i'm trying to give a ship dual lasers, as i did w/ my Vampires. copied the stuff into the shipdata list, mapped the positions of the gun muzzles, and it's not working. i've got;
Code: Select all
"test_rgun" =
ai_type = "nullAI.plist";
model = "rgun.dat";
name = "test";
roles = "subent";
forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_BEAM_LASER";
weapon_position_forward = "11.0 -5.8 67.8";
laser_color = "redColor";
it's not working; both lasers are off to the right side but further out than 11, yet - if i paste those coordinates into a flasher, they appear exactly at the gun muzzles where i want them. you cas see here, including the two yellow flashers where the guns are supposed to be
what's throwing off the laser position, anyone got a clue??