(and Disembodied wrote a traveller's tale for Reenus)

There are other lesser "Famous" Feudals listed such as G1 Anarlaqu - but they are not part of the elite "Royal Houses" with our OXP add-ons.

References: ... f_Santaari ... f_Colesque
Here are Tibedied, Digebiti & Tibecea. Aronar yet to come.

Code: Select all

Tibedied (has a Famous Planets description)
There seem to be vast numbers of saunas at the space port. Many in every direction. And you see hordes of people heading to and from them. Some sort of planetary peculiarity one supposes.

As you make your way from the space port in the flitter, you marvel at the dense jungles and the abundant life-forms which fill this planet.

On arrival at the palace, you are ushered from the flitter to the palace entrance where there are moving holostims of the local fauna. You are brought to the Office of the Lord Chancellor. 

Digebiti (has a Chollyesque description)
On arrival downplanet at the space port you see dozens of sedan chairs accompanied by liveried footmen making their way to and fro across the floors of the arrival halls. The walls are festooned with advertisements for massive dominoes, top hats and real tennis rackets. A jewellery shop in the corner has a massive display of armillary spheres and astrolabes seemingly made of gold and silver in the windows. Many of the men are wearing top hats, a few are sporting tricorns.

You find the Royal Livery Office beneath a massive statue of a man on a charger. The tabards on the charger seem to show the same man on the same charger. There are several empty sedan chairs parked beside the desk.

The gentleman behind the desk asks you your business and gives you a ticket for a flitter leaving for the capital, Lesser Walsingham, in another quarter of an hour. The flitter departure hall contains a tea-rooms where you can enjoy a pot of tea with teacakes if you so wish. The selection of teas is quite eye-watering.

There are not many passengers on the flitter. You fly over a mountain range, but fail to see anything which looks like a Mountain Seeoid. As you approach the outskirts of Lesser Walsingham you see several tall towers looming in the city centre. On inspection, there seems to be some sort of massive cathedral as well as a large university complex. The palace is set in handsomely manicured grounds with lakes and coppices sprinkled with statues. There seems to be an imposing balcony to the side of the main entrance with a collection of massive dominoes beneath. The flitter makes its way to a landing pad at the side where you disembark and are ushered into the building.

You are taken through to the Royal Chamberlain’s offices where you are met by a footman who offers you refreshments after your journey. Once you have refreshed yourself, you are ushered into the Chamberlain’s Personal Office.

Tibecea (has a Chollyesque description - this only works with the texture in the Povray Planets OXP)

On arrival at the Spaceport, you are met by a small flitter which takes you underground into the terminal, where you find a Royal Livery office as you enter the vestibule from the flitter. They greet you, arrange the parking of your ship and give you a train ticket for the palace shuttle. The ticket shows you the way to the train platform, where the shuttle is waiting.

The train is commodious and a range of refreshments are available on board. The train eventually departs and travels at great speed across the ice-fields and through the mountain ranges of Tibecea before making its way underground and eventually coming to a halt at a most magnificent platform, lit by crystal chandeliers and with ornately decorated walls.

You and a couple of other passengers are taken on a small buggy through tunnels into a large hallway. You are met by a footman who takes you through marble corridors to the offices of the Overseers of the Octant where you are taken to meet the Third Overseer.

I'm not too sure about how best to handle the Feudal Species.

G1: Edzaon (English Lobsters) & Geinona (Spanish Frogs)
G2: Ridivexe (French Lobsters), Bedierat (Spanish Rodents), Esceso (English Birds), Erlaened (Swedish Birds), Rabiarce (Italian Humanoids), Overace (Dutch Lobsters), Reenus (German Humanoids), Issoinen (Swedish Felines), Arries (Dutch Birds) & Oneded (German Lobsters).

Montana05 provided a little lore about Edzaon on the wiki - English human aristocrats with Lobstoid serfs. That's one approach. Another is to have Rabiarcean humanoids who have imbibed an Italianesque culture.

Are there any other ideas. And which would be easiest to incorporate?

Edited to add this link to Montana05's Edzaon lore
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Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

The Feudal Planet descriptions look good - shouldn't be too much of a problem to add them or any others you come up with.

Cholmondely wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 10:18 am

I'm not too sure about how best to handle the Feudal Species.
The feudal worlds in Galaxy'regions 1-6 are as Ramirez originally defined them, which as Montana05 elaborates have the indigenous sentient species the subjects of human nobility.
Presumably as the humans moved out across the regions they colonised and subjugated the local populations. Galaxy/Regions 7 and 8 are slightly different (not included in Ramirez coding) in that as the human colonisers reached and moved across the systems they they were more sympathetic and worked with the sentient species rather than subjecting them , hence in G7 and 8 there are indigenous Kings and Nobles who have adopted human feudal lore.

Redoing the G1-6 coding to provide for indigenous Kings and Nobles as in G7-8 would be time-consuming to say the least.
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Cholmondely wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 10:18 am

When I wrote the above, I'd not had time to look through Famous Planets and ascertain which were feudal.
Which background image to you prefer - colour or the normal BGS which gives more clarity to the text?


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