Ex-external view

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Kriken Overlord
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Ex-external view

Post by Kriken Overlord »

External view only works sometimes, and even then, only on built-in ships. Is there a way to get OXP ships working?
The 'v' key sometimes does nothing, and sometimes it works.
Please assisst!!!
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Post by LittleBear »

All the native ships have external views, but this was somthing Giles only introduced in 1.65, so many Oxp Player Ships don't have them (as they were written before this feature existed). Eg: If you are flying Ramon's Dark Wheel Cobra, you get external views as he wrote this player ship after Giles brought the code in. If you are flying Sleezen's Imperial Courier then you won't as the code didn't exist when Sleezen wrote his OXP.

I am very lazy with my Player ships, so cobbled together (by shamlessly copying n pasting bits from Giles's native shipdata) a code that would give 8 reasonable external views of any ship regardless of size and use the same views for all my (currently 3!) player ships.

Copy and past this code into the shipdata.plist of an OXP player ship that does not currently have them (eg The SuperCobra) and you'll have external views. NB this must go in the player-ship entry.

Code: Select all

	<string>External View 1</string>
	<string>0.0 20.0 -100.0</string>
	<string>1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0</string>
	<string>External View 2</string>
	<string>70.71 20.0 -70.71</string>
	<string>0.9239 0.0 0.3827 0.0</string>
	<string>External View 3</string>
	<string>100.0 20.0 0.0</string>
	<string>0.7071 0.0 0.7071 0.0</string>
	<string>External View 3</string>
	<string>70.71 20.0 70.71</string>
	<string>0.3827 0.0 0.9239 0.0</string>
	<string>External View 4</string>
	<string>0.0 20.0 100.0</string>
	<string>0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0</string>
	<string>External View 5</string>
	<string>-70.71 20.0 70.71</string>
	<string>0.3827 0.0 -0.9239 0.0</string>
	<string>External View 6</string>
	<string>-100.0 20.0 0.0</string>
	<string>0.7071 0.0 -0.7071 0.0</string>
	<string>External View 7</string>
	<string>-70.71 20.0 -70.71</string>
	<string>0.9239 0.0 -0.3827 0.0</string>
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Post by Kriken Overlord »

You are my god.
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Kriken Overlord wrote:
You are my god.
Now I must worship you. You are now awesome.
Book of Giles the Creator, Codicil 18, 83:42 wrote:
None should be exalted above The Holy Creator, Giles the Coder. Yea, though others shall come in His stead and create great marvels, they are infused with His almighty Code. 'Twere not for the Creator, these others would not have taken form. Give praise and honour to the after-coming coders, but be mindful of the Greatest Coder, Giles the Creator.
Just so you're mindful... :wink:

Captain Hesperus
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Post by LittleBear »

Oi you've been reading my unrealesed missiontext from BlackMonks!

"Let him that is without Credits cast the first loan."
"And The Lord Giles said: "Let there be debt." And there was debt."
"Loan Defaulters are spawn of the Anti-Giles."

and so on through many random seeded features upon a theam!

Verily and in such fashion doth The Holy Order of St Herod's address thee, before skewering thy aft with blessed plasma for want of a Credit, should thou fail to repay at the due date!
Last edited by LittleBear on Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

@LittleBear - Amen Brother! :D

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Post by Dr. Nil »

Kriken Overlord wrote:
You are my god.
Now I must worship you. You are now awesome.

So all it takes to achieve godhood in your eyes is to be enough on-line to be the first to tell you which part of Giles' work to copy-paste?

I don't think that you shouldn't be thankful to LB for telling you here to look (not wanting to use the forums search engine yourself for some reason, I suppose - https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?t= ... rnal+views), but please do give credit where it's due.

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Post by TGHC »

Dr. Nil wrote:
So all it takes to achieve godhood in your eyes is to be enough on-line to be the first to tell you which part of Giles' work to copy-paste?
Yes to us non techies!
But apart from that there is Assassins, Asteroids, Black Monk, Oosat2 being repopulated with OXPs, and being one of the most helpful and major contributors on this board.

Put yer dooks up bud!
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Post by Dr. Nil »

Well don't look up then. There's an aeroplane, it might cause you all to go into fits. (and please don't worship me for pointing at the plane :roll:)

Again I didn't write that people shouldn't be thankful for help or add-ons. But while LB has done a great job, it isn't all his credit you know. Do read threads like Random Assassination Contracts. I respect the work he did on this and other stuff very much, but honestly much credit should go to Giles and a lot of others. Asteroids were an idea others were talking about, LB was just the first to do it (using Charlie's Asteroids.oxp). Black Monks was DH's idea. You can worship whatever funny shaped rock you find, but when you call someone a god for supplying someone with work done by Giles, you're not giving credit where it's due. Whatever - it's your own choice.

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Post by TGHC »

Geek mythology has lots of gods, you're in there too ya knows!
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OK so I'm a PC user - "you know whats scary? Out of billions of sperm I was the fastest"
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

Black Monks was DH's idea.
- Only sort of - although I do bask in the reflected glory of others - I think Roberto started the Loan's idea - I thought of it again independantly - twas refined on the BB and LB picked it up and ran with it - and its much bigger than I imagined it was going to be.

Like I've said in other threads - Praise be Oolite and all who play in her!

This is a fantastic game written by a very clever chap, supported by lots of other very clever chaps who in turn and supported (and in some cases worshipped?!) by squillions of other chaps (and I presume chappettes?) - "We" have taken Oolite way beyond what I imagine even Giles dreamed (but possibly hoped) it would become.

We all deserve a pat on the back - not only for supporting this game - but by being possibly the best BB I have ever been a part of - others guesting on this forum can only be impressed by the level of ideas and support thrown about.

While I can't model for toffee and at the moment don't have time to finish Snoopes I am deeply satisfied that I have contributed to YAW1 (and YAW2), ZZ Oo-Haul and now Black Monks in varying degrees of input.

While no worshipping is involved there are lots of individuals I admire on this Forum and we all deserve a pat on the back.

<dismounts from soap box and wanders off>
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by Dr. Nil »

I make oxps because I'd like my favorite game to be the best game possible. I'd rather see the the filling of the Ooniverse to be an effort people take on together than anything to do with personal credit. A competition with other game communities instead of a competition for personal glory among ooliteers. I'm really mostly into getting ideas and figuring out how somewhat nerdy things might be accomplished. I'd prefer others to pick up my ideas and do them, not being a modeler, graphics artist, coder or anything myself. But since I have always been taught that if you want to see something realized you have to take the first step yourself, I just do them the best I can. I'd love for someone to pick up and expand on or completely redo all and any of the oxp's I've initiated, since I really see my oxps as placeholders for ideas to be expanded upon.

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Post by LittleBear »

Bloody Hell, all I did was paste some code to copy!

I should point out Assassins was a joint effort, mainly with Ramon, Griff, & Heretic but a lot of others helped with code and ideas. Asteroid Storm was a joint effort with Charlie and Black Monks is a joint effort with Griff.

Perseonally, I think this is the best thing about Oolite. People can do what they're good at, co-operating together to make something that none of them could have done alone. Nothing in Oolite is really one persons work as each OXP borrows from or learns from somthing someone else did.

Its not about Credit, but that has to go to Giles for writing the engine and having the sheer genius to make it OXPable. Although other games can and have been modded, this is the only game I know of that can be done by non-programers. When any of us write a mod it is really Giles's code that is doing 99% of the work. Easy to write "setStateto : ATTACK SHIP" in an AI, but its Giles's code that is actually making the ship attack! :wink:
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Post by Dr. Nil »

LittleBear wrote:
Perseonally, I think this is the best thing about Oolite. People can do what they're good at, co-operating together to make something that none of them could have done alone. Nothing in Oolite is really one persons work as each OXP borrows from or learns from somthing someone else did.

Its not about Credit, but that has to go to Giles for writing the engine and having the sheer genius to make it OXPable. Although other games can and have been modded, this is the only game I know of that can be done by non-programers. When any of us write a mod it is really Giles's code that is doing 99% of the work. Easy to write "setStateto : ATTACK SHIP" in an AI, but its Giles's code that is actually making the ship attack! :wink:
Right on Commander!

@TGHC: If you want to parallel oxp'ers to anything in Greek mythology then you could at best (imo) see us as someone attempting to steal fire from the gods of the code and distribute it among our fellow players. And I would surely consent to LB being a front light among such Prometheae :)

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Post by Selezen »

LittleBear wrote:
If you are flying Sleezen's Imperial Courier then you won't as the code didn't exist when Sleezen wrote his OXP.
Sleezen? That sounds like a cleaning product!!

The second version of the IC does have external views.
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