Although complete and working there are already changes planned (some almost certain, some much less so).
- If using this oxp...
- Galactic Hyperdrive is no longer a one charge item
- however, it must be charged in order to be used
- it requires fuel scooped directly from a star in order to be charged (likely not just any star in future versions)
- upon entry to a new galaxy there is a random amount of 'spacetime reorientation' adding potentially 'days' onto the ship's clock
Although working as described above, it doesn't yet store the state of the fuel (I need to work out mission variables) upon the player saving a game.
Also, I don't yet know enough about the standard oolite missions in order to ensure that it doesn't interfere with them too much.
- However, on that point...
- 'spacetime reorientation' can be as little as one second
- if not expendable then the hyperdrive could still be rendered damaged (where necessary)
Anyway, I like it and it's coming soon so watch out!