Have you tried with a non-template ship too? I just checked it myself - entry with "wavefront" is displayed, with template - no.
If this still does not work, maybe something useful is in the logs?
Genius! You fixed it! Thank you...
Minor query: how would I have known that wavefront was the ship data key?
I vaguely remember reading somewhere about some function/method/Jedi-mind-trick that boldly declares that "YOU HAVE A DEV VER OF THIS ADD-ON INSTALLED" (or something to that effect) in the log file (I think it was the log file). If you know what I'm talking about, I'd appreciate if you could point me to it.
I vaguely remember reading somewhere about some function/method/Jedi-mind-trick that boldly declares that "YOU HAVE A DEV VER OF THIS ADD-ON INSTALLED" (or something to that effect) in the log file (I think it was the log file). If you know what I'm talking about, I'd appreciate if you could point me to it.
Hello. This is likely a simple question for somebody here...
I want to test if the player's scanner is empty or not. i.e. test whether anything else is within that range but WITHOUT using masslock as a check for the same.
player.ship.scannerRange with some sort of distance to nearest object test???
Hello. This is likely a simple question for somebody here...
I want to test if the player's scanner is empty or not. i.e. test whether anything else is within that range but WITHOUT using masslock as a check for the same.
player.ship.scannerRange with some sort of distance to nearest object test???
Also, by player.ship.scannerRange, did you mean player.ship.checkScanner? If you need ships closer than the scanner range, the array of ships can be filtered using JS (filter method, or via loop and push ships that too far).
ooh useful! - I believe I'll add that facility to ET. Seeing .length there, one assumes it's an array? So listing out shipsNear in a loop will presumably display all vessels and stations(?) within scanner range?
ooh useful! - I believe I'll add that facility to ET. Seeing .length there, one assumes it's an array? So listing out shipsNear in a loop will presumably display all vessels and stations(?) within scanner range?