Found Co-admin for account hosting oosat1/2 OXPs

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Post by maik »

Vaztr wrote:
I have a site that has unlimited bandwidth and up/downloads that I'm happy to use as a 'mirror' for any/all the stuff.
:shock: There is such thing as unlimited when it comes to bandwidth? Wow!

Thanks for the offer, generally speaking I say mirrors are always welcome!

There are some huge OXPs that probably would benefit from mirrors, Famous Planets and Griff's Normalmapped Ships (the all-in-one version) come to mind. Maybe you can work out something with the authors (pagroove and Griff respectively) so they can do updates themselves.

If you want to generally mirror OXPs (also a good idea), I would suggest to go ahead and download them then put them up on your web server and PM me with the URLs. I would add these to the respective Wiki pages as links to mirrors.
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Post by Vaztr »

Ok - so I may have got a little carried away with the bandwidth thingy. What I meant was the site doesn't get 'throttled' because of excessive use

So, the next questions are...

Is there a definitive list of OXPs for me to download from? If I download and host the files how will I be notified of new OXPs or would you expect that I crawl the site looking for new OXPs as they arrive/once a week?

and most importantly...

Would it be a problem if the mirror link contained a 'popup' or 'redirect' advert for my RL site :wink: ?


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Post by maik »

Vaztr wrote:
Is there a definitive list of OXPs for me to download from? If I download and host the files how will I be notified of new OXPs or would you expect that I crawl the site looking for new OXPs as they arrive/once a week?
Depends. If authors can and want to upload themselves then you don't have to. Otherwise it should be enough to take a look at the OXP list and sort it by date to find out what's new, no need to crawl the complete Wiki.
Vaztr wrote:
Would it be a problem if the mirror link contained a 'popup' or 'redirect' advert for my RL site :wink: ?
I can only speak for myself here and I'm not a big fan of ads in general and popups specifically. I do realize that bandwidth doesn't come for free though, so I suggest to not make your server the primary download location and add a warning about popups/redirects next to the link if you must have them.
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Post by Vaztr »

I think the 'list by date' is the way to go. I'll try to do it weekly at worst that way the links will be with you in a reasonable timeframe. I'd prefer to not have the developers upload directly only because it's easier if it's all done at a single point in time.

Thinking more about the 'shameless plug' advert - maybe a 'download delay' page where I can plug for 3 or so seconds before the download begins - I think that would be more friendly for all?


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Post by Vaztr »

PM sent :wink:
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Post by Vaztr »


I'm having trouble killing the extra TAB :( I've been testing with IE6 and that opens a new IE session completely :x

I'll have a bit more of a play and then I'll start uploading the bulk of the files.

PS. Can anyone tell me the location of the most up-to-date list of OXPs??


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Post by Vaztr »


If you browse to you'll get my 'landing page' for all the OXPs that are mirrored

Do a 'view source' and you'll have all the links - I'll continue adding OXP's over the next few days and then I'll PM you so you can check if I've missed any


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Post by maik »

Thanks, VAZ.

I just realize though: I can't add them to the Wiki pages like this, there is no support for javascript like your onclick="..." property :?

The most up-to-date list of OXPs is on the Wiki: If you sort by the date column you find the latest ones.
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Post by CheeseRedux »

I took a peek at the mirror site. A thought struck me: Since it's essentially just one page with a bunch of download links, I think the least work-intensive way of doing this is to have a general notice with a link to the page, instead of linking to the individual downloads. That would of course only work if the page had the downloads sorted in some sensible way; alphabetized comes to mind.
As this is supposed to be a mirror site, it is safe to assume that people (mainly) go there after failing to use the primary download. Remembering the name of the OXP for those few moments shouldn't be too taxing. :wink:
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Post by Cholmondely »

maik wrote: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:57 pm
...I copied all the OXPs that were hosted on oosat2 to a account. Since then, I also copied all OXPs from oosat1 to the same account.
Rxke wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:35 am
So, if no-one steps up the plate, I volunteer.
What happened to this? Where is it?

I've only ever seen the first page of Oosat2 (archived) and have little idea what was on it...
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Re: Found Co-admin for account hosting oosat1/2 OXPs

Post by maik »

So, rxke has access to the folder on my, and I have no idea if I ever published the link, but here it is:
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Re: Found Co-admin for account hosting oosat1/2 OXPs

Post by Griff »

I found on an old CD some oolite downloads from 2006, think it must have been around the time i first found out about Oolite judging that the forum posts i saved all seem to be about ship modding, i've uploaded the folder here if it's any use ... sp=sharing

it's mostly oosat2 oxps and their web pages in mht format. When testing to see how to open these mht's i found i could read them by dragging the mht file into a chrome browser window, i couldn't view them directly from google drive with the 'preview file' option though even in the chrome browser :? had to download them to my computer first
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Re: Found Co-admin for account hosting oosat1/2 OXPs

Post by Cholmondely »

Griff wrote: Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:12 am
I found on an old CD some oolite downloads from 2006, think it must have been around the time i first found out about Oolite judging that the forum posts i saved all seem to be about ship modding, i've uploaded the folder here if it's any use ... sp=sharing

it's mostly oosat2 oxps and their web pages in mht format. When testing to see how to open these mht's i found i could read them by dragging the mht file into a chrome browser window, i couldn't view them directly from google drive with the 'preview file' option though even in the chrome browser :? had to download them to my computer first
Griff - thank you for this. I'm trying to collect the old original oxps for those playing the older versions (as a couple have claimed).
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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