Racing OXPs

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Racing OXPs

Post by ovvldc »

I was wondering how the different racing OXPs relate.

There's Hatchling Boyracers, Lane Legal, Hotrods and Racers, some or all of which may need the Racing Rings oxp to work.

Hotrods is apparently an update for Custompaints & Racers_v2_0b.oxp & custpaint1.oxp, but I have no idea how it relates to Lane Legal or Hatchling, if at all...

Anyone have a clear overview? Please let me know.

Thanks in advance,
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Post by Kaks »

Both Lane Legal and Hotrods don't need Racing Rings.

In Hotrods the racers turn to piracy, possibly due to the lack of Racing Rings... :mrgreen:

Arexack Heretic - the author behind both of Hotrods precursors - had plans to build Racing Rings in quite a few systems, but nothing has been done on that score yet. This reminds me to ask if anyone has an example of a working racer ai, I wouldn't mind stea borrowing it for a future version of Hotrods...

As for the other 2, I haven't got much experience with either, so I better let better informed people give you the right answer! :)
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »


Yeah, racers/hotrods/custpaints are basically just some shiny new new skins for existing ships and some modded ones, they have no relation to boyracers who are in a different league altogether.

A good comparison would be hotrods to scooters...
at least in nations where the legal agelimit is at the end of puperty as opposed to the start of it as in the US, in those nations adolescent teens tend to be a nuisance on very loud obnoxious scooters.
Adults who remain fixated with mechanical and loud objects later turn to customising their cars. Usually these restrict themselves to legal racing cirquits, but offcourse since 'the Fast and the Furious' streetracing is on the increase worldwide. :P


Kaks and Charlie have my full aproval in how they made use of my oxp's, in fact, I'd encourage anyone to incorporate them into oxps of their own or add to the fleet of racers currently available.

Past and future Plans:

This used to be a joint project with Murgh and this cooperative relationship was a powerful catalyst, sparking ideas and grand plans.
Murgh always being a bit more responsible in turning out bug-free, finished oxps than shamefull old me.
I don't know if he will ever return, even the (shortlived) upsurge of racing-team design did not reawaken his oo-spirit.

We always intended to have several types of races and tournaments.
What held us back were problems with the racing-ai... I think.

Racing tracks themselves were always intended to be created as derivate sub-oxps, by whomever was interested enough to go for it.
I planned to turn out a finished example track, but got usual.
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Re: Racing OXPs

Post by Cholmondely »

Musing about this:
Zageuser (Galaxy 2)


Zageuser is famous for its exciting canyon races and has countless canyons across its fractured surface. The deepest are almost nine kilometres deep. The canyon races are dangerous but very popular. The candidates fly at high speed though an obstacle course, though only small fighters and fast planetary jets are allowed to take part. Potential entrants are advised to watch a race before entering and to note well the typical 45% fatality rate before making a final decision. The event takes place alongside the Zagueser Space Cuisine festival. The jetstream clouds of Zageuser are a splendid sight from orbit. (Famous Planets OXP)
*Is this replicable within Oolite? To create canyons on the planet surface which are solid and where one could race like this?

*Would it all need to be done by hand, or are there mods for, say, Wings (or some such) which could do the grunt work?

*Would it be compatible with the planets we have at the moment or would it be a pain in the unmentionables to combine it?
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Re: Racing OXPs

Post by another_commander »

Cholmondely wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 9:35 am
*Is this replicable within Oolite? To create canyons on the planet surface which are solid and where one could race like this?

*Would it all need to be done by hand, or are there mods for, say, Wings (or some such) which could do the grunt work?

*Would it be compatible with the planets we have at the moment or would it be a pain in the unmentionables to combine it?
It is possible to depict canyons on planet surfaces in a realistic manner. See the Valles Marineris canyon in the Tionisla is Mars OXP for an example. You can view it from a quite low altitude too and it looks quite good. You cannot dive into it though, let alone race in it - you explode well before getting close enough for that.

Surface approach has not been a design goal of Oolite and would require a rewrite of the larger part of the game to implement. Good luck and godspeed to whomever would feel inclined to try it.
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Re: Racing OXPs

Post by Cholmondely »

another_commander wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:09 am
Cholmondely wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 9:35 am
*Is this replicable within Oolite? To create canyons on the planet surface which are solid and where one could race like this?

*Would it all need to be done by hand, or are there mods for, say, Wings (or some such) which could do the grunt work?

*Would it be compatible with the planets we have at the moment or would it be a pain in the unmentionables to combine it?
It is possible to depict canyons on planet surfaces in a realistic manner. See the Valles Marineris canyon in the Tionisla is Mars OXP for an example. You can view it from a quite low altitude too and it looks quite good. You cannot dive into it though, let alone race in it - you explode well before getting close enough for that.

Surface approach has not been a design goal of Oolite and would require a rewrite of the larger part of the game to implement. Good luck and godspeed to whomever would feel inclined to try it.
What about this discussion from 2009?

I've already bored at length about asteroids... but what about volcanoes (in first link)? or lightning (in second link)? Are either of those doable inside Oolite? Or a really flaring solar flare?

Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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